𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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Y/N POV: Flashback

TW: Physical abuse, and blood. 

It felt like a lifetime had passed since that fateful night. I was 19 years old. I had just moved in with my high school sweetheart, as we had gotten married right out of high school. He had promised that nothing would ever hurt me and that he would always be there to protect me. 

Getting married right out of high school comes with its own set of problems. Both of our parents did not support it, but we felt like this was true love, so we separated ourselves from them.

 I didn't catch the red flags I should have, because I was blinded by my first love. First, he separated me from my loved ones and friends. Manipulating me into thinking that my friends were busy and that I was better than them. And then we moved out to a small house in Montana. I thought this was because we were poor and Montana was cheap. Oh, how wrong I was.  

It all started one night after Jared came back from the bar. I thought it was okay for him to get a few drinks because everything in our life had been stressful. I went to the door to let him in, and as soon as I turned the knob, the door swung open and hit me in the face. 

I thought it was an innocent accident, seeing as he was probably drunk again, but immediately after, I was kicked in the ribs. I scooted back, trying to staunch my bleeding nose and get up at the same time, but was kicked again. I looked up at Jared and he had this crazed look in his eyes. It was the first time I had ever seen him look like that. Dread filled my heart. He looked... bloodthirsty. 

I pleaded with him, trying to get him to stop, which only seemed to delight him more. He threw me against the wall of our living room. I tried crawling away but he kicked me in the ribs again. The next thing I knew, he was on top of my wounded body, trying to choke me. I could smell the alcohol like it was dripping off his body. As if a gift from God, I blacked out.  

The next thing I remember was waking up on our couch, him crying on the floor. All my wounds had been bandaged up, but I was absolutely terrified of him. I scrambled off the couch as fast as possible, but he caught me. I started crying, I didn't want him to hurt me again. 

He locked eyes with me. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I got blackout drunk last night. I never would have hurt you if I wasn't. I promise I will never hurt you again." He pleaded with me, his voice choked up with sobs. I believed him because I loved him so much and I knew that he was a good man. 

But every time he went to the bar, he would come home and hurt me. The next morning he would apologize and promise to never do it again. The cycle broke once my sister came up to visit me and started to question my bruises. She explained to me what he was doing. Jared walked in on the conversation, glared at her, and punched her square in the mouth. I realized then that he did want to hurt me and my family. She had quickly left in the next 15 minutes. I was infuriated with what he had done to her, but didn't want to get hurt too.  

That night I ground some sleeping pills into his dinner. I wanted to escape and I didn't need him waking up in the middle of it.  I got out with just the clothes on my back and the old car. I drove as fast as I could to my parent's house and then called the Montana police. When they went to arrest him, he wasn't there. He had escaped, just like I had. He had known exactly what was doing, and he didn't feel bad about it. 

Over the next couple of months, I received threatening calls from Jared. He promised that he would kill my family first and then kill me, but slowly, so he could watch me suffer. The police thought it was an empty threat, but I believed him. 

One day, I had gone out for some shopping, so I could finally have some clothes of my own. I returned home, and right as I was about to walk in the door, I noticed something on the porch. There were singular splotches covering the front porch. I remember reading that real blood dries brown. As soon as I remembered that little fact, I got out of there as fast as possible and called the police. It had to have been Jared. 

Later that day, the police informed me that Jared had shot both my parents, my sister, and then himself in the head, only once. There was no case because the murderer had killed himself. I felt broken. My family was gone.

I went to live with Stella for a few weeks because my therapist deemed me unsafe to be left alone. She was my only friend, and she helped me to understand that it wasn't my fault. I owe my life to her.

--End of Flashback--

Tears continued to stream down my face as I remembered the event. It was the first time in years that I had thought about the monster who killed my family, but I still remembered my family every day. It was my way of mourning for them because that hole is something that could never be filled. Where were my so-called "powers" back then? Why couldn't I protect myself or my family if I was all-powerful?

I couldn't go back to Stella's house because I didn't want her to get hurt, but there was nowhere else for me to go. I couldn't drive forever, I only had half a tank, and I would eventually have to stop to get gas. The only place I could think of was my--the demon's- I mean my house. If I had these powers, he wouldn't hurt me. Which he hadn't yet. Even after I had hurt him...three times now. 

I decided it would be best to test him on that. If I had powers, Alastor would teach me, right? If not, and he killed me, I would see my family again. 

Alastor's POV

I continued to follow her through the treeline as she drove away. I changed into the deer form, thinking she might stop if she saw me. I had truly messed things up. I have never been careful about my wording, but I should've been more cautious in this situation. 

I was very angry that she had taken me down, once again, but maybe I did deserve it. I couldn't kill her even if she continued to do it, because of how powerful she is. I need her powers so I can take over Hell. She would be the ultimate tool. But the only thought that kept coming back to my mind was how broken and angry she looked when she was running away. 

I could see her through her car window, rubbing her cheeks. No doubt, she was crying. My presence was something that could break a human's mind in half, but it was something more than that. I had struck a nerve that had been buried deep.

Guilt filled my stomach. I had never felt this way before, feeling bad about my actions. All of a sudden her car seemed to slow down, and it turned off of the main road. She pulled the car into a small dirt path that entered the forest and got out. I changed back into my main form and started to make my way over to her.

I had to be very careful about what I said because this would be my last chance to convince her.  I would have to treat this conversation as if I was talking to a small child, but one who had more power than a lion. 

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now