𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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??? POV

I climb into her room through the unlocked window. According to my minion, there is one other female in this house so it is in my best interest to keep quiet. I survey the room that she is staying in, and notice that she has only a small backpack. I assume this isn't her final destination. 

She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. Like she has no other cares in the world. Her h/c hair is spread across the pillow.

 I examine her aura once again, trying to determine what she is. It is a misty blue light signifying her serenity and calmness. There is a brightness to it that I have never seen before.

Suddenly, her misty blue aura starts turning a deep indigo shade near her head and starts to suffocate the lighter aura. Almost like vines squeezing the life out of a tree. Her eyes suddenly squint tighter and she starts moving erratically, as if she is having a bad dream. 

I slink into the corner of the room so I can observe from the shadows. But something ran into my leg. I jump in surprise and find that the chair in the corner has started moving.

I look around and see that other objects around the room appear to be floating. But that can't be! She only looks human!

She starts crying in her sleep and calling out for something. It is so quiet that I cannot even catch what she is saying. Does this human even know of her abilities? Is she even human?

1st person POV: Y/N

I'm walking through a sunshine-filled forest. I can see a meadow peeking out through the trees. It is one of the most peaceful walks that I have ever experienced. 

The birds are singing and there are little squirrels along the path. I look over and Stella is right by my side. She looks up at me and says, "Hey look over there!" I follow her gaze and see something running through the trees. She starts running towards the thing in the trees and I try to follow her, but I cannot catch up. 

"Stella wait for me!!" I yell breathlessly. I get towards the grouping of trees and cannot see Stella. I run into the grouping and find the magnificent deer but this time it is much more menacing. 

His teeth are now sharp, and his regular antlers have turned into spiking twisting ones. He is much bigger and His eyes glow bright red. 

Behind him, I see dark indigo vines growing from the forest. The sunshine is now nowhere to be found and the forest is silent. Except for the low growling of the deer. I step backward but find myself stopped by a wall of trees.

The vines have now grown even closer and they start winding up my leg, rooting me to the ground. I try my best to get out but I can no longer move my legs. The deer stalks closer and closer, almost like a wolf. 

It then lunges towards me and goes for my neck.

I suddenly sit up in bed, breathing hard. Something near me shatters and I nearly jump out of my skin. I sit in the moonlight trying to catch my breath. I clutched the area of my neck that the deer had lunged for. 

I reach up to my cheeks and find them wet. "I must've been crying," I say quietly to myself. I sit in bed for a second and calm down. I look around the room to find the culprit of the sound and see a vase has fallen off the bedside table. 

"Wow, I must've been moving a lot to knock that down. I'll clean it up in the morning." I turn around to lie back down. Did it mean anything? Something moves out of the corner of my eye. I look over to the corner to inspect it, but it is just the curtains swaying slightly.

"I just am overly tired and stressed, that's what caused the dream," I think to myself as I slowly back into sleep.

??? POV

"She really has no idea of her power. She is the one I have been looking for." I think to myself.

 I decide that it is best for me to return to Hell to get my affairs in order since this situation has interrupted some previous business ventures. I will be back before she wakes up. 

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now