𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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Y/N POV: First person

I hadn't seen him break the tree line yet. "Did he leave?" I thought to myself while leaning against my car hood. I could've sworn I saw him following me. I looked around trying to spot him. "Are you there? I wanted to talk with you. I'm sorry about hurting you," I paused "for the third time." I guess this was my way of testing his theory. Would he kill me now that I had stopped driving?

I heard his voice before I saw him. "My dear," He chuckled, "I obviously scared you multiple times so let us call things even." He stepped out of the trees. For some reason, his eyes and his smile looked different than before. They were almost timid. He kept a distance between us. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked. I was surprised that he was gonna let me talk this time. 

He is trying to make me feel safe. I can't tell if this is a good or a bad sign. "Get in the car," I said. This was totally going against all my rules. "I want you to show me how to use some of my 'powers'. And I guess we are going to need a clearing to do that." I was still sarcastic about the whole idea, but he was a demon and he hadn't killed me yet. 

His eyes widened in surprise, "O-okay." It was quite strange to hear this overconfident demon stutter. I climbed into the driver's seat as he climbed into the passenger. His legs were a little scrunched, seeing how tall he was. I laughed quietly to myself. He almost looked awkward. He looked over at me and raised his eyebrow at me, he must have really good hearing. I chose to ignore the look and asked him a question. "Why were you a deer that night?" 

He looked down, carefully thinking about his response. "Well, I was hunting for food that night. I like to take the wolf in sheep's clothing approach because I can surprise my dinner." He looked at me, gauging my response. 

I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible. "Well, I'm sorry for disturbing your hunt." Thankfully we arrived at the clearing before anything else awkward happened. 

I shut the door as he awkwardly got out of the car. I looked at him, "If I actually have powers, I want you to teach me how to use them." He continued to keep his distance, "Of course, but are you sure? Once we start, there is no going back to your normal life." His eyes looked cautious. 

"Well I've already met you, and if I don't see for myself, I'll always wonder. So let's just get this over with." I put my hands on my hips. I was ready. He looked at me and he grinned wider. 

"Alrighty, my dear. You've obviously seen my shadow form. But you have not seen my other friend." Suddenly, I figure stepped out from behind Alastor. It was basically his own shadow, but it had a big grin and very expressive eyes. Even if it was just an outline. Both were filled with a bright red color. Its grin was even bigger than Alastor's, I didn't even think that was possible. 

"I believe that you should have this friend as well, but I do not know if it will come out in your demon form, or if it will mimic your human form. I want you to imagine yourself splitting in two. Separate the deepest and darkest part of your soul from itself."

"Uhm, okay?" I stood there and closed my eyes. I tried to imagine myself splitting in half, but all I saw were gory images. Probably not the best metaphor. I heard Alastor's voice behind me, "Hmm, probably I shouldn't have compared it to that. Let's imagine your darkest self oozing from your body. Kind of like water dripping off you.

That would be easier to imagine. I looked up at the rising moon and took a deep breath, trying to prepare myself if what he said had been true. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Thinking it was Alastor, I opened my eyes, but it was actually my shadow form. While I was trying to back away, I tripped on some roots sticking up from the ground. I braced myself for impact but it never came. 

I looked up and saw that Alastor had caught me. "It would stand that I was correct." He looked into my eyes, "Would you like to meet her?" I nodded in disbelief. He stood me back up and I eyed my shadow being, amazed that this was even happening. 

She was about my height, but there were some major key differences. She had huge feathered wings, horns, and clawed fingers. Her eyes are what stood out the most. They were a vibrant violet. Her smile was small, but it was a grin no less. She waved at me. "That's my demon form?" I asked Alastor, glancing behind at him. "Yes it is, but we cannot see the complete form because she is a shadow."

I sat down in the grass and put my head in my hands. "I can't believe that you were right. But w-what do I even do now? I can't go back to my regular life?!" I was becoming very overwhelmed with everything that was happening. To my left, my shadow figure patted me on the back and gave me a thumbs up. She then disappeared. I heard Alastor on my right. 

"I could start teaching you." He reached out his hand to help me up. Surprising myself, I took it. "We still don't know how truly powerful you are, so I couldn't teach you anything. We would have to go to Hell in order to find more information on it, but I don't believe you are quite ready for that."

 I laughed, "Probably not." 

He looked at me and held out his hand. "Let's make this official. I help teach you your powers, and you owe me a favor?" He grinned at me. 

"Is this a trick?" I asked him.

"Why of course not my dear! Haha."

"Well, then what is the fine print? I'm not making a stupid deal that only ends in your favor. I've seen too many movies that end this way." I raised an eyebrow at him. 

He thought for a second then recountered. "How about this, no handshake. Just a verbal agreement. You can back out of this decision with me once I decide on the favor, but until then I will teach you as much as I can. Sound fair?"

 "That's much better." I smiled. 

I started walking to the car, wanting to go home. "Where are you going Y/N?" He questioned. I turned around to look at him. "I'm going to drive back home? I can't just poof around like you do. You are more than welcome to ride in the car, or you can run through the trees like a deer again. Your choice." 

"How about this choice?" He smiled at me. He snapped his fingers and my stomach felt like I was falling from a building. The next thing I knew, I was kneeling on the gravel pathway in front of my new house. Alastor came over to help me up, but I pushed away his hand. "Please don't *pant* ever do that *pant* again, without warning me." 

"I'm terribly sorry, I should've remembered you weren't used to that yet."

"Yet?!" You said, still breathing hard. He chuckled, "Yes, I'll teach you once you have advanced more."

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now