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I don't know what to do!!

*little explanation*

My classes ended and I was going toward the secret room. But at this moment I heard someone call my name. I returned my head toward the the person. The person was a small girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She was wearing glasses and she was like really really cute...
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called again by the girl.
"Y-Yes?" I answered
"Hi... I'm the vice-president of the student council. My name is Arienne. The student council want you to come for something" she had an angelic voice
She made a sign for me to follow her and I did so.

"So uhmmm... why do I need to meet the student council?" I said, nervously
"Sorry, I don't have the right to tell you that for now" she replied with a bored expression
"Ah- ok" I didn't know what to say to not make things awkward

We were finally there... Arienne pushed the door and I walked in the room.
The room was luxurious and really big with 5 desks probably for each members of the council. Arienne told me to just sit down and wait a little bit.
I was anxious of what was about to happened. I was watching the room, it was really beautiful. Each objects seemed to cost more than a car.
Paints made by professional were on the walls, pottery made by master of this art were positioned in the corner. And all sort of arts were exposed in this room.

After not even 5 min, Arienne told me to come with her.
I followed her and we went toward a door. She opened the door and I saw the inside of it.
A large rectangle table in the center of this luxurious room was here.
I saw Killian and the others members of the council. Arienne went to her place which was on the left side of the president.
The president was a girl, she had big undereye bags and messy hair but she was emitting a charismatic and intimidating aura.

The members were fixing me which made me feel so much more anxious.
Some had angered in their eyes, other annoyed look and other unbothered look.

I laughed anxiously "Umh- c-can I as-ask why d-did you wan-t-ted me? I couldn't stop stuttering which made me even more anxious and embarrassed
The president answered me
"For the moment, just take a place. I will explain it to you after"

I went to a place and pulled a chair. I sat down and had drops of sweat on my face.
"Ok, now I will explain it to you. Each years we have a festival. Each year, everyone in the school is obligated to participate. Because you lost your memory, you probably don't understand why we should call you to tell you that."
"You are correct. I really don't understand why I should be called for that..." I replied
"Well, it's been a while since we try to convince you to participate. You were always throwing tantrum about it and was just giving us money to 'compense'." I felt so stupid and embarrassed even if I knew that I was not the one who really did that
"Well, now that you lost your memory and apparently you also changed completely from comportement. We will request you to choose something to do. Of course because almost all the choices have been chosen by other students, many choices are not in the lists anymore"
What? Just for that!? I stressed over that!!??
I sighed
"What? You're refusing again?" A boy said with a threatening tone
"No!,no. It's not that. I was just relieved that I was called for something other than a serious problem..." they got all surprised, even the emotionless vice-president.
"It's not a problem at all to choose a task to participate. I just have to look at the choices, could I have a sheet of it please?" I was way more relaxed now
"Uh-uh y-yes" one of the members said
"It feels really weird... isn't it a little bit too easy?" It was the same boy as earlier
"Oh- sorry... should I hit a wall before accepting?" Ok, I know that was arrogant but he was really annoying me
"Pfft- ... sorry" Killian and the president had the same reaction

A person gave me a document and I glanced at it. All the propositions with a x beside them was the one I couldn't choose because they were all already occupied.

It left me with only these choices:

•serving people who visit. (Helping them to know their location)
•making the costumes for the students who need them for their responsibility
•creating an ambiance (by music/ decorating...)
•playing in a play (theatre)
•preparing the food
•taking care of counting all the money we gain

It was about all...

Seriously, I would like more to creating an ambiance because it's what I'm the best at, with my talent and magic...
But I couldn't just reveal that I can play music and people could recognize me as the 'red cape boy' even if my play is not so incredible...
So it's a complet no.
I'm never going to play because I'm horrible at acting. And not cooking too because I'm still as bad as in my past life...
For the creation of the costume, maybe but I'm just average with it. I would be too slow to make flawless clothes in the little time I have before the festival. And I don't want to count money either, even if I'm good at math doesn't mean I like counting...

So the only possibility left is serving people.

When I told them, it was what I chose. They seemed to have a heart attack. I knew that it was because they were really surprised by my choice and change of comportement but it hurt my feeling anyway...

"Ah-uhh- yes, yes you can but... it will be a little bit difficult to arrange you that..." I immediately understood what she was talking about

Even if I changed. The one that don't know me personally since these last weeks, will just have a negative reaction to me. I won't even be able to help, so I would just be useless...
An idea flashed in my head
"Well, of course I would just make a bad reaction to the visitors but... what if they didn't know me?" They watched me with a weird face
"Sorry to break it to you but, your bad reputation is known by everyone in this city. Nobody don't know you"
"Of course I know it. What I meant by that was... if they were not able to recognize me? They would just think I'm a normal student" the president was stunned of my proposition like the rest of the council before bursting in laughters
"Haha- fiou- sorry... I never thought that a lost of memory would have change you THAT much... Even your intelligence seemed to have augmented..."
I just smiled at her
Little secret: I was a bit embarrassed about all this situation because I had all the attention on me...

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