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It's ...

I'm currently at the gate and, my legs won't move...
WHY DOESN'T THE SCHOOL FINISH AFTER 1 WEEK!? It should be enough stress for all the poor students... and my poor self

I was starting to move toward the gate. And I saw Killian.
I went toward him.
"Hi! It's almost time to go to our class" he returned and saw me
He smiled "hi! Well, I'm sorry but for today, I'm no going to class. You can go without me. I have some stuff about the student council to do..."
"Okay" I continued walking toward the gate

When I think about it, it's the first time I see Killian doing stuff for the student council. They will certainly have an activity in the next weeks...

I feel the stares on me. It's been one week I returned to school and even if the new of me having lost my memory sprayed in all the school people still don't like me and just think I have some sort of plan or anything like that... even if I'm more close to Killian, he still just see me as burden I'm sure.
I just don't irritate him anymore. But he went clear on one thing: even if I changed or anything, he won't forget what I did and how I acted.

Even if it's sure I changed, Killian and a lot of others person told me clearly, they are kind to me because I don't piss them of like before but it don't mean that my reputation toward them have completely changed.
I'm not going to lie, it hurt but I couldn't do anything about it . In fact, I would have done the same thing if I was them.
Even if I'm not the same person as 'Harrion', This body still deserved his reputation...
Nobody have respect for Harrion because Harrion didn't have any respect for anyone... It's fair...

Well anyway, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still way happier in this world... I can do my art without having to be stressed about it...

I'm at my place at the business class.
At the beginning, it was hard for me to understand but because of my fast learning ability, I start to understand the base of it.
I'm not a genius but I can tell that I'm way better than the original Harrion...

The teacher is always on me. Each time there's a difficult question she knows I don't know, she will ask me it on purpose.
And each time she has the occasion to degrade me, she will do it. I always keep a calm face and she always smiles like she won a 'competition' against me.
It happened to me in my last life too so I'm not really disturbed by it but it's uncomfortable to hear all the murmurs, whisper and laughs of the students...


I'm at my second class, I have music... as other time I just sit in a corner. So like that I don't have to pretend not being able to play and the students just ignore me.

"Harrion! I always let you doing nothing but you're at school! You have a class, you will start to participe in the class!"
I was stunned

"Oh...ok but what instrument am I gonna take?" She gave me a partition.
"You will start by learning how to understand a partition! If you're not able to learn it before the next class, you will immediately have a mark to tell that you failed in you final grade in music..." I got shocked. She know really well that Harrion couldn't have learned a partition in two days! And even in my past life, it took me 2 weeks to completely understand a partition...
"Ok" she got surprised I accepted so easily and brushed it off

I went back where I was sitting and glanced at the partition she gave me. It's not like I had to learn something because I already knew all there was to know about a partition and my head was able to read it like a normal text. So I just wanted to know what the music was supposed to sound by the look of the partition...
I took a first glance. The music didn't seemed complicated to play. I took a second glance, this part seem to be far more complicated than this one... I took a third glances, I was now able to imagine how the music would sound like on a piano and then a violin.
I think that this music at the violin would be far more beautiful to play...

I was analyzing the partition when I saw a hand blocking my vision. I looked up and saw a boy with green eyes. He was smirking.
"Look like you really changed uh-. " I looked at him with a weird look
"Acting arrogant but now that you lost you memory, you can't play hard anymore." Was he really trying to take his...revenge?
"I'm sorry for all I did to you but could you remove you hand from here? I can't see the partition" I tried sounding as calm as possible even if right now, he was seriously pissing me off
"Right... as if I was going to do that" he snapped the partition and ripped it off.
I was shocked... did he really...?

"Teacher!! I tried to stopped him but it was too late. He just ripped the partition" he called the teacher and acted as if I was the one who did it
The teacher come at me, furious.
"Uh-! Look like you really wanted to fail your grade in music! Well you won! I give you a zero right now!" She was furax...

"I'm sorry Miss. If I'm able to take the test I was supposed to do for the next class and have a perfect score on it, could it changes my grade?"
It was my last hope
She grinned "ok. It's not like in 10 min you could have learn perfectly but if you're so arrogant to ask me that, I will accept your request"

"Ok, come sit here. I will give you a partition and you will have to tell me the notes. After, I will give you notes and you will have to play it on a piano. And then I will play a music and you will have to tell me how you would have wrote the partition" she gave me this triomphant look and sat on a bench

As if Harrion could have done it! They are definitely doing it on purpose... Anyway

I started giving the notes that were inscribed on the partition. I tried sounding as if I had difficulty to tell which one was what when in fact, it was as easy as 2+2 for me...
I did all perfectly and the teacher seemed surprised. Then we got to the second practice...

I sat on the bench of the piano and placed my hands. I immediately removed my hands from here. If I looked too professional, she would have suspicion on me and that's the contrary of what I want...

It was an easy music but when I played it I took my time and it was really not in rythme. There was no fluidity and my hands seemed to be crisped.
It was a horror to play like this but I couldn't fail this... the teacher was extremely surprise that I didn't do a single error.
She seemed way less confident than before but she kept her confident face.
The last one was probably the hardest to do. She gave me a pen and a paper.

She started playing a music. Seeing that I had no difficulty to transcribe the notes on the paper she started panicking. And she went more and more fast. It was not that it was difficult for me to know what notes I had to write but she was too fast for my hand.
When she finally finished she had a dropped of sweat on her face seeing how I wrote all the notes. My wrist was hurting.

"Well I will have to check if that's right... but don't expect to pass" she went on her desk and took an other partition. The more she was 'correcting' my sheet, the more I was seeing her expression changing to confident to stunned.
I smirked internally
It was not for nothing I passed almost all my life with a piano beside me...

With a stunned look, she approached me with my sheet.
"I-I didn't know I was going to say it one day but... you... passed p-per-perfectly!"
She almost shout it

"W-what!!??" The boy who had ripped the sheet shouted...
"B-but h-how? It's been only 10 min you were learning about it!" He continued...
"Don't be surprised... It's not the first time I see a partition. It's just that I'm not good at playing " they were stunned.

The bell rang, it means that the class was finished.
Like other students I went out of the class leaving the two persons still stunned after what happened...

... and like that the second class passed...

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