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A piercing headaches came hitting me like a truck, the feeling was atrocious. I heard rigging in my head and trembled from the pain. 
I tried moving my position

I tried but... my body wouldn't obey me
The pain was so overwhelming that I couldn't think about anything, terrible waves of pain would assault me and my body would feel like a hammer hitting me all the way down to my spine and crushing every single bones in my body

The pain was atrocious, I couldn't concentrate

The pain went on for a while, all my senses went numb for a while and only suffering was felt. I wasn't even sure anymore if the burning feeling on my cheeks was from tears or blood.

After some times, my body stopped trembling from the pain and my other sensations came to me little by little starting by the smell and taste

I hadn't realized it but from the very beginning I was breathing dust, my mouth touching the ground and inhaling whatever could make my lungs work, I instinctively started to cough atrociously making my pain worsen every time I cough like waves of hammer hitting me. Once again I felt the burning sensation of tears rolling down my face.

My mouth was dry and my mind empty

The second sensation I started to recover was the one of hearing, I wasn't able to focus on anything my body could intercept because of the pain blurring it all, but now I could hear some 'clink clank' sound, just like chains, large chains. Some whimpering, coughing and a lot of groans. It looked like there was quite a lot of people here too.
What was happening exactly

I couldn't remember quite clearly what happened, just some blurry memories but when I tried to remember more, a wave of pain came, assaulting me

Due to the pain, the sensation of feeling came a lot later because of the pain overwhelming any other touching sensations, even then I couldn't move my body even less my eyes, like petrified, a true nightmare.

My left arm, which I had all my weight on, felt like millions of ants swarming on it, the cold but tight handcuffs hurt my wrists and ankles, they were so heavy and the piercing pain made me wince.

My jaw started to tremble on its own, unconsciously
And my hand flinched, like some kind of tic

My throat was hoarse from the inhaled dust and new coughs came with its friend, the headaches
Which made me breath unconsciously almost like choking, which create a vicious circle of pain

How much time had it been since I regained consciousness? I was not sure, in fact I wasn't sure I was conscious right now, it all felt so unrealistic. And sensations gradually coming back to me made me loose my sense of consciousness long ago.

The more time passed, the more my touching sense started to get back, and now I could move a bit the tip of my finger and make some subtle move, just by millimeter but better than before.
From the context of those chains and feeling. I was definitely drugged, so kidnapped. And judging from the sound of other captures, we were kidnapped. I don't recall much of what happen though, I think I was at the festival? I was moving, or more like running? Why? Was I running away from my assailants? The hit that took me out was definitely from a large and heavy mass to the head, I may have a cerebral commotion, I have to be cautious about it. Some hotness, stickiness at my nape, I got blood flowing out of my injury probably, or it may be just sweat. And with the drug fed to me, it could cause drastic change of temperature and maybe cause a fever which would explain the cold and hot sweats felt all over my body. The stress I'm undergoing right now could cause disorientation and maybe hallucinate some feelings, the drugs may even be the reason I'm under so much pain, and the nonstop trembling seems to be a consequence of it too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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