chapter twenty four

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It took me a while to figure out where I ended up last night but then I remembered that I fell asleep on the couch with Mark.

I tried to get off the couch to get ready for the day but Mark didn't let me.

"I need to get ready for work" I spoke as I tried to get out of Marks strong arms

"No you don't" he mumbled half asleep into my neck. "You can call in sick. Spend the day with me"

I thought about that option for a second. I would be nice but I can't.

"Mark you know I can't. Derek will get mad." I replied still trying to push his arms away but nothing was working

"If Derek gets mad at you I'll deal with it" his grip tightened

"Mark please" I spoke

At this point I tried sliding under his arms but I couldn't. He quickly wrapped his legs around me to stop me.

I huffed "Mark I will get fired"

"The chief will have to go through me"

I rolled my eyes and that's when an idea came to mind. I turned myself over so I was facing him.

"Fine I'll stay" I spoke and placed a kiss on his lips.

He kissed me back his grip loosening now was my chance. I slowly slid out from his grip and before he noticed I was free.

"Hey! That's not fair Lex" he spoke annoyed

"Sorry but I have to go" I said slipping on my shoes

Mark got up from the couch and approached me

"No way! No more hugs, kisses, nothing because they you'll win with your strong arms" I said taking a few steps back

"Oh come on I can't do much" he joked

"Yes you can. I am a tiny human and I will never win against you" I chuckled a laugh

He laughed

"Come on Lex just a hug or kiss. I won't be able to see you till tonight or tomorrow" he spoke with a sad face

I rolled my eyes and went up and placed a kiss on his lips. He began wrapping his arms around me again.

"Please I need to go" I said kissing him again.

"5 more minutes" he kissed me back

"I really need to go" I kissed him again

"10 more minutes" he kissed me back

"Mark" I kissed him

"Fine I'll let you go" he kissed me again

"I'll be back after work" I kissed him one last time. This one lasted longer than usual.

"I'll be waiting"


I did the usual when I arrived to the hospital, went into the locker room and changed into my scrubs. I then met Derek at the nurses desk.

"What's on for today?" I asked as he was reading charts

"Couple surgeries and post op check ups. Shouldn't be too busy" he replied closing the charts

"Alright I'll start with rounds first then?" I asked looking around for charts

"Uh Lexie you aren't on my service today"

"Um what?" I asked confused "of course I'm on your service I'm doing a neuro fellowship."

"Yes, and you are very promising however, since Mark isn't in till this afternoon Maddison has asked for you to cover for him. Do his rounds etc"

I was shocked. But I was more furious. She already messing with my relationship and now she was messing with my career.

"Can't you say something Derek?"

"I already tried but the chief agrees with Maddison. She apparently needs the help because she's new"

I rolled my eyes, grabbed the charts and stormed off to my first patient. This sucked I thought on my way to the room. She is taking over my life but why? I haven't done anything to her. I've barley spoken to the woman.

I reached the room and went though the first patients chart followed by the second and then the third. When I was done with the third Maddison walked into the room.

"Morning Dr Grey" she spoke sweetly

"Morning" I replied annoyed and closed the charts

She began examining the patients face who had their burns treated in surgery. She was talking her time. Slowly pulling off the dressing and changing it. I stood and watched as annoyance crossed over my face.

"Something wrong Dr Grey" she spoke as she got up finally done changing the dressing.

I didn't reply instead I just walked out and she called after me.

"Dr Grey!" She yelled down the hallway.

I kept walking

"Dr Grey!" She screamed again

This time I turned around "what!" I yelled back as she approached me

"Dr Grey this is not how we act in the workplace especially in front of a patient."

I rolled my eyes "don't lecture me"

"Enough with the attitude Alexandra Grey"

I looked at her in disgust "I told you, you don't get to call me my name"

"You don't get a say in that" she replied with a smirk on her face. She knew she was getting to me

"You are on my service today. You do what I say or I'll have you sacked"

I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Have me sacked. Who does she think she is? I was beyond angry

"Okay look lady. It is one thing to mess with my relationship. But to mess with my career is another. So just stop" I spoke kindly

"Honey, I'm just beginning" she replied in an evil tone

I stood shocked. I didn't know what to say.

"I want Mark and I want your career and I want your friends" she continued still in an evil tone

I took a step back and shook my head not knowing what to say.

"Now go take these charts to the nurses desk" she spoke and this time her tone changed from evil to bubbly. Like Arizona.

She handed me the charts. Smiled and walked off.

I stood in the hallway not able to move. Completely taken a back by what she had said. She can't have my life it's mine. But why does she want everything of mine.
I walked to the nurses desk slowly still stunned and confused. I placed the charts on the desk and unknowingly dazed off.

"You alright Lexie?" April asked putting her charts on the desk.

I couldn't feel my limbs. I turned pale white.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" she commented

I still didn't rely and she began to get worried

"Lexie" she spoke again and turned me to face her.

We made eye contact and I just stared. Unable to speak or breathe. My vision became fuzzy, I saw black spots everywhere. My cheeks and head became hot and sweaty.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Woah are you alright Lexie?" Callie asked as she walked to the desk

"I-I-I" I spoke and still nothing came out.

That's when my body gave up and I collapsed onto the floor. Everything was black just like how I almost died before.

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