𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟐

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"The first plan was for me to calmly talk to you about being possible allies with each other." -Stolas lifted up his hat to run his hand through his hair. The white-haired imp spoke up from behind the southern imp. 

"First off, hi. I'm Moxie," He gestured towards the girl in front of him. "This is Millie and the wolf behind me is Loona." I nodded a hello at each of them but the wolf didn't look up from her phone. "Second off, Blitz was being an idiot and we apologize. He didn't like Stolas taking the lead on this mission, and he wanted to sweep through the buildings. He didn't realize how sensitive this mission was."

I looked down at the big-horned demon and laughed. "I mean, he was successful in sweeping through my room. He broke the entire window." I saw Moxxie's eyes widened and then went to glare at Blitz. 

Blitz spoke up from below me, "In my defense...I did find the demon we were looking for." 

"What do you mean allies?" Al chimed from in front of me. I was thankful he was getting us back on track. 

Stolas looked at me and continued his explanation. "We want to make a deal with you. If you don't destroy my territory, we will help you with anything you need."

I thought for a second and then responded, "You are going to have to clarify what you mean by anything because there are always limits." 

Millie smiled at me, "Literally anything! We can spy for you, or protect you from other hitmen, etc. We are at your disposal."

Alastor looked up at Stolas' uncomfortable smile. "So, you just don't want her taking your territory? That seems a bit selfish...even for you."

"Aren't you getting the same thing out of your little 'friendship' Alastor?"

I cut it, not wanting them to tear each other apart. "I decided I won't because he helped me develop most of my powers. So I do understand what you are saying. But how do I know this isn't some ploy to kill me in the end?"

The wolf spoke up from the back, "If we had wanted to kill you, we would've done it at your little territory dispute this morning."

Al looked back at me, his eyebrows raised. "You met them today?"

I nodded and gestured towards Millie. "I saved her from being strangled by one of Valentino's hounds." I then wondered why they had been there in the first place. "Speaking of which, what were you guys doing there?"

Moxie had a sheepish smile on his face. "Maybe? Stolas wanted some more information on where you would have been hiding. We thought you and Alastor might have been working together by the way your vines came out of the void you opened up to swallow the building."

"That is what caught you onto the idea that I was working with Al?"

He nodded, "Not many other demons do that." I shot Al an apologetic look. 

"So, are we gonna do this or not?" Blitz crossed his arms and looked annoyed at us. I was a little surprised by his rudness but it seemed like it was just his personality. 

"Give us a second." I took Al by the hand and led him into dining room. I turned around and looked up at him. "What should we do? I never expected someone to want to work with us." He stroked his chin.

"Someone would have done it eventually. Overlords and princes value their land far too much. I was just surprised it was Stolas who did it first." 

"It wouldn't hurt to have someone to spy on other overlord's territories. And if we don't do it, will they just come to kill me? They might tell other people we are working together."

He paused and then looked down at me, disrupted from his thoughts, "We are a team then?" His smile grew. 

"Yeah. I mean, we've never formally said it, but we obviously are. Why else would I be staying here?" I gave a small laugh. He raised his eyebrow at me and then finally responded.

"I'd say it might be smart to have them on our side. Especially since it is just us right now. I'm not so keen to them being around a lot, but it will give us the upper hand."

I nodded, "I agree. What's so wrong with them being on our side? At least Stolas offered us something." I thought for a second and then headed out of the dining room, back towards Stolas. I

 held out my hand, "We agree to your deal. I will not take over any of your territories in exchange for you being on our side, and having your hitmen work for me. For now, no one needs to know that Al and I are working together."

Stolas smiled down at me and went to shake my hand. "Sounds like a deal."

I held it up before he could take it. "If you tell anyone where I am, or who I associate or work with," I flared my wings up to the biggest they could be. I could see the purple glow of my eyes reflecting in his eyes. "Or you will suffer. Is that clear?"

He looked a bit surprised by my threat but took it in stride. "Crystal."


After our deal, they quickly exited the house. But before doing so, Millie stayed behind and pulled something from her coat. "Here's our card when you need us." I bent down so I could grab the card from her short frame.

"I actually have something I'd like you to do for me until our next meeting." She raised her eyebrows, waiting for my request. "I need you to do some investigation into what Valentino is doing. I want to know what his defenses are and if he is sending anyone to kill me. Just his overall plan."

She gave me a thumbs-up, "Will do!" I heard someone yell at her from outside, probably Blitz, "MILLIE! C'MON! We don't have all fucking day!" She hurried out the door. I smiled and got rid of my wings as the door shut. Things were all starting to come together. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" I looked up and realized Al had come back from the dining room. 

"I just didn't think that's how that little altercation would go." I laughed a little about how funny the situation actually was.

He chuckled. "I'm sure it would have resulted in one of them being hurt." He paused for a moment and then continued, "You came in at just the right time. I thought I was going to have murdered or hurt Stolas. Which probably would have resulted in a war, so thank you."

"I probably would've killed him first, but I wanted to understand what was happening first." I smiled warmly, remembering how I had caught his little imp in my room, "I'm actually glad that that imp broke into my room. I was wondering though, what did Stolas say that flipped on your rage mode?"

His eyes slightly glazed over, as if he was remembering back to the event. An image flashed through my mind. I was looking up at Stolas, but the vision around the image started going staticy. A strong feeling came from the image in my mind. "Protect her. She is mine."

His voice brought me back to the present, "He said something that gave me the instinct impression he knew you were here. I didn't want our full plan from falling apart, so I decided to threaten him."

I hesitated, because I felt like he was lying. "What exactly is our plan?"

"Let me show you something." He led me towards the hallway under the stairs. It was relatively dark, but he opened a door. I remember Nifty telling me that it was his study. He opened the door for me and I walked in. I stopped in the middle of the room, observing it.

It was a cozy little study, with a fireplace on the right side of the wall and a big desk on the left. On the far side of the room, bookshelves lines the walls. In front of the fireplace sat a few chairs and a small table. It closely resembled Alastor's mind room. Just much bigger. He walked towards the back shelves and pulled a book from them. He walked back to me and held the book out.  It was bound in a dark leather, and it seemed no thicker than the width of my thumb.

I took the book out of his hand and held it. "What's this about?" He lifted his hand and pointed to the cover of the book.

"This my dear, is about you."

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now