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Ahh- it's Sunday... the day where we will have to go to town...
Abele opened my door.

"Hello master Cami. Today you will have to go to town and looking at what you want for the ball"
Ooh- it seems like it's not a simple visit to town!
"So... does that mean we will be going in a richer place?"
"Yes master. You will be going in the same town but in the richer part of it"
"Ok so that's mean we won't need our cape? And do I need to dress myself more classy?"
"You are the only one who will need a cape for... a reason... And don't worry, the clothes you wear usually are already correct"

I went take my clothes
Classy dark brown short ending at my knees. I took a pair of black sock reaching the knees. I had a white blouse where I had a brown ribbon completing the task of a tie. All the buttons of my shirt were buttoned up.
I went wash my face and look at my face in the mirror to see if I was presentable.

Yes... I think I'm ok...
I combed my hair one more time before going down the stairs to go eat.

When I arrived at the eating room. My 'family' were still not here. I went to sit and waited for the meal to be presented.
After some min, they appeared. My father was the first with 2 of my 'siblings' and then not long after, all the rest of my 'siblings' arrived.
They all seemed surprised to see me so early but they just brushed it off and went to their sit.
Not long after, the meal arrived. It was an omelet with a big fruit plate.
It was excellent. How could just some normal food become so good just because I'm in a different world?

I finished rather quickly.
I glance at my 'family' to see if they were finished too...
My glance locked with the one of Tale, I blushed a little bit remembering what happened Friday's night.
It was so embarrassing the fact that he saw me so childish...
I think he noticed my blush because he giggled a bit.
Well- at least it's confortable to see that someone in my 'family' actually don't hate me and notice me...


We were finally at the town. Well... more like the rich part of it.
All the buildings were bigger and seemed so much more expensive, clean and sophisticated.

Lot and lot of people were bowing and greeting my father and 'siblings' on the way. While me... I was just there far away from them with an umbrella to hide my face from other...
Yes.. an umbrella
Even if it was a shiny day...

Because I didn't have my cape with me (I gave it to the little girl), and it would have been way more suspicious a person with a cape instead of just an umbrella compared to the poorer part of the town where it's commun to have a cape covering your face...
Anyway... it's not really an umbrella for the rain but more like an ornement. The umbrella has a blue baby and black color.
I kind of...like it

I notice that people are watching me when I pass by
Because I seem weird? Do they like my look? Do they wonder if I'm a boy or a girl? Am I just paranoid?
They don't seem to have hate in their eyes so they probably just wonder who am I. I think...?
Well anyway, as long as they don't know who I am, it's inconfortable having all their eyes on me but not the end of the world.

This time, I made sure to not distracted myself to not loose the way.
I saw my 'family' entering in a classy building so I followed them, by far as always.

The inside of the building was wonderful. There was plenty of beautiful dresses and uniforms that look like they were costing more than my life itself each...
All the people in the store bowed to my 'family' when they noticed them

"Hello sir Palanda. We were waiting for your arrival with impatient."
"You can come with your children. We will take your measurements and see what you will like more for your costumes" she made a business smile to my 'family'

Each of them followed someone and I was just here, wondering what I was supposed to do...
Someone called me

"Ummh- miss-ter? Are you here for a costume or are you here waiting for someone?"
I returned to the person talking to me
It was a girl. She had short curly blond hair and pink eyes.
"Oh- you can just call me Mister and yes I am here for a costume but I don't really know what and where to go to have one because it is my first time here..."
"Oh! Your first time! Don't worry, I will take care of you. Do you mind coming with me to take your measurements?"
Umh- what am I going to do? If she is going to take my measurements, I will have to remove my umbrella and she will definitely notice who I am...
"Umh- miss... I can't let you know who I am so... Could I just take a wig and some make up before taking my measurements"
She seemed surprised and then excited
Probably because she thought I was someone too important in the country to let my face be seen...
"Of course Mister. We don't have any problem with keeping your identity kept if you pay after that and you will have to pay for the make up used!" She said enthusiastically
"Thank you very much"

She showed me the make up I could use and the wigs too.
I went to a cabin with a mirror inside.

I took a long red hair wig what was differentiating too much from my normal hair for her to understand I was the same person.
I took some make up too.
I reddened my lips and made them look plumper than originally. I put some light blush around my eyes to make my eyes seem bigger.

I watched myself in the mirror for the last time...
I think... I'm ok like that
I felt like a completely different person but I didn't know if other would think like me
I just hoped that nobody recognize me.
And with my umbrella in hands, I went out of the cabin.
I immediately attracted a lot attention
I got really surprised and nervous people recognized me but not long after, I noticed that they were not disturbed by my presence but they were like amazed by my look
I guess that I attracted a lot of attention because of my extravagant look

It made me a little bit embarrassed but I just greeted the person looking at me while making a gentle smile.
Now! I'm sure nobody will recognize me!!
But... why did people I waved to have such a big blush? It's not that hot here.
Well, anyway

I went to the girl and made a little smile while waving at her to let her know I was ready
She looked amazed by me...

I went directly to her
"I'm ready know... when are we starting ?"
"Ah-uh... do-do I know you?" Wha-
"Uh? I'm the one you said you were going to take care of... Is it finally canceled or...?"
"Uh! Ok- so you-you're the one I'm supposed to take care of..." she seems like she had win the lottery


She started by taking a string and measured my size.
It went from my wrist to my ankle
Then to my neck to my waist
And to my height to my chest size

And it went like that for 5 whole min
I feel like she even measured the size of my heart...

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