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It's now been some days since the ball.
And it's tiring. Like does break even exist for them?

Since the ball, he was assaulted by thousand and thousand of questions. At school people would follow him and asked many question perhaps on the behalf of their family.
And when he was going out just a little bit, waves of people would jump on him

'Who is this boy? Do you really know him? What's your relation? Is he even human? Where did you recruited him? How much did you pay him? Who is he? Is the rumor true? Is he really a god? Could you introduce him to me? Where is he? Is he someone famous?'

It was a headache to even try to escape. He knew his performance was good and would make a big impression but...

He would never have imagine that his actions would lead him to ...'that'

And now he was in school trying to escape from a group that want to be his 'friend'.
It was clear that their purpose was to approach me to know more about 'the boy'. Maybe it was their family who asked them to do that, maybe it was on their own purpose. Well it didn't change the fact that they were following him like dogs.

It was noon and he was trying to escape from them to go join Riley but they were pestering him to eat with them.
Anybody who saw Cami could felt his annoyed state.

Suddenly his arm was grabbed from the side and he instinctively shivered and tried to push the person away. That's when the door closed. He couldn't see anything and the grab loosened. He then felt a hot breath and a gentle voice.
"I'm sorry I grabbed you too strongly. Are you ok?" Cami sighed in relief when he recognized the voice

He leaned his head on the torso of the other's.
"You really have the talent to scare me. You could just have told me it was you." The other placed a hand on the back of Cami
"Sorry Cami you looked like you would have punched me if I talked to you." He made a dumb smile
Even if they couldn't see each other because it was too dark, they could still feel the feeling of the other.

"What?" He respond with a sweet voice
"That's not a problem. I was searching for you anyway."

Cami's heart rate started to accelerate. He knew what that means but wasn't sure if it was that.
Since some weeks, Cami often felt these feeling with Riley.
His heart rate accelerating. His blush when Riley just touch him slightly. His dumb smile when he was with Riley.

He knew too well what it means but he wasn't sure. Was it just because he was happy to be with a real friend? Or was it really because he liked him?

Cami looked up to see Riley's face. His eyes were now more accustomed to the dark but he couldn't completely see his face. Even though, he could feel the sweetness in Riley's eyes looking at him. His face was burning and his face wanted to be closer to Riley.
But Riley started to speak.

"It looks like they're not here anymore. We should go eat now" he smiled and started leaving
"Y-yes" Cami said, embarrassed

They went out of the room by an other door, not the one Cami came by. Cami was still really embarrassed by what happened.
Even if he knew he had something for Riley, he couldn't stop feeling embarrassed about it.

At first it was his look that attracted him the most... but after all these conversations he started to feel something more and the final blow was when Riley made sure to heal the injury Cami had.

He didn't want to admit it but Riley was always in his mind. The only thought about being with him made him happy.

He almost never had a crush in his last life but it happened. So Cami knew very well what these symptoms meant.

They finally went to their usual place.

"So this time what does Goddess Abele made you?" Riley was trying to steal Cami's lunch again...
"Hell no! You're not taking my lunch away again!" Even if he had a crush on Riley didn't mean he could do that! There was some limits!
"Tch- you're so mean"
"Yeah yeah I'm so mean. So mean that I won't let you eat even one crumble of my lunch"
Riley made an exaggerated shocked expression

Then a smirked started forming on his face
It was not a good sign at all... really not...

"Even if I do this~?" Still with his smirked on his face
He approached Cami slowly, hugged him from behind and started letting his hand move under his shirt.
He instantly stiffened and his face reddened once more.

It was the trick Riley used each time he wanted to take Cami's lunch. It was SUPER EFFECTIVE!!
Cami always stiffened while blushing like crazy and the moment Cami couldn't move anymore or just react, Riley would take advantage of the moment to steal a part of Cami's lunch. While eating in the top of a tree, he could watch the blushing mess he created while laughing at him.

He was really a sadist...

I don't even know how Riley found this method but it was the most effective one he found so he always did it when he wanted something from Cami.

Cami , still red like a tomato, was embarrassed not only because of Riley but because he fell for that trick...again!
He felt like an idiot. What's more is that he knew Riley would do that but did nothing for it.

He could only cursed on Riley and his own stupidity. Even Abele's lunch couldn't calm him.

How could he fall in love for such a devil?
Was he a masochist or what?

Cami could only hear the annoying giggles coming from the top of a tree.
'I will take my revenge one day' Cami thought while squeezing his hand into a punch.
'This pretty face won't always be so symmetrical' it was his resolve, he had to punch him right onto his face at least once...or twice

Author is here!! I'm sorry this chapter is the shortest I ever done in this story! Hope you like it anyway.
And thank you so much!!!! We reached the 10k view!!!!! You don't understand how happy I am. Like literally each time I see comments, subscribe and all type of notifications for my story I feel like I could die of happiness.

Thank you so much and I know a lot of you would want more frequent updates so I will do my best.
But for a chapters to be really good I have to have inspirations and if I force myself to write something my chapter will be dull without much happening so sorry! I'll try my best anyway thanks to all of you!

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