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I'm in my bed. I want to sleep but I can't because of this thought.
His voice and his smile is stuck in my head.

It's confortable... having a real friend who's not only there for my family's wealth. Or for the reputation of being friend with me.
Like in my past life...

He doesn't even ignore me like everybody else. And when I come see him, he's just there to greet me. And comparing to Killian, I don't feel like he is there with me just because he have to but because he really want to be with me...

I know I'm just like a kid but... it feels so good to have someone who is taking care of me as a friend with his own will.
I mean... I love being with Abele and I know that she's kind with me with her own will but... he is the only one who didn't started being with me because of duty.

I just feel like he is a true friend compared to Abele who is more like a big sister/mom...
And even if we know each other just for one week, it's as if I knew him for a long time.

Slowly, I was falling asleep.

... 4 days after...

Ahh- I'm finally in the way back to home! School today was really exhausting. And the weird boy stole a part of my lunch again!!
I thought that he was a good friend but each time I see him stealing the lunch Abele made, I just want to hit him and take back my lunch!

Well, anyway... Thursday, I got an exam in history and I had to fail on purpose some answers but I think I will have a good grade. The teachers seem to start noticing that my grades are rising. It's funny because each time they want to pick on me, the can't because my grades are still bad but not as bad as before. They all think I just unblocked a part in my head when I lost my memory and I suddenly have the urge to be good at school, it's really stupid and funny to see their expression each time they want to tell my grade in front of all the class to 'ridicule' me. But then they realize that my grades are improving drastically so they just use the excuse of not wanting to be mean by telling the worst grade in front of the class...
Some kind teachers are telling me to continue making efforts.
Technically, I'm still the worst student in school and I don't deserve to be in this school but they don't know that I make errors on purpose.
I still have to study, but because I learned almost everything in my past life, and furnished all the efforts I had too in my past life. Now it's so much easier to follow and all.

History is difficult because I don't already have the knowledge of this world but because of my fast learning ability and my good memory, it's easy for me to remember the thing I hear in class and study.
While business class, it's not really a talent of mine but I already knew the base thanks to my fathers talks , both in my past life and in this new life.

While in music I just have to suffer while faking my incompetence with a transverse flute. I really just want to completely forget about other and start playing with all my might. But I know it would cause such a big problem...

While for the martial art class, I got a good new!! Because the teacher was amazed by my aptitude with the daggers, and because he saw that I gain good skills so fast. He told me that for the next class, I will finally be able to fight with a student and not only practice alone.
But with who? That's a question even the teacher wouldn't tell me, probably because himself didn't know who would like to be with me...

Well anyway, I will just eat my supper and study until its midnight. Habitually I just have 10 min to study because I return to home at 23 o'clock and the time I finally arrive at home and eat, it's already time to go take a bath and then study... and I go to bed at midnight so... it really doesn't let me the time to study. But it's not that important because I study at school anyway.
When I don't want to play piano or paint, I just study or read.

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