chapter seven

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Months went by every day was the same: I would lay in my bed not being able to move and watch as the people I loved got to talk to each other and share laughs and hugs. I didn't get any of that I was just the audience to everything. People would visit me though it wasn't the same, you could tell that they didn't know what to say because they didn't want to make me jealous about the activities I was missing out on but I witnessed and heard it all.

I heard about all the times they had parties at each others houses. The times they spend Christmas and Thanksgiving together. Yep, I have been here in the same bed over the two best holidays ever. I heard everything and I didn't show it but it broke me. I saw everyone have fun whilst I was alone with no one. Mark would visit me every day and so would my friends but it just wasn't the same, I was losing my connection to them because I was pushing myself away. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it if I don't back away my heart breaks and jealously boils inside me.

I have been in the hospital for 6 months my legs have healed and I want to go home so badly but before any of that happens I need to pass my motor test just to make sure I still have the function to walk after everything. And, today was that day. Something positive in my life was happening. I was finally being able to have the chance to leave the hospital and I was beyond thrilled.

"Alright Lexie, Let's see how you go" Callie spoke as he hoisted me from my wheelchair to a bar where I would hold to walk.

Standing was so strange but it was a good strange. Something I've needed for a long time. Callie didn't let go of me. She kept her grip on my waist allowing me to lean on her if I needed too.

"Hows this Lexie?" she asked

"Very strange. But it's a good strange" I smiled

"Fantastic, Now I'm going to slowly let you go just so I can assess your ability to stand on your own"

I nodded and Callie slowly let one hand go than the other as I kept a tight grip on the bar.

"This is amazing Lexie!"

I smiled "can I try taking a few steps?"

"only if you feel like you can. don't push yourself. I will be right here to catch you if you feel like you can't do it anymore"

I nodded and began lifting my left leg then placing it down followed by my right leg. I was taking small slow steps.

"I've never seen anyone so determined and have the energy to recover this fast" Callie said shocked

"It's amazing" I stopped and Callie came over

"can you bend your knee?" she asked and stared at my right knee

I slowly bent it then my left.

"You're recovering fast Grey. You should be really proud, I will sign you off to go home and your next appointment will be in a weeks time. Until then take it easy and please ask for help and use your wheelchair if you need it."

I nodded with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't believe it I was finally going home after being stuck here for the last 6 months. Callie helped me to my wheelchair and pushed me back into my room where Mark was.

"How'd it go" he asked walking over from the couch

"I can go home" I screamed and Mark's smile grew

Mark quickly began packing up my room as I still sat in the wheelchair.

"Mark" I asked as he entered out of the bathroom with my toiletries

"Yeah Lex"

"Am I going back to Merediths house?" I asked not knowing if I was still living at Merediths house anymore

"Well actually, I was hoping you would come and live with me"

"Really? Of course I will!!"

I wanted to jump out of my chair and run to Mark's arms but I couldn't. Instead he came over to me and knelt down giving my a huge hug. I missed this so much and I was glad I could actually hug him now. A tear left my eye and fell onto Marks neck causing him to pull out of the hug.

"What's up Lex?" He asked brushing my cheek

"Nothing. I'm just so happy" I chucked

He kissed my forehead and placed the rest of my bags on my lap and wheeled me out of my room. It was so weird to finally be leaving this place but it was a good weird. I never wanted to be a patient again. Mark stopped at the reception desk to sign a few forms and I was approached by April and Arizona.

"You're finally out!" Arizona cheered

"Yeah I am" I smiled and they both hugged me

"Since you won't be at work for a while call us whenever you want us to come over and we will. We'll have girls nights again" April spoke

"Thank you so much girls. I definitely will take advantage of that offer once Mark gets annoying" We all laughed

After Mark finished signing the papers he wheeled me to his car in the car park and started packing the car.

"I'm going to get annoying am I?" Mark asked obviously about my conversation earlier with April and Arizona

"Yeah you will you'll drive me crazy and I'll drive you crazy. And you'll want to get rid of me"

"I will never want to get rid of you Lex" he spoke so sweetly lifting me into the passenger seat

"You're so cute but I doubt that" I spoke as he strapped me in

"I don't" he answered placing a kiss on my lips and closing the door

Mark jumped into the driver seat and began driving to his apartment. I stared out at the scenery of Seattle the scenery that I had not see for months. The air was fresh and pure. I closed my eyes taking in the gratefulness I was feeling to be alive. I survived a plane crash and not many people are able to say that they did. I am forever grateful that we all came out alive and well. I felt Marks hand rubbing up and down on my thigh. I looked at his hand then at him. And I thought of how lucky I was to have a man like him. A man that stuck with me throughout the entire six months of surgeries and breakdowns. This man was my world my everything. I don't want to lose him because I can really see him standing at the alter when I walk down it.

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