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We entered the class and all the stares of the student went on us.
The teacher fixed us
"Ah! You're finally here Harrion! I thought you finally decide yourself to quit school, now what's your reason?"
She said angrily

Killian approached the teacher and give her a paper. It was probably a word from the director to explain my situation

"Ah- so that's why..." she looked...disappoint...
Was she really disappointed that she couldn't punish me because I had a valide reason?
WTF is this school!?

"Well, student I have the new for you that our dear Harrion lost his memory and he's just like a new student right now"
Murmurs and whisperings started envelop the room

"Isn't it just a way for him to gain attention?"           "I'm sure it's not even real!"   "I will be able to mock him..."
        "Wtf why was he with Killian?"  "I have a feeling he has a plan..."                          "I finally thought he really left..."        "What is he planning?"                    "What's the point to come back?"                        "It not because he lost his memory that he will suddenly have a talent!"

"QUIET! I have to teach! Harrion just go to a place and sit down"
People shut up and I started searching for a place

When I was spotting a place people would just place their things on the place... It was clearly to tell me that they didn't want me to sit down beside them...

I finally found a place at the back and I opened my book at the page the teacher asked.

She was teaching taxes and how to create a situation where the other would think they are in the advantage...

I understand why Harrion was struggling!!
You have to act confident, have eloquence and think like a crook

What I was certainly mediocre at...
The class finally ended and I went to Killian for my next class

"No wonder I was struggling! I didn't understand at all!"
"Well... I can't lie it was hard for me too to follow the class" Killian confessed

And we left the class...

"What's the next class?"
"It's martial art"              "You have combat with weapon"
Whoa!! It's so cool!!
I never practiced martial art in my past life so it will be new for me


It was the same as when people heard that I loose my memory in business class. Whisperings, murmurs, rumors, people were not trusting me and people were already planning to take revenge on me...

Anyway... the teacher asked us to make team of two and of course nobody would want to partnered with me so I just sit beside the teacher...

"If you won't do anything at least exercise or move!" The teacher scolded me

So I started doing push up. I did like 30 of them and then I started running around the gym
The teacher was surprised that I was actually doing something and that I could exercise

I continued and people were surprised that I was really doing something and that I could do it too...

In fact, these last days I had nothing to do other than exercice and read so I finished a lot of books, so I now know a lot about literature.
And this body is actually athletic. This body is pretty agile and if the original Harrion moved and exercised more he wouldn't have been treated like an useless and arrogant kid. He have the type of body to gain strength easily but not really gaining any muscle. He is stable, agile and athletic but he will never really be muscular...

So with this type of body I actually might be good with martial art...

People really understood that I was not faking my lost memory because I really changed and I was actually working and not just arguing with the teacher.
Suddenly the teacher asked me to come see him so I did so...
I was sweating and had difficulty to breathe normally because of the effort but I was trying to not let it show

"Look like you really work hard so... because you lost your memory you don't remember the actions and movements to do.
I will teach you now but you have to decide which type of weapon you want to fight with" he seemed embarrassed to have thought that I was just faking my lost of memory and so that's why he was now trying to be nice to me and actually teach me something...

My plan worked...
I could have just not worked that hard but I wanted other to understand that I changed and for the teacher to actually teach me something I had to make a great impression and make him feel bad... it wasn't really hard to think of a plan like this and it has a rate of 80% to success

So I didn't know which weapons I wanted to take but I couldn't really take  a big weapon because of my body type. Maybe a weapon of precision? My body type don't really fit for archery and I don't think there are gun here...
Maybe a sword? No! It's too much cliché! I don't like it...
Dagger maybe? It would feet with my agile body so it's a maybe
Ninja weapon? Do they even know what's a ninja?

*cling* *paf*
A loud noise made me turned back

A girl was pressing a dagger around the neck of another girl
I decided

"Mister, I will take dagger"     He replied      "You sure? What length would you want it and with camber or not?"
"I will come with you to watch it for myself"

I followed him and when I entered the room full of weapons it amazed me. All the weapons were beautiful and full of grace. Each blades were like mirrors and each handle were the works of professional. The teacher let me see all the dagger and I really didn't know which I should choose.
"Can I take two daggers? One for each hand?" He watched me with a surprised expression
"Well... you can but... it's really difficult to fight with and I don't think you... could master them" he looked at me from the bottom to the top with an embarrassed expression

Ok I understand that nobody here think I could do anything! Just let me take the daggers and that's all!!

"I will try two and if I really can't I will changed to just one" I tried sounding the most respectful possible
He sighs "ok... just go in this section and you will be able to found the pair of daggers"

I went there and saw a lot of boxes and when I was opening these boxes, beautiful daggers were in it. When I tried looking for an other one I stumble on a carpet, and when I looked under the carpet I saw a box I opened it and saw little daggers. However they were not my style. So I tried continuing but then I stumble on the same box again!
This box is starting to  ennoy me! So I tried to moved it but I realized that the below of the little dagger was able to come off so I tried remove it and I success! There was an other pack of dagger just below it, and these were the one I wanted.
The blades were like 12 cm of length each. The handle was black and the blades was made in jade, it was really mesmerizing and it was really well sharpen I even cut myself while touching it...

I took the box and the daggers and showed it to the teacher
The teacher was surprised because these dagger were lost for a long time ago. They never found them but suddenly I found them.
So I explained how I discovered it and he understood taking me with him to go back to the gym.

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