chapter fifteen

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It was a new day. Yesterday I was on Marks service and I loved being with him. Although, I did wish I was on Dereks service as I am planning on having neuro be my speciality. Yesterday, I followed Mark like a duck, reading out peoples case, running labs, and sitting in the gallery for surgeries.

It was boring but I couldn't do much about it.

I was standing in the same position as I was yesterday. The same people around me. Chief gave his speech and started assigning doctors to attendings. I was called first this time. Praying and hoping that I would be on Dereks service.

"Dr. Grey" my head shot up "You're with Dr Sloan again"

My face turned confused and take back. "Dr Sloan?" I asked


I walked over and stood by Mark as the other doctors were assigned. Mark then gave his speech and it was just me and him again.

"It's sort of strange that I'm on your service again" I spoke as Mark and I were walking down a hallway

He didn't respond so I continued "I mean it's strange in the way that everyone knows I want to study under Derek so I don't know why the Chief would put me with you"

He doesn't respond again.

"Mark?" I asked but it was to late we had already entered a patients room.

"This is Mr Eaton" so Mark has a voice now I thought and rolled my eyes

Mark explained that Mr Eaton was undergoing surgery to fix the burns he had plastered to his chest. I didn't listen or contribute because plastics doesn't interest me. I should of at least spoken something but nothing came out.

We started walking down a hallway to the next patient when I stood in front of Mark causing him to stop walking.

"Why aren't you answering me?" I asked "Why am I not on Derek's service?" I asked

He stood still our eyes made contact and he still didn't say anything

"Why Mark?" I asked again

He took a long time to answer. Then he spoke "I don't know why Lex" he paused again "I thought you would have been on Derek's service"

I don't know why but my gut tells me that he is lying or at least hiding the truth.

"yeah" I pause to think "I thought I would have been too" and at that Mark pushed past and continued down the hallway.

Ever since I started working again Mark has been acting very strange. He has been distant and doesn't talk to me much anymore. I wonder that he may be getting tired of seeing me all the time.


After our meeting with a patient I head to the cafeteria to have lunch. I sit at a table with Meredith, Arizona, and Cristina. They all greet me with smiles as I take a seat on the table.

"How has your second day been?" Meredith asked

"A bit strange" I confessed "I am on Mark's service which is weird considering I wanted to study under Derek for my fellowship" I wanted to continue but then Cristina interrupted me.

"Wait" she spoke "You're working under Mark when you want to study neuro for your fellowship year?"

I nodded "Yeah"

"There is definitely something going on there" Cristina added

"I have never seen someone be forced to study something they aren't interested in becoming an attending for" Arizona spoke

"Do you think the Chief had anything to do with it?" I asked trying to get some idea of who was behind it and why they would hold me back

"Probably" Meredith said "You should definitely take it up with him, you don't want to be held back Lex" She added

I nodded and left the table walking to the Chief's office. Why would he hold me back ?. Why would he not let me study under Derek? Did I do something wrong?

All these thoughts circled my mind. My heart started racing faster the closer I got to his office. I needed to find answers. I needed to stand up for myself and my career.

Here goes nothing.

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