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"So... now. Show me what you brought" here we go...

I showed my father the costume I bought without the accessories of course, it's a surprise...
He looked at the costume and seemed to think throughly. He scratched his head before talking
"Well... it's seems you found something proper... I never thought you could actually found something acceptable when you didn't even order to have a tailored suit. And you didn't even asked for my money...
It's weird but I have no proofs that you are planning something bad. Just don't make problem and go back to your room"
Ooff- I got scared for a second...
He really didn't seemed to be convinced I was able to not cause any problem...

Anyway.. I sighed and went to my room.
I jumped on my bed

What was I gonna do? I can go take a bath but I don't really want to...
Maybe drawing? I don't have the motivation
I can't have a room for myself to play any instrument...
I can't disturb Abele just because I'm annoyed
We don't even have a pet
I don't have any siblings or friend to play with
I'm not hungry
I'm tired of walking because of today

I know that I'm just lazy but it feels great to be lazy...
I turned and turned on my bed. I didn't know what to do and I didn't want to do anything either.
I got up
I should maybe read...

...Sunday passed...

I'm trying to eat to fastest possible.
I'm so inconfortable when I have to eat at the same table as my 'family'
They are so awkward, they don't even talk

I took my last bite and gave my dish to Abele. She took it to the kitchen and I went to brush my teeth.
As always, I was tired. I didn't want to go to school. I just wanted to sleep

...at school...

I sighed
We have a business exam today.
I have the sheet in front of me.

I take my pencil and start writing the answer.
Some questions were more easy than other and some longer to do but they were all the same for me.
All made from the things we didn't even study!! It's all hypotheticals questions but it seems... easy...

All the answers from these questions come into my head like nothing...
As I'm reading the questions the answers pop in my head. I never even thought about these scenarios but here I am knowing what I would do without hesitation.
I watch other student in the room. Some are confortable and answer as if they were asked their name.
And other just look at their sheet with a worried expression.
Am I doing something wrong? Why is it so easy... does the exam have traps and I fell in these traps?

I took a quick glance at the answer I wrote. It all seemed correct...
Maybe I am overthinking?
Yea... probably that

I continued

Or... is it just because I'm actually a genius in this...
Yea no... It's just my capacity to learn fast. Or being able to remember easily what I learned in my class. Or the fact that I study almost everyday? Or all at the same time?

Am I stupid or am I dumb? I just have to concentrate myself on the exam!
I will have the time to overthink after the exam!

I continued to answer. I made sure to check on my answers. And the moment I hate the most came ...
Having to fake my incompetence
I just chose the most stupids errors I replaced my answers by them.
Of course I knew that even without the fact that I'm faking I would still have errors on my own but my grade would be hella suspicious for the teacher.
She already has suspicions on me since I changed drastically from personality and my grades are improving. I can't make her doubt about me more than that...

After some min, The bell rang and I got up to hand over the exam to my teacher.
The teacher seemed surprised to see my sheet not completely white and gave a little comment that I definitely heard correctly
"Look like you filled your sheet with something this time. Let's hope it won't finish like the story of your life, like a failure."
I wanted to replied but I knew it would change nothing

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