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I was now heading toward the gym to train.
People were looking at me with surprise and disdain when I was walking in the halls

Of course... I didn't have memories the way to the gym so
I got lost...

While I was wandering in the school, searching the way to the gym, people were staring at me making me uncomfortable
I tried asking people for the way but each time I was approaching someone they would just ignored me and even run away from me

I knew that the original Cami had a really bad reputation but...
How did he got so much hate from other?? And why do I have to deal with it??

"Ow- ow, ow-" I hit something and hurt my hand when I fell on the ground
"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention" it was not entirely my fault but it's true that I had to apologize because I wasn't paying attention

I looked up and ...
It was not even a person

I got so embarrassed! I just apologized to a wall and it mean that I ran into a wall!!
I blushed bright red

"Pfft-" who!? Who is laughing about me!?
"Sorry- do you want a help? Your face was really ridiculous-" it was the blond guy I met this morning
He reach out to me and I took his hand
He pulled me and I thanked him

He was about to leave
"Wait-!" I said to him
"I'm... lost"
He looked at me with an astounded expression
"You... want my help?" He sounded as if he was asked to kill someone
"Is it so difficult to understand that I changed and I'm actually lost" I said with an annoyed tone
"Well, yes really. I mean... it's really difficult to understand how you changed that much even with a memory lost when you were literally an egocentric, narcissistic, arrogant, useless, detestable jerk... without wanting to offend you..."
"Well- I'll guide you to the place you want to go" I could see a drop of sweat forming on the boy's face
"Ok, thanks I have to go to the gym"
"Oh! I'm going to the gym too!"

This conversation was as awkward as two introvert trying to chat with each other...


We were finally at the gym and I took my daggers out of their box.
"Oh cool! Your daggers are really nice! I never saw them before, are they new?" The blond boy said
"Ah No... actually they were only lost."
"Well anyway... are you sure you're ok with two daggers? No offense but... just one daggers should be already quite difficult for you to master.." I looked at him with a desire to punch him right in the face
"Don't worry, the teacher already warned me about it"
"Well, don't worry if you can't do anything with it. It's not like anyone would be surprised to see you fail"
Is it supposed to confort me? This f*cker really take me for a child

The blond boy got out of his tall box a double sword.
It was two sword with about 20 cm of length each and they were connect at the handle but it could be separated to make two blade in each hand
Not gonna lie, it was f*cking cool as weapon
"Do you want a demonstration of how this weapon work?" The blond said
"I mean, yeah..."

He started spinning the stick(two blade connected into a stick) and he did some impressive stuff with it without even loosing his balance
He then took the handle with two hands and separated the stick to transform it into two swords.
He then continued his spectacle and did tricks I couldn't even understand how someone could do...

"WTH! You looked so cool! How did you do it!?" He giggled at my expression
"It's talent and practice!" He was really proud of himself

"Well anyway, didn't you came here to practice?"
"Ah- yes you're right..."

I took my daggers and made the positions the teacher had show me perfectly
And then I enchained the movements with each other to make a combination

I was playing with the daggers in my hands as if they were pencils. I was training some trick that I found cool but I wasn't able to make it so I just continued the bases.
"Whoa! You're actually being able to make some tricks! And it's supposed to be your first time holding daggers. Maybe you deserve a little bit your place in this school" it's supposed to be a compliment??
"Well... thanks? Anyway I'm thinking about something for a while but... I still don't know your name"
"It's true that I never told you my name-"
"It's Kin" I finally know his name!!

"Cool name and you can actually just call me Cami instead of 'jerk' or Harrion "
"Really!? I never thought even one time in my life, you would let me call you by any name"
"Well, look like it's your day of luck because now I authorize you to"

...I continued to train and when I thought my training was enough I quit the gym to head to an art room.
I lost myself one more time

I was wandering and it seemed people had already left because I met nobody while walking in the big halls
I started panicking when suddenly I found a small door. I opened the door
The room seemed abandoned, they were layers of dust on the white webs covering some things.
I wasn't sure I had the right to go here but it seemed old and abandoned so I thought it could be a cool place to go if I wanted to be lonely.

Curious, I removed the webs and what I discover amazed me.
It was a room of art! It was surely an abandoned room that was used for different kind of art before. There was a piano, violins, flutes, trumpets ... a lot of different instruments. And in another room directly connect to the first room, there was canvas and paint with different brushes to paint. They was pencils and pens too. There was a stack of paper and different kind of ink to probably practice calligraphy. And other art stuff...

It was the perfect room for me!! I could practice here without being bothered by people. I will be able to just enjoy the pleasure to paint and play without having to achieve something, just doing my art for the pleasure of achieving a personal challenge.

I watched my watch and I had 2 hours before Abele come search me. I had time to paint.
But I couldn't really go paint because I didn't have an apron so if I dirtied myself, Abele would suspect me and I don't want to dirty my uniform.
So I just took  the violin.
It was sounding really bad because the violin was in bad condition so for the last 35 min I lost my time to prepare all the violins in the room. When I finished I thought it would be a good idea to do the same with the piano because it was certainly not well tune...

I had to check each notes and adjust some things and clean the piano from all the dust.

Before I knew it... I was already 10:30 so I decided to leave right away and try to remember the way to this room because if I couldn't even remember how to come here, why would I have passed my time to clean all these instruments?

I left and closed the door. While walking in the halls I was studying the walls and all the little details on these. I tried remembering the directions I was taking to remember a certain way but I just couldn't remember it so I decided to rely on the save point I was saving in my memory. After almost 20 min of searching my way to the entrance I finally succeeded!
I left the school and noticed the vehicle that was waiting for me

I entered the vehicle and saw Abele sleeping, she was certainly there for a lot longer than what I asked her to. I wake her up and she seemed very embarrassed about being 'disrespectful'...

And we came home
When I come home, I ate the fastest possible and went directly to my bed after taking my bath and brushing my teeth.
I was surprised but for the brushing of teeth it's just a mixture to rinse your mouth and all the dirt in your mouth
It was actually working really well...

It didn't take time before I fall asleep in my silk blankets.

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