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It's so tiring...
I just finished the meeting with the council
It was so embarrassing to have them fixing me as if I was an alien each time I talked!
Of course their opinions on me didn't change that much but they were more opened about listening to me after my idea of disguising myself.

Well... I don't think I will have the time to go to my secret room or do anything. I will just go to home I'm sure Abele is already waiting for me outside.
I watch the time on my watch...
Or maybe not...
There are still 1h30 of time before the hour I habitually finish...
What am I gonna do?

For the moment, I'm just going outside to see if Abele is already here and if not, I'm just gonna see what I will do.

I went outside. I didn't even see one vehicle... Well, seem like I have a big time to spend my time to do nothing...

I pushed the door... Well, more like I tried pushing the door.
It wouldn't open.
I tried pushing the door with more force. It didn't change anything
I started to panicked. What am I gonna do outside for all this time.
I stopped pushing the door. Maybe is there an other door I could enter by?
It's been 10 min since I started looking for a door that can be opened...
I'm turning around the school for 10 min!!
I want to cry. The time pass so slowly... And I didn't see any vehicles in the entrance..

Why wouldn't the doors open!!??
I tried to remember if I heard something about it before
I'm    So     STUPID!!

Killian told me the first day of school that once 21h10 passed. You can come out of the school but can't enter anymore...
Why didn't I remember it before going outside!!??
I'm so f*cking stupid!
Now I'm stuck outside and have nothing to do to wait...

I didn't know what to do... Read? I already finished my book today... Study? I don't really know a place where I could but it could be the best option for now...

I tried looking around the school. The only place I would like to do it would be where I habitually sit to eat my lunch...
I went to the spot.
The scenery was amazing. The pink, orange and yellow colors in the sky were blending in a beautiful way while the clouds were like spreading in the sky. The rays of the sunset were passing by the leaves and flowers in the trees to light up the place where I was sitting.
It was really pretty. I took the book for business and put it on my laps. I took my annotated sheet and place it on the book.

I got my eyes on the book. It was talking about subject I already knew by heart. I didn't even really needed to study because I was already studying each time I had the time so studying right now would make no difference.
It was just a way to entertain myself
I checked my notes written in classes.
I revised all things written on it. It was not really well organized but I was able to understand myself.

I did that for a 5 min... Who was I kidding!? I really just don't need to study right now and I don't even entertain doing it!
Well maybe I could do it with history class? It's the one I'm struggling the most (with cooking class)

I placed back my business book and notes in my bag and took out my history book (and my notes)
Most of the things to remember were the myths, I loved to learn about it.
The wars ,little and big.
The important dates and People who were important...

I was studying and was adding notes on my sheet. The history of this world was more exciting than the history of my past world...
I still don't like learning about all the politic problems and the slavery, monarchy, royal problem. I really just hate learning about that...
But things related to myth and legend was what I loved the most to learn. We talked a bit about the 'rose massacre', it's cool but I wished we would have talked more about this...

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