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The closer they were  from arriving to the ball, the more Cami was stressing
He had to make a perfect impression on almost all the people in the ball. He couldn't miss the chance.

If he wanted people to see him differently, he had to make them see his change and have a good impression of him.
He had to make everything perfectly

The plan was simple but if he was missing just one thing, that would fail.

First, he had to make a strong impression. Shock people that's why he had to have a look that people would look at and the earrings would be the 'shock'.
But nobody would have anything to say because technically, Harrion won't break any rules. And with the help of the person who have seen Cami with his earrings, he knew that with the earrings people would actually love it. Even the lady in the store immediately admitted that it was fitting him perfectly even if she was reluctant to give him earrings.

Second, after his shock appearance, people will have the mannerist to look at him more often and some will take the chance to humiliate him, he will have the opportunity to answer in a good way.
With the help of the prof he has seen for the last Saturdays, he knew the labels perfectly.

People will be shock by the sudden change of personality of Harrion. And will tend to look at him even more because of their curiosity.
The more he will have stares on him, he will have the chance to show them how he changed in a good way.

The principle of all this is to make good impression and for that he has to creat shocks.

When it will be the time to give the present. All the family will have to show up before the royal family and make wishes for the prince before giving them the gift.
The gift is often not a physic but more like a promise.

Cami's father was often offering a partenariat that would make millions of money.
Or people with talents would often perform for them.

It was always grandiose. People were giving the royal family what they couldn't buy with their power.
So just giving a simple jewelry was like lacking respect.

That's where people will tend to mock Harrion, because he doesn't have any talent so can't give anything good for the royal families but jewelries and all.

But this time, even if it's not Harrion technically who will give them a performance in their eyes. He will have bought 'something' who can't be brought by the royal family. The performance of a mysterious boy, a genius people never seen before.

Even without the talent of the young, people will approach Harrion to know more about the mysterious boy because he is the only one who will have a connexion to him. Of course he is the same person but for other, they won't even suspect a thing about him.
So people will arrange thing with the 'mysterious' boy by the intermediate of Harrion.

That's where the plan have the whole purpose. He will be able to separate himself from his 'family' by having his own 'business'.
He will be known as the only intermediate for the genius so they will make partenariat with him for the boy to play for them.

And like that, he will gain a reputation for other to respect him and wanting to business with him.

That is the plan of Harrion. And the most important thing he has to a succeed is having a perfect impression in the ball.
That's why Harrion is so stressed. He has to succeed and he knows that for the plan to succeed he will have to have the stares of almost all the person in the ball constantly, but he hates having all the attention on him...

Cami was sitting down beside Tale. Take was seeing well that Cami was stressed. Well it's not like he could really do anything about it.
He already knew what was the plan of Cami, it was a simple plan but he had to make everything perfectly.
Honestly, he would have been stressed too if he was in the place of Harrion.

"We will arrive at the palace in not long. Prepare yourself and Harrion... please don't embarrass us"
"Yes of course father" Cami respond still stressed

The last 5 min were like eternity for Harrion who was more and more worried the more they were approaching the palace.
Finally, they arrived at the place.

"We arrived wear your mask" The father said

All of the family took their mask and put them.
And they went down the vehicle. Like usually, Harrion was following them just a little behind them.

They arrived at the gate. The gatekeepers asked their names
"We are the Palanda family." The gatekeepers bowed to them
"We are honored to see you. Please enter, a servant will take care of you" the gatekeepers opened the large door and the family entered

No long after, a servant arrived
"Please follow me I will show you the way" and they followed him

Harrion was walking while watching the hallways
There was multiple paints on the walls. It seems like a museum
It was marvelous

"Here we have a room if you want to place any objects and the man there is here to keep your objects " it was the room Harrion had to put his other costume so he memorized the place

They continued and finally arrived at an immense place. Like really really really really immense. There was already a lot of person.
"I will leave now, if you want something don't hesitate to ask servants we are there for that" he bowed and left

"We will enter. Harrion because you have something in you bag... go place it in the special room." He bowed and went to the room

The special room was not far from the hall so it was simple to remember where it was.
He went there, took his earrings from the bag and asked the man to keep his bag
The man was a bit reluctant at first seeing who it was but because it was his job, he did it without resistance

Harrion had his earrings in his hand and went to the bathroom. Nobody was there so he went where there was a mirror and put his earrings.

He started to stress over it but he calmed just after
'Even if it's stressing, I have to make it so that my plan will succeed' it was the only thought that could help himself

With his earrings he took a confident posture. The one his prof taught him.
He fixed a little bit his hair before coming out of the bathroom.

Cami was walking confidently toward the big hall.
He saw some person walking there too. Harrion didn't want to be more embarrassed so he didn't pay attention to them so he didn't see the amazed face and blush from other.
It was certainly a shock for them but they couldn't say anything
Some even didn't realized it was Harrion.

Cami finally arrived to the big halls. But he didn't saw his 'family' so he asked the women

"I am Harrion Jilleco Cami Palanda. Could you please tell me where are the Palenda's?" The women seemed enraged at first when she heard 'the name' but when she returned her face and saw the boy, her heart skipped a beat.
The boy was gorgeous. He looked like an angel.
She instantly blushed. Even if she hated him, she had to admit, he was splendid.

"Oh- umh... the Palanda family was already presented... you are the only who wasn't presented" of course they had to leave Cami behind
"I will now annonce you to the people. Please prepare yourself"
Harrion felt his heart starting to beat faster. Was he really gonna make it? What if he fall in the stairs? It will be the most embarrassing thing in all his life!

"Harrion Jilleco Cami Palanda is here" the women said with a large voice enveloping all the halls
When people heard 'the name' they all made surprised face before turning to the boy.

Harrion knew it wasn't the time to stress over it, he had to be perfect.
With his excellent posture and his head up, Cami went down the stairs with grace.

*it's author!
I know I didn't post like usual and I'm really sorry for that. It's really hard to continue posting because I have a big writer block and each chapter has at least 1300 words.
So I'm really sorry I will try to give you chapters the fastest possible but it will starts to be irregular update.

I'm really sorry and I hope you understand
thank you

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