Chapter 9

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I woke up to a start when someone grabbed onto my neck, slamming me against a wall.

Instinctively, I reached for the knife behind my back, but realised I didn't have any of my weapons.

My vision cleared slightly as I stared into the cold face of Akutagawa.

It was still dark outside which means Akutagawa must have woken up from his sleep.

I didn't do anything as Akutagawa's grip on my neck tightened.

"What they hell are you doing here, wing girl?" Akutagawa asked as I blinked.

"I payed for the hotel." I said making Akutagawa scowl.

"No, I mean why did you help me?" He asked as I stayed silent.

Irritation crossed Akutagawa's face as he growled. "Answer me, wing girl."

I didn't making Akutagawa grit his teeth but his grip around my throat eased as he let me drop to the ground.

I rubbed my throat gently, wings slightly flared, waiting for Akutagawa to do something.

Instead, he just scoffed and walked back into the room.

I slowly walked into the hotel again, senses high and alert.

There was no way Akutagawa, the Port Mafia Black-Fanged Hellhound, was gonna leave me unscathed.

I watched as Akutagawa grabbed his shirt only to find it soaked in blood as he frowned.

Slowly, I walked over to the bathroom as I grabbed the shirt I had bought him and chucked it to him.

Akutagawa frowned again as he looked at the shirt before scowling and putting it over his head.

He grabbed his coat, putting it over his shoulders as he placed his hands back in his pockets.

I tensed, waiting to see if Akutagawa would attack.

Akutagawa's scowl deepened as he looked at me.

"I'm not going to kill you." He said as I didn't move, hand already gripping my pocket knife.

"And why should I believe what you say." I asked as Akutagawa scowled further.

"I won't kill you because you just saved my life. Believe me or don't, I don't care what you believe." Akutagawa said as he walked over to the door.

But before Akutagawa left I asked quietly, "Do you know where Kyouka is?"

Akutagawa paused at my question as he turned back to me.

"If I do, why should I tell you, wing girl?" He spat the insult again. Wing girl.

I sighed and just turned away, walking up to the balcony.

Before I leapt off, I quickly looked back at Akutagawa who was watching me.

"Before you leave, give the key back. It's on the table." I said making Akutagawa scowl.

"And to answer your question from before... I saved you because you reminded me of Kyouka. There are too many people who suffer because of their gifts." I said before spreading my wings.

"Wait-" Akutagawa started but I had already shot away.

I flew in the chilly night, and looked from the sky for a place to land.

As I spotted an empty alleyway with no people around, I dropped down.

I softly landed on the ground and let my wings disappear.

DeathAngel [Akutagawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now