Chapter 38

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The wind whipped past me as the lights flashed in the tunnel.

I concentrated on my ability, trying to make flames explode at the rails but everything was moving too fast as I exclaimed in frustration.

I grabbed my gun from its holster and raised it at Pushkin.

I fired the gun as Pushkin ducked inside his cart.

The bullet ricocheted off the cart as I clenched my fist.

"Just die you bastard!" I shouted as I kept firing the gun.

Soon, the gun clicked as I opened the gun to see no more bullets.

I tossed the gun away and watched as we left the small tunnel.

Suddenly, I saw Pushkin raise something as he pressed the button as an explosive exploded.

I snapped my wings open, thankful that we were out of the small tunnel.

I shot forward, flapping hard as I started to gain speed on Pushkin.

I watched as Pushkin grit his teeth and pressed the button again.

I veered to the sides as more explosions were set off from under.

Pushkin growled in annoyance as he pressed the button.

I saw explosion set off from above as I turned around, facing upwards as I let flames appear in my hands.

I threw the flames up, burning the falling rocks as I turned back and beat my wings harder.

I saw light at the end of the tunnel as Pushkin left the large tunnel, myself following a few seconds later.

We entered a vast chamber as I caught up to Pushkin as I grabbed my knife and swiped it at his head.

Pushkin ducked as I let my wings disappear and dropped down into the small cart.

Pushkin threw a punch towards my face, which I blocked, as I slammed my flaming left hand onto the cart as it incinerated to ash.

I leapt up, wings appearing as I saw Pushkin roll to a painful stop.

I flicked my dagger towards Pushkin as it slammed into his shoulder.

I watched as Pushkin cried out in pain.

But I didn't feel anything, I felt so empty, so hollow.

I ignored the emptiness inside of me as I walked over to Pushkin.

"I'm going to kill you." I seethed as Pushkin stared at me with wide eyes, before a smirk appeared on his face.

"Too late." He said just as I launched forward.

However, too caught up in my own bloodlust, I didn't see as something slammed into me.

I tumbled in the air before snapping my wings open, regaining balance.

I turned to see a large rock fist, poking out of the ground.

What is that? I thought to myself.

It doesn't matter.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Pushkin stumble upright as he ran off into the tunnels.

Anger flared through me as I dove towards him.

However, the rock fist moved as it heaved itself out of the ground, revealing a large rock monster.

The hand grabbed onto me, stopping me from reaching Pushkin as I let flames burst from my body.

The rocks burnt against my deadly, black flames as it pulled away.

DeathAngel [Akutagawa x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang