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I got too distracted by the music and didn't realized flowers had bloomed across the room. I had to pick up the flowers because it would cause great confusions tomorrow when they will come if they suddenly see the room filled with flowers and the flowers won't have disappeared by tomorrow.
I stopped playing piano and started to pickup the flowers. I was worried the flowers wouldn't come off because I didn't actually know how these flowers were growing, by the ground? Just glued to the ground? But actually as soon as I was touching the flowers, they were coming off super easily. I spent at least 20 min to pick them all up and made sure that not even one was left.

When I left I noticed that I had forgotten to close the door. I had luck that nobody woke up. My arms was full of these gorgeous black flowers and I returned in my room.
I opened one of my empty drawers and filled it with all these flowers. I took a glance at the time, it was just 6 o'clock and four.
I got to bed and surprisingly I fell asleep on my silk blanket.


"Master! Master! If you don't wake up right now you will be late!! " Abele was panicking while trying to wake me up
"Ugh- what do you mean? It's Sunday! I don't have school" I replied still half-sleeping
She hit me with a little tap
"No I don't talk about going to school! I talk about you going out with your sibling today!!"
Ah- right...

Each Sunday I had to hang out with my 'siblings' in the downtown. It was obligatory for all the children of my father. We had to go there to relax and actually learn how average persons were living their live. It was to help us being able orient ourself if one day we had to go there ourself... and for all short of reasons... I didn't went last Sunday because I was completely healed back then and it could have been dangerous for me , someone who don't remember at all the way....

"Sir Cami you really have to stop to go to stop so late?"
Oups- when I woke up this night I went to play and I fell asleep after but it seems I disturbed my sleeping cycle. And I had difficulty to wake up this morning.
"Anyway, go wash your face and go get dressed! They are waiting for you!"
I went to wash my face and chose my clothes for the day the fastest possible

I chose tight pants , like a legging but with a material more solid, and I took a shirt with rustles. All the buttons were buttoned and the shirt was in my pants. I took a ribbon and tied it into a knot like yesterday but this time the color was red.

I dress up and went down the stairs the fastest possible. I saw all of my 'family' waiting for me in front of the big door.
I was nervous.
"S-sorry for the delay" I hurried up to join them and we left. I said goodbye to Abele and we got to the vehicle waiting for us.
We entered and I got a sit between two of my 'siblings'.
Uh!! It's so awkward. Nobody is talking and nobody is even doing any expression!!
Is it really how you want them to be ,father? I was just smiling awkwardly waiting for this hell to finish.



I knew it was not a good idea to go with them...

"Take those cape if you have to hide from anybody" father took capes and gave them to us
Well.. I'm the last he gave a cape to...

We got off the vehicle and walked a little bit before really arriving where many of people were. We were at a market, in the side of the road there was multiple kiosks. We started by buying fruits and continued walking. Because they were coming here each week, a lot of vendors would great them and thanks them while for me, people were stepping aside to be sure to not be close to me. They were those who were afraid of me and wouldn't even want to watch my face while other would glance at me with disdain.

Wth did the original Harrion did to have such a bad reputation with everyone?? And now I have to deal with it...
I walk behind them as if I was just another strangers walking here. I'm really annoyed ...
I stare at the buildings. It's normal in this era but for me, who's used to modern building, it's as if I traveled in the time. And it's really impressive to think that I'm watching such 'old' building...

I was watching the surrounding and wasn't watching where we were supposed to go so... I got lost...
I feel like a child who can't take care of himself
I'm sure they didn't even noticed my disappearance...

*Others POV
'I really wonder who it was this night... it seems I can't get the scenery from my head...'
'I'm so happy! It's me this time who can walk beside 'father'!!
'Should I start a discussion? It might just creat an awkward moment so nope...'
'Oh~ this cutie is totally my type~'
'The dream I had this night was nice...'
'I didn't eat since yesterday and all that food really make me hungry!'
'Maybe I should ask her on a date? No,no stop! It's your maid! You have to stop...but, she's so kind!!'
'I'm happy my 'children' are such perfect person'

They were all lost in their own thought
Nobody had notice he had disappeared for 10 min now...

*1st POV
I'm really doomed... I can't ask anyone because people just get out of my way and when I tried asking a child he just started crying which worsened my reputation for the one who heard the kid cried...

And I'm sure they didn't notice I disappeared so they will never started searching for me... (he was right)
I don't know the way, people don't want to help me and my family will never searching for me...

Oh wait... if I put my cape. Nobody will know it's me and they'll stop avoid me...
I put my cape on and when I tried asking someone for the way, he responded to me!! It worked

He told me that I had to go at right and when I was there I had to follow the path where people sell vegetables. After I had to search for a certain restaurant and ask for more informations. I thanked him and started going the way he said...
Nobody was selling vegetables here!!

Ah-... what am I gonna do...
I tried searching more for the restaurant but I didn't even found it and I got more lost... I tried asking somebody else
They said that the restaurant was actually at 900 feet from there. -Ah...
They told me that if I wanted a place to orient myself I could try ask people where was the public place, it's the central place and they have a group playing there and there was a big statue representing the founder of the country. I thanked them the more possible and left

I asked more and more people and I was approaching slowly but surely the public place.

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