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We were looking at each other's eyes. Riley was so hot with that pink hair wig but honestly, I preferred his natural black hair

I knew I shouldn't be flirting with Riley and working right now but... could someone really blame me if they were in the same situation? Nope, and I know it would have been a lie to say otherwise

I smiled, a sweet smile

Suddenly Riley's hand approached my face, my heart started racing, and caressed my lips
Caressing my lips!??

I got surprised and just looked at him with questioning eyes

He continued to press his thumb on my lips. I couldn't think anything

"Your lips looks so plump with that lipstick. I never knew a lipstick could make them so soft too.."
flustered, I replied
"Lipstick can't make my lips go softer"

The moment these words left my mouth, he smirked
"Well it only means that you don't need it then." He swept the lipstick on my lips with his thumb and let a red taint on the corner of my mouth

I could only stare at him in daze

My heart's beat accelerated even more,
I could only watch him as he brought his thumb stained with red on his own lips

My face suddenly flushed bright red as I tried to move away

It was a situation too dangerous for me to take on directly

I covered my face with my hands while looking down
I heard Riley giggling

"Eh~ what are you doing Cami? Why are you so flustered?" I could hear the fun that situation was giving him from his voice

"Stop bullying me-"
"It's not bullying if it's not with ill intent"
"YES IT IS!"I replied, embarrassed

I heard him giggle, once again
He only had to use his laugh and a whole bunch of new funny sensations could come live in my body rent free

He shouldn't be allowed to be that hot, really, it's really too dangerous

I picked a glance

Bad decision

We made eye contact
I panicked but he-, he just looked at me with a sweet smile


He took both of my hands and interlaced our fingers together

Then he pushed me to the wall and brought my hands up, still interlaced together
I swear, my mind just vanished

We were close. Too close!

I panicked and just looked at him with a blushing face

It shouldn't have been hard to escape from his grip, he didn't really put his strength in his grip, maybe to avoid hurting me.
I should have been able to escape easily from his grip if I really wanted to.

My mind was enchanted by him, I didn't want to escape from his embrace

In fact, I wanted more. I wanted his lips on mine, I wanted to smell more of his fragrance, one I would never get tired of. I wanted to feel his warm hands full of scars on my face. I wanted to feel him closer to my body, to touch him...to feel his touch.
And even more

I know I shouldn't have those dirty thoughts but... it's not like it was the first time... I had way more pervert thoughts and dreams about him recently honestly...

I gulped.
He stared at me with those fiery eyes. Those who could trap anyone just by looking into them.
But to be honest... I don't think I would mind being trapped by him

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