𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖

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Alastor's POV

She slowly rose, her wings thumping around her body. She had not changed out of her demon form and her eyes glowed a vibrant shade of violet. "We are not here to hurt you, I promise." 

"Yet." I heard Blitzo's voice whisper behind me. I shot him a murderous look and then turned back to the matter at hand. 

"Why?" Her voice broke, sadness written all over her face. "I haven't done anything to warrant this."

"You have not. But I'm worried you will destroy yourself in this process of overtaking Hell." 

"It's not overtaking, I'm trying to save it! This book," Her prophecy book appeared in her hands in a cloud of purple smoke. "says I will overtake it, but you said yourself that a prophecy does not define me."

"It does not define you, but it is defining the evil that I awakened inside of you."

"You didn't wake any evil in me."

"Darling, I did. When I showed you your powers for the first time, it awakened your shadow. She is the evil residing inside of you."

Her face showed confusion and worry, but then scrunched as if she was in pain. She held her hands over her ears. 

I walked closer to where she was hovering, "Please, let me save you. I don't want you to be hurt or to hurt anyone else."

Her eyes locked on me and she started to lower towards the ground. Her hand landed on mine and clasped it. I looked into her eyes, a softness filling them. "It will not hurt you one bit, I just need to separate you from your shadow." 

Transforming from soft to harshness, her eyes glowed a vibrant purple. Her hand grew into claws, sharp teeth filled her mouth, and horns sprouted from her head. She wrenched her hand from me and flew further above, out of reaching distance. 

Her wings seemingly grew larger, horns sprouting at the ends. "You will not separate me. I will not be blasted from existence because you want to stop my and y/n's power." Her voice was deeper, a rasp emerging from it. No longer was I speaking to my y/n. 

"You are hurting her Ena. You are corrupting her innocent soul. You will destroy her."

She let out a laugh, a wicked grin spread across her face. "Oh, my darling Alastor. Y/n was never innocent. Do you remember all of the demons she killed? This whole 'intervention' is for your own benefit. You are threatened by us."

I felt the eyes of the demons I had recruited shift towards me. They had all brought up this concern, and rightfully so. But this is something the old Alastor would do.

"No longer. I have become influenced by y/n's sweet and just soul. She has been corrupted by you. This is not an intervention, but they are here to stop if you intend on fighting back."

"Ooh, scared of me, huh?" She glanced down at her hands, the tips of her fingers slowly growing black and the shadow spreading to her forearms. It faded into her regular skin color, but dark vines started to appear, winding to her shoulders. The vision I had seen when I first saw her was starting to come true. 

Ena tilted her head back, fists clenched. She inhaled a deep breath, "It feels good to finally come into this power. We are growing closer, y/n and me, we are not to be trifled with, Alastor."

I gave a small flick of my hand, signaling to those around me. Everyone got into their defensive positions. Blitzo and his small group were armed with net guns and other tools to take Ena down, Stolas was ready with his magic. To my right were Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Cherri.  Charlie was ready to use her powers. Vaggie, even though she was told not to, brought her angel staff. Angel Dust and Cherri had various weapons, but most were hidden on their bodies. Their instructions were to not hurt y/n in any way, just incapacitate her.

𝐀 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 {Demon Alastor X Fem! Reader}Where stories live. Discover now