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I was slowly approaching the central place when I felt a bump on me. I turned around to find out I got touched by a tomato. It dirtied my cape and now the white cape had a big mark of red on it. I felt an other bump but this time it was a little girl who bumped into me. She fell and started crying.
Oh sh*t... I got to her level
"A-are you ok? I'm really sorry! I didn't see you! Are you hurt?" I said with the most gentle tone I could have
"Sniff,sniff. I'm ok mister. I'm not crying because of you. These boys don't want to let me go. They chase me since earlier and don't stop throwing tomatoes at me! Now the dress my mom made me for today is completely ruined! " she started crying more
Her hair has pieces of tomatoes on them and her clothes was dirtied by red spots
The only thing that was not ruined was a large red cape in her arms

"Why don't you put your cape if you don't want them to dirty your dress?"
"It's- it's because it's too big for me to put... it would just make me fall"
I had an idea "why don't we exchange our cape? Mine is shorter and even if mine has been dirtied by a tomato it can always be washed away"
"Really! Bu-but your cape seems so expensive! And mi-mine is just...red" she had a sad expression and I saw the boys finally founding us in this crowd of people
I gave her my cape and took hers. She didn't seemed to have noticed who I was. It was a relief
I whispered "go run before these boys catch up to you" she thanked me and ran away

When the boys who had tomatoes in their hands approach from me I immediately took of the cape and scared them

"You dirtied my cape... if you ever remake the same error as ever crossing my path again or continuing chasing after somebody like that, prepare yourself to never ever being able to run again..." I told them with a terrific and angry tone

They got scared as if they had seen a demon and run away as fast as they came.
'Maybe I went too hard on them...'

Nobody seemed to have noticed me and that was a relief
I put the red cape on me and it was perfect. It was hiding my face from other and even with the flashy color, I was passing unnoticed.

I continued asking people where the central place was and in not even 30 min I found the statue people were talking about and plenty of person were here.

I wonder if my 'family' ever noticed that I disappeared

Others pov*
'Look like Harrion is not here... I'm sure he didn't even quit the vehicle and is waiting for us to return
Tch- what an useless child I have there, he didn't even bothered himself to walk a little bit'.

*well this time the father noticed but...

1st pov*

A group of musician was here in the middle of the place. It seems they are famous because a crowd of people was around them waiting for them to start. I try approaching and I was actually able to pass between people easily.
The group is formed by a pianist, a violin, a singer, an other violin and some other instruments.

"They are taking way more time to start than usually." I heard someone say to someone else
"Yes and it seems that the pianist is still not here. Maybe it's why they still hasn't started." The other responded

Oh- that's why... I wondered why nobody was on the seat for the piano.

I was waiting for them to play because anyway I had nothing to do and the reason why we came here today was to discover different things that we don't see in our rich life...
I waited 10 min and the pianist was still not here, a lot of persons were leaving each min and it was clear that the members of the group were really nervous about what to do without their pianist.

I took my courage with my two hand and started walking toward them. I made sure that nobody would find out that I'm actually Harrion.

"Uh hey... it seems that you have a little problem with your pianist, are you ok?..."
"Ah-hum... yes" one of the violinist sighed in despair
"It been 45 min now that we wait for our pianist but he's still not here and people are gradually leaving... " he continued
"Maybe it's because he is lost?" I replied
"Well it could have been a possibility if he was a stranger to this place but we come each Sunday for 6 month now so..."
"We really don't know what to do anymore... he told us he was going to arrive in time after his interview with his dream company but he is still not here..." ah- he abandoned them
"Do you have a partition for the music" I took all my courage just to ask them that
"What- do you mean that you could play with us? Without even had practiced once?" I got really embarrassed
"Well...I'm really good at it and at this point I think it's better for you to have someone playing than just not playing at all"
They watched each other with hesitation
"It's true but... we don't even know how good you play ..."

"Give me the partition, I will play the first notes and if you're satisfied with how I'm playing you can just embarked on the beat"
They looked at each other with a light of hope in their eyes

They went to explain to the rest of the group what was going to happen and they nodded in agreement
They gave me the partition and I took a quick glance before preparing myself to started playing

I started pressing the first notes attracting the attention of the crowd.
I took a deep breathing and started hitting the notes written on the partition.
I started going faster and my hands were moving on the piano with fluidity and grace.
The group seemed very surprised and got their instruments prepared to play. The crowd had stopped talking and was only watching the group.

Then, I got to the first hard passage, it was not really harder for me but it was more complex to play. The members of the groups immediately embarked on the beat and we all started playing. People were amazed by the group and in particular, the boy with the red cape who come out like that and started playing so effortlessly.
The group's member were stunned by the talent of the young one. Even their pianist who was a professional couldn't play this part so fluidity.

It been a long time I didn't feel the stares of the crowd, amazed by the sound I was creating. I always loved doing that.

The group seemed to be the amateurs beside the boy.
More and more people were attracted by the sound and now the place was filled with people, mesmerized by the boy's talent.

Soon an atmosphere was being created by the sound perfectly mixed with the group and the boy's piano.
People started to fill a regain of energy, it was probably one of the magic of a member in the group. And little flowers were gradually growing between the feet of the crowd. The scenery was simply hypnotizing.

And there was Cami there who was simply enjoying his performance.

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