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Cami was simply enjoying the music resonating in the place.
People were taken away by the music and the beauty of the scene. Full of red flowers were accompanying the music. Cami, who still had his red cape on his head was as beautiful as the flowers. He was the master of the scene. His hands on the piano seemed to float. His mysterious aura was enveloping even the piano

And then it was time for the solo of the piano. I accelerated and my hand were moving automatically as if I had memorized the piece perfectly. When in reality, it was the first time I heard this music like all of the spectators. I was concentrated on the partition and my hand were moving by themself.
Sometimes I had little panics because I didn't wanted to failed but I was able to take control of myself and just enjoy the pleasure of feeling my hand floating, the feeling of my head decrypting the partition at a crazy speed. The joy of feeling the stares of surprise from the members of the group and the stares of hypnotized, amazed and charmed people on me.
Some flowers started growing on the piano and a carpet made from flowers was forming under the piano and me.
People were feeling a peaceful atmosphere around them
Even if there was an explosion, nobody would have bother to look away from the boy.

Sweat was starting to form themself on my body but nothing could have disturbed me and nothing could have disturbed the audience too.

And without noticing, the song was coming to an end.
I hit the last note and watched the audience still stunned. My breast was going up and down and I was trying to catch my breath. I stand up.

"Thank you for having listening for the whole piece!" I turned around looking at the group still amazed by me
"Thank you for authorizing me to play with you, it was a true honor" I bowed in front of them

They were all paralyzed. Not able to move a single part of their body, stunned by the performance of the boy. Their head couldn't even think about anything else than 'splendid...'

I was able to leave the place without anyone even moving as if they were not sure if all that was not just a dream or the performance of an angel.

I giggled and I left like I came. Like a phantom leaving no trace behind.
The only trace left behind were the flowers left on the place.

It was a strange scene to see, they were all still hypnotized. Not moving a single muscle
but it's not the first time I saw this.
In my past life, my mother was leaving the scene with the same scenarios as this
It already happened to me but just 1 or 2 time in my entire past life

I clutched on my red cape and entered a dark alley.

Not long after, people started to fully understand what happened and people cheered on the group even if the red cape boy was not here anymore. It was as strange as waking up from the best dream you ever had. Plenty of people asked the group who this boy was but the only respond the group had was that they didn't know either.


I was wandering and smiling behind my cape.
It's been a while since I didn't performed in front of a public without it being a competition.

But... how am I gonna find my way back!!?? I got too absorbed by the whole music thing and I forgot my main reason to go there was to ask people for the way...
Ahh!! I'm so stupid when I'm absorbed by something. I completely enter in my own world and I don't even realize what's happening outside!!

I was so absorbed in my own thought that I bumped into someone.
I apologized before realizing that it was the little girl I had giving my cape to, earlier.
"Ah sorr- wait... It's you! Are you ok?" "Ah! Mister! I wanted to thanked you more appropriately. So here I am! Thank you so much for helping me earlier! And your cape is much more confortable to wear! Thank you very much!!" She thanked me with a big smile

A genius or an idiot?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя