𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Alastor POV

After I had teleported us back, Y/N went almost straight to bed. She felt guilty and offered me her room. Why is she being so polite? " I haven't slept well for a long time, so I just don't sleep. You've obviously had a long day so don't worry about me." I grinned at her.

She started at me for around a second, then shook her head. As if she was clearing something out of it. "Oh okay, but will you not watch me while I sleep again? That did make me very uncomfortable." 

"Of course my dear."

I'm not sure if she completely trusts me because I heard her door lock. I must've passed her little test tonight because she trusted me enough to teach her about her shadow demon. When she accomplished that feat, I was quite surprised by what stood in front of me. 

"I can tell that she is going to become very powerful, just by looking at her shadow form." I thought to myself. I walked down the stairs into the foyer. I really did love this house, that's why I had taken so much care in building it. Y/N had done a lovely job started to clean the old place, but it needed to be finished.

I decided it would be good if the house was done so Y/N wouldn't have to worry about fixing it while I teach her to use her powers. I went to sit down in the library as my minions started to finish the rest of the house. 

The only thing I was quite worried about was how powerful Y/N would be, and if she would be able to control it. Would other people take advantage of it? I certainly wasn't because I had made a one-sided promise with her. Something I would never have done if the situation wasn't so extreme. 

She obviously will become more powerful than me, but does she have to know that? Somewhere inside of my cold, dead heart, I feel as if it's my duty to teach her. And If I have taught her everything that I know, we will have to go to Hell to teach her even more. Maybe Charlie can help teach her, seeing as her father is King of Hell. 

I put my head into my hands. And who else could be searching for her? A lot of people may think that it is a fairy-tale but there could be countless others trying to seek her out. My absence in Hell will be enough to attest to the fact that there is one who fulfills the overly-told prophecy.

I had the sudden urge to go see her. To protect her boundaries, I won't step into the room but just glance in. I turn into a shadow so I can go in undetected. She looks so beautiful and peacefully asleep. But she sleeps restlessly.

I want to protect her. No. I need to protect her. I helped to reveal her powers. She is my responsibility. 


"I haven't slept well for a long time, so I just don't sleep. You've obviously had a long day so don't worry about me." He grinned at me. I imagined him stalking me while I slept again. Maybe if I asked nicely he wouldn't do it? 

"Oh okay, but will you not watch me while I sleep again? That did make me very uncomfortable." 

"Of course my dear." I looked at him one last time before closing the door and then locking it quietly. I know it probably wouldn't stop him, but I needed some peace of mind. 

As soon as I got into my room, I tried summoning my shadow demon. It was much easier this time around because she appeared rather quickly. I waved to her, not knowing what to do or say. She waved back. "Hi, I'm Y/N! What should I call you?" I felt stupid talking to a shadow, would she even answer?

"Hello Y/N" I jumped off my bed. But I hadn't seen her mouth move. "I just a version of you, but you can call me Ena." I looked up at her. She spoke once again. "I can see that you are exhausted, maybe we should talk more in the morning."

That would probably help me to understand what was happening a bit better. I laid down in bed and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

I dreamt about the forest again, but this time, I was following Ena. She beckoned me to the edge of the forest. I followed, thinking it would be a pretty meadow. But at the edge of the forest, I saw a monster. It had large dark wings and horns coming out of its head. Its smile stretched across its face. Its eyes had turned red with anger and its hair was floating around them. Ena looked at me and grinned. Her voice whispered in my mind, "That's you Y/N".

Authors note:

---sorry this was another short filler chapter. I just needed to move the story along. I will always read your guy's feedback and try to add it into the story. Since this one was short, I will try to get another chapter out later tonight. :)---

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now