Chapter 6

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I leapt back as Golden Demon surged forward, slashing her blade against my face.

Golden Demon pushed forward as I parried the blade, twisting aside to slam my blade into her face.

Golden Demon dodged and attacked again, but I leapt away making her blade sink into the pillar behind me.

I shot towards Kouyou, letting my blade fly as she was too slow to dodge.

I watched as the blade hit her leg as she gasped in pain, sinking to the ground.

I lunged towards the blade embedded in her leg as I pulled it out, making blood flow freely.

I was ready to slam my blade into her unprotected blade but Golden Demon suddenly appeared in front of me, swiping at my face.

I dodged, but felt the tip of her blade score a slice on my cheeks as I crouched down low.

Suddenly, I saw a blur of something as Kyouka leapt to Kouyou, her blade also drawn.

However, Kouyou had also had her katana drawn, favouring her left leg as she stood up.

"Come back, Kyouka." Kouyou said as Kyouka refused and lunged forward.

I sensed something from behind as I leapt forward, rolling.

I felt something pass me with a whoosh of air as Golden Demon attacked me relentlessly.

I couldn't focus on Kouyou and Kyouka as I deflected and dodged all of Golden Demon's attacks.

I saw a flash of light as I glimpsed towards Kyouka to find Demon Snow also backing her up, the two people in the middle of a heated argument.

Good. It means she has more of a chance to defeat Kouyou. I thought to myself as I turned my full undivided attention to Golden Demon.

Kouyou was right when she said she had grown stronger.

But she still wasn't stronger than me.

But suddenly, I heard Kouyou say something making Kyouka hesitate.

"After all, your demon... killed your parents." Kouyou said.

Kyouka gasped. 

"That's..." I heard a new voice said as I glimpsed tiger boy pushing himself upright, blood leaking from his wound.

"But why?" He asked, pain filling his voice as Kyouka stared at him in guilt.

"No, this is..." She started to say but stopped.

"He would not understand." Kouyou carried on. "No one who lives in the world of light can."

Kyouka was silent as she let the phone in her grasp drop, breaking on the concrete.

I watched as Demon Snow dissipated and grit my teeth.

This wasn't good. I thought to myself, hesitating.

My hesitation cost me as Golden Demon saw that moment to attack, blade slashing.

I didn't have time to dodge as I felt a brief stab of pain in my side but it soon faded away as I closed my eyes, breathing deeply.

I heard a cry of shock as Kyouka looked at me, Golden Demon's blade dripping with my blood.

I opened my eyes as started blankly at Kouyou who was watching me with a smile.

"Finish her." Kouyou said as she turned around to face Kyouka.

However, Golden Demon didn't move as Kouyou frowned turning back.

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