Chapter 31 (Dead Apple)

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"Y/n-chan." A voice said as I whipped around to see Moriai-san standing in the middle of a field.

"Moriai-san..." I muttered as I stared at him in shock.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Moriai-san raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged, "You asked for help, so I came." Moriai-san replied as I blinked at him.

"Well, are you going to stand there all day, y/n-chan?" Moriai-san asked as I shook out of my daze.

I hung my head, looking down at the grass.

"How do I get my ability?" I asked as Moriai-san raised an eyebrow.

Moriai-san sighed and looked up at the sky.

"By accepting me." Moriai-san said as my patience snapped.

"What does that mean?" I asked as confusion ran through me.

"What must I accept? Your death? Your training?" I asked as Moriai-san stared at me blankly.

"No, y/n-chan." Moriai-san said as I blinked at his calmness.

"You must accept me and the truth." Moriai-san said as I frowned, not understanding what the truth was.

"For your entire life, you have been refusing me, refusing me to be a part of who you are." Moriai-san said as I stared at him.

"You must understand, that without me, there would be no you." Moriai-san explained.

I was silent. "You're saying, I have to accept you as a part of me?" I asked as Moriai-san nodded.

"It is I who made you into who you are." Moriai-san said as I didn't move.

"But how can I?" I asked as my voice broke.

"The horrors you put me through, I can't forgive you, yet alone accept you as part of me." I said as I felt tears well in my eyes.

Never in the last 8 years had I ever cried.

Moriai-san was silent after my outrage.

Then he moved to me, placing a hand on my cheek.

"Y/n-chan..." He started as I stared at him.

"Do you wish to know the truth?" Moriai-san asked as I frowned, blinking my tears away.

"What do you mean?" I asked as Moriai-san was silent.

"Let me show you, the truth." Moriai-san said as he held a hand to my forehead.

Suddenly, I was in a void as memories came rushing past me.

I gasped as it was all over.

I was trembling.

"Y-you're my father?" I asked as Moriai-san looked at me.

"I had Dr Tsukuda alter your memories." Moriai-san explained as I stared at him in shock.

"Port Mafia killed my mother? And you saved me. You're my father?" I asked as I couldn't take all of this in.

"Y/n." Moriai-san, my father, said as I stared at him in bewilderment.

"Accept me, and you will receive your ability." Moriai-san said as I blinked at him.

Suddenly, there was a large explosion off to the side as I flinched.

A tree blew up in flames as the fire spread among the fields.

"Y/n." Moriai-san said as he gripped my shoulders.

"Remember that it comes with a price. Are you willing to pay?" Moriai-san asked as I stared into Moriai-san's black eyes.

I suspected as much as I just nodded, determination on my face.

Suddenly, Moriai-san gave me a small smile.

"I trained you so you could survive this harsh world." Moriai-san said as the flames whipped closer.

"I have been watching you. You deserve all of it, especially after everything I had put you through." Moriai-san said as I stared at my father.

"Go to him." Moriai-san said as my eyes widened in shock.

"Go to Akutagawa." My father said again as he placed a hand on my cheek and smiled.

The roar of the flames got louder as Moriai-san muttered something, but I couldn't hear.

The flames came in close as it leapt onto Moriai-san and burnt him to ash.

I was shocked as the flames whipped around me.

I hadn't heard the last thing Moriai-san had said to me, but I had definitely seen it.

"I'm sorry for everything." He had said.

I dropped to my knees.

"You must accept me." Moriai-san had said as I stared into the burning field.

"I accept you." I said as I felt a bright light emit out of me.

DeathAngel [Akutagawa x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ