𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟎

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I shifted to the middle of the new territory. In the middle of the street. I wasn't gonna hide until the time was right, because it was the right time now. I released my hold on my power and let it go. The first thing I did was in case the whole area in my protective bubble, I didn't need any more hounds coming to find me. 

As people saw my dark form, they ran for their lives. I liked the way their fear made me feel. It was amazing. I whipped my head around, looking for Valentino's main skyscraper. I found it, easily enough. I shot into the air and raced towards it, like a knife through the wind. As soon as I reached the side of the building, I flew straight up. My left hand brushing against the smooth windows of the skyscraper. I landed at the very top and admired the view. 

It was a beautiful morning, but one that I would soon destroy. I brought my scythe towards the sky and held it towards the top of the bubble. Lightning began to surround it. I flew into the air as it attracted more. Soon, a huge ball of energy was being held up by my staff.

 I shot through the air, with my scythe still attached to the huge ball of energy. I swung and brought it down on the building with all my might. It cut through the building like butter. I continued to fly down with the energy escaping around me, my scythe still cutting through the building. 

Debris was flying all around me. I felt pieces of glass cut my cheeks but I didn't care. I stopped when I got close to the ground. I didn't want to try and cut the ground open. I released my hold on the energy still contained in the staff and felt it flow around me. It wrapped around my wings, but I didn't feel a thing. My wings looked like they were holding the energy. My horns grew from my head and my smile grew wider. "Finally, I'm warmed up."

Even though I had surrounded the territory with a protective bubble, I still wasn't completely alone. Thugs, most of which were wolves or demons (that had no discernable breed), swarmed from the surrounding buildings. Their faces were clothed in fear, but they still held up their guns. I laughed at their little advances. I felt the bullets fly past me, but they bounced off the electricity surrounding me.

"You're going to have to try a little harder than that!" I flew down towards them at breakneck speed. They didn't even have time to move out of the way. I swung my scythe at the surrounding crowd of thugs. They fell to the ground in seconds, like insects just hit with a fly swatter. I shot back up into the air to avoid the carnage on the ground. 

I flew around the surrounding areas, looking for more thugs trying to fight back. I spied figures in an alley and decided to investigate as a shadow. If it was just a few frightened civilians, I would leave them alone. As I got closer, I heard someone shouting in a raspy voice, "Get on the ground and give me your money now!" He had an angel knife in each of his hands. I saw a herd of demons on the ground. A small voice spoke up.

"Please, we don't have anything right now! It's not with us." The one speaking looked like a little red devil. She had a charming southern accent

"BULLSHIT!" He yelled at her and grabbed her neck. I looked closer at the group and saw that they were all small imp-like demons and one wolf, but the wolf didn't look like a threat. The man had taken their guns and had started cornering them.

I stepped out of the shadows and into my regular form. "Sorry to interrupt your little shenanigans, but I believe this is now my territory. And I don't put up with dicks like you." I laughed as his eyes widened. He dropped the small devil and ran around the corner of the alley. I hummed a small tune and my vines dragged him back. He tugged at the ones holding his neck. 

I brought him up to my height and my smile grew wider. "How does it feel to be the one on the other side of the knife?" His eyes widened as he realized I plucked the knife from one of my vines. I plunged the knife into his heart and had the vines drop his body. I opened a small void, ensuring he would never come back.

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now