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"Master! Master! It's time to wake up! Sir George is already here! You have to hurry up! It's not polite to make someone wait." With the sudden voice of Abele I wake up in surprise. I'm still sleepy and don't really understand why Abele is so stressed so early
*yawn "hello Abele~ did you sleep well? Because I slept like a baby~" she looked at me with an 'are you serious' face
"It's not the time to make joke master Cami! You have to hurry up!"
"Ah? Why? It's so early in the morning too... why are you so serious?" I was still sleepy
She sighed "didn't you listen to me? Sir George is here. HE IS WAITING FOR YOU!!" Eh-
"W-w-whatt!! B-but I'm not even dressed!!"
"YEESSS!! That's why I'm here!! Go hurry up or Sir George will have to teach you how to be on time for all the day!!" Oh no...

I went dressed myself with the clothes Mabele already chose for me. I went to my bathroom and washed quickly my face. I went in front of a mirror and fixed my hair and clothes.

"A-am I ok now!?" Abele did a little smile              "Yes, Master Cami, you are perfect as always. Now hurry up and come down!"
I returned her smile and hurry up to go down meet my special teacher.
I really didn't want to but I was obligated to learn the labels...

I ran down the stairs and when I was about to meet the teacher, I stopped running to walk as if I was just walking since the beginning.
When I entered the room. I bowed to my teacher and went sitting on a chair where I paid attention to sit 'correctly'.

The teacher raised his head to glance at me and looked at me from my head to toes.
He probably looked at me to know if I was dressed correctly, if I looked sophisticated and if I was sitting correctly.

"I got the message you were going to be really difficult to be with and teach but... it looks like you already learned the things I taught you last class and you are actually respectful even if your punctuality is not on point"
"Thank you for the compliment and I am really sorry for the wait" though it's not like I could have been on time when I didn't even know at what time you were gonna arrive...
"It is ok. I did it on purpose to know how fast you could hurry up" this-
"Hahaha." (Awkwardly)

"Anyway. We will be starting with the important families you have to remember for the ball"
He showed me a big board with different families with their titles and ranks in society.
Oh gosh- it's so difficult to concentrate when all their names are so weird...
I mean... how could I not explose from laugher when the name of the son of one of the families is :
Alberto Carriarus Mayo (pfft-) Lomeno Loren Soguolos Sabutchatom Wiwillo (...) Maquirovos Soderra
Omg... I really have to fight my life right now to not explode in laughter... His parent really had to hate him...

"Sir Harrion. Are you listening to me..?" He said with a serious tone
"Y-es" I let out a little "ugh-"
He sighed
"Please refrain yourself from laughing of the name of the importants families during the ball"
"Yes yes..."

He continued his teaching and gave me for homework to remember the names and status of all the persons I learn today.
I know I'm good with my memory but that's an impossible mission to do!!

Anyway... he finally left and I'm finally able to relax. I have a back pain because of the posture I had to keep for all the class...
I went to my room and took a bath. It was relaxing...
The water was cold as usual
I quickly rinse all the soap from my body and took the towel , I didn't forget this time! And dried myself.
I put the same clothes as before and went to my desk.
I put the homework I had to do on it.

I sighed-
I took a sheet and started annotating a long text. It was easy so I finished it without forgetting to leave mistakes to make it looks average for my level...
It was now time to do my 12 pages of science in my book! Ahh-

...after the homework...
I'm tired but I can't do the same mistakes as last Saturday and fell asleep to wake up in the middle of the night.

I headed to the kitchen to take a cup of cold water to wake me up.
When I finally arrived at the kitchen, I took a cup and fill it with cold water.
I drank the water and took the rest to pour it on my head a little.
It was juste small quantity so it just wet my head.

Nobody was really here at the moment so I decided to explore the mansion. What I never did before...
I walked to the lower room. I heard littles noises from the inside of the room. It was my 'siblings' and my father teaching them...
I want to play too!!
I continued visiting the mansion.
The number of arts exposed in all the border of the walls was impressive
But.. it was always the arts of my 'siblings', the achievements of my 'siblings' and all 'my' ancestors...
Nothing was about Harrion... not even one paint. It was just paints of my 'siblings', my father, my ancestors, my mother (I don't even know where she is right now but she's pretty), some famous persons in the country like the royal family, gods and scenery from myth...
Nothing- nothing about Harrion

Without even noticing it. Little tears started to fall from my eyes.
"Uh-?" Why? Why am I crying?
I collapsed in a corner.
I was swiping my tears away but they wouldn't stop from flowing

Why? Why? Why?
Why is this life so different and similar at the same time to the past one? Why does nobody noticed that the behavior of Harrion was caused by something related to the need of attention and love? Why did nobody noticed that it was not Harrion who started by not respecting people so people don't respect him when ,in fact, he started not respecting people because nobody was respecting him firstly?
Why? Why? Why?

Why do I relate to him that bad? Why is everybody always having such high expectations toward me and abandon me when they see I'm not able to do all perfectly?

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. My eyes were now swollen and red. Big tears wouldn't stop from appearing and my hands finally stopped trying to swipe them.
I was sitting in a corner, nobody was here to see me or to help me. Nobody was seeing my pain.
I was just here... hoping that someone would just hug me and tell me that they believe in me.

...in the end, nobody passed and my tears just ended from flowing...
I was tired of crying but it was just 17 o'clock. I couldn't just go to sleep because it was too early and I still didn't have anything to do.
Spiritless, I was just passing by the halls like a lost phantom.
There was a door... I didn't have anything to do so I just decided to pushed the door.
It was leading to outside. To a flower field. A beautiful one.
It made me thought of the one I made in the public place the last Sunday.
I went outside and walked on te way already created. At a point, I couldn't even see anything more than flowers...
It was truly beautiful. I just wanted to lay on the flowers but I didn't wanted to have insects on me and I didn't wanted to crush these flowers..

I just sat on the ground where there was no flowers. I put my support on both of my arms and looked at the flower field before looking at the cloudless sky. It was a beautiful blue.

I'm not sure since when I'm here but I feel like it's been 10 billions of years I know this place.
It feels like a place I would dream of.
Little birds were sometimes passing by.
It would be so pretty doing my arts here... my flowers mixing with the one already here... I could paint this view, I could play on my piano a music that make me think of that place, I could play on my violin what I think about when I feel the wind flowing on my skin.
I took a deep breath.

It's time to go back.

I followed the path I took to come here and after like 10 min of walk. I finally reached the door.
I didn't even noticed that the territory of this mansion was expanding so far...
I went inside and came back to my room

After a little bit, I went to eat with my 'family' and it seemed nobody noticed my spiritless behavior. I was lucky because it could have created some real problems otherwise...

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