14 (pov of Abele)

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It's already morning... it's already Monday... it's already time to go to school!!...
I don't want to go! If I fake being sick... would Abele believe me?
No... definitely not... I tried too many time to do so to know that Abele never believed my crappy act...

I was in my bed... doing little taps on the bed with my hands and my feet. I was acting like a child but I really didn't wanted to go to school!!
I returned on the side and took my pillow and hugged the pillow with my arms and legs. I had my face buried in the pillow not willing to leave this position.

And at this exact moment, Abele entered my room. Surprising me in this exact childish position.
She got her hand in front of her mouth and had a shocked expression which completely disappeared to make place for a smile and giggles. Which made me hide my face a lot more to cover the bright blush that was covering my entire face.

She cleared her throat "Hello, master Cami. It looks like you are already awake... please get dressed and come eat. The meal will be ready in 5 min." Then, she got out of my room. Leaving me with the embarrassment I got because of her...

'Ahhhhhh!!!! It's really so embarrassing!! How am I going to face her after when I know she saw me with this childish personality of mine!??'

Still with my red face, I got up from bed and got dressed up with my uniform. I went to wash my face and brush my hair.
My blush was not as red as before but my ears had still a light pink on them.

Abele pov*
It's now been 2 weeks since young master woke up and lost his memory. I always considered myself unlucky to have him as master.
Each end of day I was so tired because of his whims that I couldn't even eat something before sleeping... He was asking me to do anything for him, even the most ridiculous requests like cleaning the outside of his window without any help!! I risked my life several times!! Or even to clean his entire room in less than 5 min and prepare him a tea which we didn't even had in these 5 min. The thing with his room is that it was always in complet mess, the shelf on the ground. The books ripped apart and all on the ground. The holes in the wall. The trace of dirty footprint. And all that after just one temper tantrum.
Every times he would have something that would get on his nerves, he would trow punches in the walls. Become extremely violent. Takes all the things he found to destroy it. I knew it, he had severe temper issue. It would always turn it on me because I was the only maid to take care of him so I was the only one to clean his mess.
And if I was late on his 'date limit'. He could hit me several times. If the tea was not cold enough, or because of his own imprudence, he would
burn himself, he would pour the entire hot tea on my head or my hand. I would suffire from burns but I was forced to work as if nothing had happened...
Each times I was doing somethings not perfectly I was afraid of the hits he was going to give me. Even with his small structure. His hits were hurting like hell!
It was a true hell. And that was just some exemples...

When I heard he had fallen unconscious, I was...happy. I even wished for him to never wake up again...
But when I saw him waking up, I knew that if I wasn't looking like I was worried for him, I would be dead by the day.
But... when I saw his eyes... his eyes were completely different from the one I was usually seeing. He just seemed, lost...

But then I said things extremely disrespectful. I was too noisy, I was asking too much questions. I was doing too much.
The fear of being hit or even beat took place in my mind. I started shaking uncontrollably and I was sweating to death.

He asked me a cup of water and I gave it to him the fastest possible. Was he gonna throw the cup on my face? I instinctively closed my eyes ready to receive the water.
Nothing... I opened my eyes and saw that the young master was drinking the water as fast as possible.
Seeing how much he was drinking I ask him if he was ok...
Terrible error... Never to make with him. It's telling him that he wasn't ok.
I was now gone for sure. I couldn't stop shaking and tears were ready to fall.
I apologized to him as much as I could waiting for his crazy eyes to look at me.

"Why are you apologizing?" I stiffened, what... will he pass on the passive-aggressive type to make me suffer?
Was he gonna fire me? Oh no!! I have to eat and have a place where to sleep!
What was he planning?

At this moment, the situation seemed far more dangerous than any others situations that happened to me...
I prayed him to not fire me and prayed him to accept my apologies.
And he accepted my apologies... I was so surprised, he didn't even had those crazy eyes on his face. I could even say that his eyes seemed to be gentle, lost, like a little child...

And... he asked me who he was, where he was, what was happening.
I paralyzed
Why doesn't he remember anything? Why wasn't he acting like usually? What's happened in that 1 week of unconsciousness?
Did he... loose his memory!!??

Was it a bad or good situation?? It seems like a good occasion for him to change but what will happen in the future? Isn't it going to be far more worse than before?

My mind was turning like a turbine. I wanted to cry. Because of sadness? Because of angriness? Because of happiness? Because of relief?
Or maybe all of them?
I didn't know what to feel.

My reflex just went with explaining the situation to him.
I thought that he would get one of his temper tantrum like usual because of his temper issue or even recover from his memory and then kill me but I didn't know what to do other than that...

It was shocking to see him just being surprised by his story... as if he was shocked of what he had done. And his eyes were full of...regret?
It felt really weird looking at him. It was as if I was looking at a complet stranger.

Even with this lost of memory... Is it normal he changed so drastically?
I'm not a specialist in this but I'm sure that's not normal....

Anyway, it's been 2 weeks and Harrion definitely changed. Even when he heard about his family condition, he didn't do anything at all! Help, calm, gentle, take care of me and other, always keep his calm, never have his room in a mess,
All the contrary of before! And the more I pass time with him, I feel so much more confortable.
He even let me call him by his middle name!

Each time he is kind to me I remember the time when he hit me. But I just can't get my revenge or be mad at him because I feel like I would be doing it to the wrong person...

Recently, I feel like he even opened more to me.
I still feel weird seeing him react so... differently than he would have normally acted if he didn't had lost his memory...

Last time, at the diner table. He looked like he was feeling unwell so I asked him what was going on.
The blush he did and the little bow of his face to hide it was... adorable...
You could clearly still see his red ears and, like a child, he was picking at his vegetables. I really had to fight myself to not hugged him like a over-protective mother.
And today, when I went to his room to wake him up. I saw him hugging his pillow. He took an innocent glance at me before understanding what was going on and blushing bright red before digging his face in the pillow.
This only action made me remember the time he pushed me on the corner of a table because I woke him up. I still have a scars in my back from this day...

The scene switched to this one and at this moment I was extremely confused.
Why did he changed so extremely?
Full of these questions came running in my head for the thousandth time since he woke up...

I heard a little noise,
It woke me up from my thoughts
It was the little noise of my master. Clutching at his pillow more and more.
The only thought continuing running in my head was
'Adorable... I must protect Cami for the rest of my life' I would have never thought so with Harrion but now, the new person he became was not 'Harrion' anymore but Cami...

I giggled and told him to prepared himself
I got out off his room

When Master Cami couldn't see me anymore, I put my hand in front of my face.
When I think that I wanted for him to never wake up again...
I feel like he should have lost his memory really a lot earlier...

I know it's not okay to think so but... I hope he never regain his memory...

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