𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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I decided to head up to Angel's room and tell him about the whole situation. I dropped my bags off in my room and then hesitated outside of Angel's door. I got up my courage and knocked on the door. "Hey Ang? It's n/n. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah of course babes! C'mon in."

I walked into the room and Angel was looking at his new clothes in the mirror. He had on his new fur coat, black corset, and pink, wide-cut pants. His four hands rested on his waist. "How do I look? I'm really liking this new coat!" He fluffed his hair out in the mirror. "It looks amazing on you Angel! I love the coat!"

He continued looking at himself in the mirror, while I went to sit on his bed. "Hey, Angel I need to talk to you about something really important. You cannot tell anyone. Only Vaggie and Charlie know. If you tell anyone, It could be the difference of my life or death."

He turned around, eyes wide. "Well shit, yeah of course I'll listen." I looked at him seriously, "Do you promise not to talk about it with anyone?" He held my hands. "Yeah I promise."

I took a deep breath and started talking. "Have you ever heard about the Dark Angel?"

"Yeah, it was one of those folklore things I heard when I got here."

I stood up from the bed and summoned my wings. He yelped and fell off the bed. I teleported to his side of the bed and caught him. "WHAT THE HELL! You scared me! I wasn't expecting you to fully explode into a bird-like that!" I set him back onto the bed.

"Sorry, Angel I didn't mean to scare you! They kinda pop out like that naturally." I started explaining to him the whole situation about Alastor and how I was hiding from him. "I don't know what happened that night, but I knew he wanted to hurt me. I could see it in his eyes."

Angel sat there, wide-eyed. "N/n, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay now. I'm glad I was able to get to this hotel and find people that could help me." I sat there, staring at the ground. "You cannot tell Alastor that I am new in Hell, or anything related to the Dark Angel. It's just better not to mention it."

"I won't mention it ever. Cross my heart." He crossed all four of his arms over his chest. 

I sighed in relief. "Thank you, Angel. That feels so much better to get off my chest." 

I put rested his head on two of his hands. "So are you as all-powerful as the story says?" He seemed rather excited by the prospect that he was friends with the Dark Angel.

"I actually don't know that much, I only started learning things about 3 days ago." I couldn't believe this only happened that recently. It felt like I couldn't keep track of time. "But, Charlie did give me a new book to learn some new ones... do you want to see me practice?"

"Hell yeah doll! This is gonna be so cool!" I was really happy that I would have someone there for me as I practiced. I felt like I would've been lonely without Angel there. Opening the door, I headed back to my room to grab the book. I yelled to Angel from my room. "Hey, could we maybe practice in my room? I need a bit of space to practice."

I heard a door close and very fast footsteps. He ran into the room and lept onto the bed. I giggled as I went to lock the door. "Wow, you must be very excited about this."

"Well, it's not every day you get to meet the most powerful being-to-be in Hell!" I sat down on the floor and spread my wings out as I opened the first page of the old book. I studied the page. It was for a defensive bubble. "That should be easy enough!" I was just about to start practicing when I felt Angel touching my wing. 

I flung the wing back and gently slapped his face with my feathers. "Stop, that tickles!" 

"That was my face n/n." 

We both sat back and laughed. After refocusing I started casting my spell. I tried a couple of times but still couldn't get it. Ena materialized in front of me. "We need to focus our power. Magic is something that needs to be exercised to get stronger. The more we use it, the easier it will be to cast. Focus all of your power on this bubble."

I closed my eyes and focused my power into a sphere in my hands. I opened my eyes and saw a purple sphere laying in my palms. I pulled at the edges of the bubble, making it big enough to fit me. The bubble then enveloped me. 

The world looked like it had a purple filter on it. Angel walk towards the bubble and poked it. I yelled out to him. "Can you hear me?"


"Okay, I need you to hit this thing with all your might!" I pushed my hands up against the bubble wall, bracing for his hits. First, he started very softly, like he was trying to pop it. Then he started punching and kicking the bubble. As his hits got harder, I could feel the bubble shrinking. I pushed my hands against the border of the shrinking sphere and focused on enlarging it. 

After a few more hits, the bubble shuddered, popping around me. I was extremely tired, but I did it again and again. Angel hitting it harder each time. An hour later, I was able to hold up against all of his advances. 

Ena was very proud of how well we were doing, and especially with how fast we got that spell. Angel kept trying to touch her flowing hair but kept realizing that she was still a shadow. I was really grateful that he was there to help me practice. 

The next spell I started on had something to do with lighting. A lot of the writing was faded, but I could understand it pretty well. I had Angel stand in the bathroom because I didn't fully understand what it would do. 

I concentrated the energy around my hand, imagining a staff of lightning. In a flash of violet light, I realized that I could shoot the lightning out of my hands. I felt like Zeus! I extinguished the energy that I was connecting to my hand because I didn't want to damage anything in the room. 

Angel walked out of the bathroom, looking impressed. "It seems like purple is your color." 

Alastor's POV

I posted my minions all over Hell, waiting to hear any tidbit of news that would mention Y/N. I thought that I would have found her by now, but she must be truly terrified to have hidden this well. 

I didn't realize that I might hurt her while I slept because I don't sleep. I must've just felt so relaxed and peaceful with her that night, that I dozed off. I slumped back against the alley wall. "How could I have been so foolish." I dragged a hand down my face, disappointed in myself. 

There will have to be a trace of her at some point. Powerful energy like that cannot be dampened, especially now that it has awakened in her. 

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now