chapter twenty seven

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I kissed his hands "okay" I replied back

He pulled me in tighter "just don't tell Meredith and Derek yet. I'll tell them tomorrow"

"Okay" he responded with his lips in my hair

I slowly began to doze off I turned my head to one side and it slowly began to fall until I realised that I was falling asleep and jolted my head back up.

"Come on you should get some sleep Lex" Mark spoke into my ear

I shook my head "I'll be fine, I don't want to leave you" I turned on my side so the side of my head was resting against his chest. I was watching Zola.

"Come on Lex, You need the rest"

I lifted my head and looking him in the eyes. He smiled. "I will go to sleep but only if you are with me otherwise I will wait till you're ready to go to sleep"

He rolled his eyes and smiled "you're very stubborn, alright let's go"

We both got up and Mark carried Zola to her room whilst holding my hand tightly. We tucked Zola into bed and waited with her till Meredith and Derek came to tuck her in.

Once we left Mark and I walked into my room and changed and then climbed into bed. I laid on my side and Mark joined behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and let them fall in front of me. I grabbed hold of them and pulled them to my face. We fell asleep in silence.

The next morning came by and I was back at work, everything almost seemed to be back to normal. I was back to working in neuro with Derek and I had my boards coming up that I needed to pass to be able to become an attending. I was super nervous but I new my photographic memory would come in handy. 

I was standing at the nurses desk with Derek "have you been studying for your boards?" he asked putting down a case file

I turned to him "Yes I have, I have been going to the research library every minute I have spare" 

I looked at the time it was 2:30 pm "In fact I will head off there now if there is nothing else I need to do" 

"Go ahead Lexie"

I smiled and ran down the halls towards the research library I was almost there until I turned a corner and ran into Mark

"Sorry Mark" I spoke holding onto him to catch my balance

He placed his hands on my shoulders to steady me "Calm down Lex" he spoke maintaining eye contact

I nodded slowly biting my lip

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" he asked 

"The research library to study for my boards" he let go of my shoulders 

"I'll let you get to studying" He replied 

I stood on my tippy toes and placed a light kiss on his lips before beginning to walk away. I was about to turn the corner again before he called out "What time do you get off?"

"6" I yelled back "you?"

"5" Mark replied "I'll join you in the library after I'm done"

I nodded and we parted ways. 

I then entered the research library which looked basically like a normal library but it had a lot more medical books than normal books. I scanned the shelves and pulled out 3 textbooks. The first was about the anatomy, the second was about emergency medicine, and the third was neurological sciences. I brought all three textbooks to a desk and began to read them making mental notes in my mind. 

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