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*kling     *kling    *kling ...

As always, it was an awkward supper with all Cami's 'family's members'
As always, Cami was at the end of this large table while his 'family' were sitting at approximately the same place

The sound of the utensils on the plates were the only sound that could be heard.
It was always like that

At first, Cami was always feeling really awkward and just wanted to finish his plate the fastest possible
But now he didn't care as much, it's still awkward as hell but he's used to it so he's able to not care about it.
He heard a sighed from his father before the latter started to speak
(At the great surprise of Cami)

He cleared his throat as if he was about to announce something super important
"I would want to say something."

All the person at the table, including Cami, stopped eating and looked at their father

Seeing that he had gathered all the attention he opened his mouth one more time

"We all know what happened during the ball..." he looked at Cami while the other turned around to look at Cami too
Which made Cami embarrassed

"I guess we all wonder who it was, and I would really like to know too... but if even Cami doesn't really know about 'that person', I guess I won't be able to know more..."
Cami looked away

"But before all, I would like to thank you Cami for not ...embarrassing us... even if your 'little surprise' (apparence) wasn't really ... the best at first... but thank anyway"

Cami was really surprised about these words. Him? Thanking him? Hell no it's too suspicious!
He even got kinda scared at first, did his father knew he was 'that person'??
And was it even supposed to be a 'thanks'? I guess it's his way to say thanks?

"Ummh... thank father?" What's was he supposed to say?

"But this isn't what I wanted to talked about.." yes... of course
"After the performance. As you know, the royal family wanted to know more about 'that person' and as you know, you have the duty to contact the royal family for 'that person'"

'Ahh... Now I understand what he's talking about...' Cami thought

"The fact is, the royal family contacted me today. They would want a talk with you Cami"
Cami's eyes widened and he almost let a shout

"Ahah... wh- why would the ro-royal family want a talk with me??" He was sweating ocean right now
"Of course because you are the only intermediate with 'that person' and they would want to talk to you about 'that person'"

Of course Cami knew he would make a lot of ruckus but...
To even interest the royal family!!? It wasn't what he had planned!

And what if they asked him to reveal his identity?? He couldn't say no to the royal, but.. what could he do??

If it was working with them, it would be the best way to achieve what he wants but.. if it fails, it could finish really badly.

He started to sweat a lot more. What did he do ? What was he going to do??

"Do y-you know w-when I will ha-have to mee-t them??"
"Yes, they told me that in one week, so next Sunday, you will go to the palace"

Cami almost spit all of his food back on his plate
His heart's beat could literally be felt trough all his body. He even asked himself if they heard it too.

"O-ok father. Can I leave the supper now?" He had to leave before his tears of stress and distress could be seen.
"Yes you can leave"
Without even finishing his plate, Cami stood up and rushed toward the door.

The last thing he saw before leaving completely the room was the looks of his 'siblings'

Tale had a worried face
While some had an intrigued face
And other were confused
Some were even looking at Cami and 'father' in disbelief

Closing the door, Cami felt his tears coming out and his heart squeezing

He didn't like that at all. The pressure, what if he fails? Were they gonna kill him for lying? What if they want 'that person' to themself so they will keep him at the palace without liberty but being able to play for them?
What if they wanted to kill him because it's suspicious he could play so well?

He was sobbing while walking to his room. He was like a little kid that was scared of going to his first day of school all alone.

He wanted to have Riley by his side and have him hug him like he always do when Cami isn't going well.
He wanted the warmth he felt every time he sees Riley, his big arm enveloping him and his sweet voice telling him that it's all going to be okay and that he was here with him.

But right now, Riley wasn't here. Cami couldn't have these sweet words from this sweet man he wanted so bad. Because he was alone right now, like he was always before meeting Riley. He was still here, trying to organize his thoughts while having a panick attack. He just didn't wanted to think about anything but his body wouldn't help him.

His heart that felt like it was going to fly away, his uncontrollable shaking and his headache that wouldn't leave and of course the fact that he felt like at each step he took and each breath he took, he would collapse.

It been a while since it happened to Cami but of course..
It would happen again even in this new life.

It was quite frequent in his past life, these panic attack. When full of journalists would put him into lot of pression, when he knew his family would be here for his performance, or even when he would started hearing other talking about him.

He started grabbing his wrist and tighten his right hand on his left hand. It was hurting but he didn't stop. He started doing it with his nails. Now it was his nails that were cutting his blood circulation from his wrist.

After 10 sec of this, he finally released his wrist now with marks of nails marked deeply into his skin while bruises were created.

He looked at his throbbing wrist. He was now calmer. His breathing was more regularly and he wasn't as dizzy as before.

Before he knew, he was already at his bedroom. It looked like he would get to bed earlier than expected and wouldn't take a bath today.

He jumped on his bed while caressing his throbbing wrist delicately. He didn't even bothered to changed into different clothes and fell asleep directly.

Not long after*
Abele came discretely into Cami's room. She knew Cami wasn't feeling well but she had to finish her tasks before going to comfort Cami. She finished her tasks the fastest possible.

When she entered his room, she saw him in his bed. Already sleeping.
His eyes where red and swollen from crying.

Delicately, she approached him and sit beside Cami. She passed her hand trough his hair.
"Don't worry Cami, you're not alone, I 'll always be here to help you" she smiled at him one last time before leaving his room

Unconsciously, Cami let his hand wandered where Abele's hand caressed him. While a little smile appeared on his face.

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