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The 'stranger' went down the stairs while people had their eyes fixed on this mysterious person.
It was the 'present' of Harrion. Was he going to perform instead?

Who was he? A red cape... it felt like a déjà-vu.

Cami was walking while the cape was floating each steps he took. Making it look unreal.

Who were they? What were they doing here? What were they?
It was the questions filling the head of the people

Their gazes couldn't be loosened

Cami finally appeared in front of the royal family

"Uh-h you- are you the 'gift'?" The king was now speaking with confusion
Cami just nodded and went to sit on the benched of a piano and placed his hand.

The first fingers pressed on a note an soon his hands were fleeing through the piano. A melody was diffusing in the hall and the notes were reasoning in the head of everyone.
It was like a siren song attracting the people

Even Tale who thought that he had seen the max of Cami's capacity couldn't believe the scenery
When Cami started to accelerate, blue flowers blossomed in the hall like a storm just like the feeling the song was giving, after, it was a feeling of despair and treason
And roses climbed trough the pillars.

But then it was just like a sweet revenge
A whole story was created just by music

What was that? People never saw such thing, the scenery was passing by their eyes as clear as water. Not only you could see a whole story with this but...

The spectacle in itself was ...amazing...
The hand of the musician was moving like wind. A cold wind? A gentle and warm one? No
It was more than that, it was like magic
The hand itself looked ghostly. It was such fluidity you could doubted they were even touching something

One time you were feeling an incroyable feeling of despair and the other time you felt like a warm and big presence was comforting you

Not only the flowers were enveloping the room but the entire hall was filled with a presence
A presence entirely controlled by the music

People were hypnotized. Like a supernatural being you could see only one time in your life.
Cami was playing a piece from his mind.
Because all that was a music made entirely from nowhere. It was just his hand and head completing each other to creat a masterpiece.

Cami finally touched his final note. Under the cape, Cami was grasping for air

It was really hard to make this, but he was able to do it. Something nobody could ever forget in their life.
His beat heart was surprisingly slow as if his heart itself was hypnotized by the music

He was smiling, it's been a while since he really showed his real competence.

All that was why he was called a prodigy in piano. He was really good in a lot of good like painting or violin but...

Piano was his best. The fact that he was able to creat such a world with just a simple music had attracted many famous musical company in his past life.
He was a genius in creating a complet different world with just his arts. And piano was his best instrument to do so

People from all the world could come see him just play one piece. The halls were always full from important famous persons and the tickets always really expensive.

But now he wasn't in his old world anymore and the spectacle he just showed was something they would have never see or even heard about.

That's when the legend of the 'Red Angel' would start...

Cami turned his head toward the royal family
"I'm the present Harrion brought... I hope this is enough for the birthday of the youngest member of the royal family."
"Oh- and for the flowers you don't have to worry they should all disappear in 24h"

Cami still with a smile on his face and a strange feeling in his body, walked past everyone to leave the hall.
Nobody could even move to stop him. They were all still prisoners from the world created by the music.

No matter how the competition between the nobles was harsh.
This person, nobody could ever surpass him, the space between their talents was too large

But they weren't even mad. Because the music played itself from him was like a blessing from everyone
They were even thankful for this performance


'Woah I'm so excited! I was able to finish my plan without real complications. And my music was able to touch every person in the hall.'

The silly face on his face and his hand clutching his cape couldn't be released. He was happy, the happiness of being proud of what you have done, of seeing other liking your doing, seeing your performances changing people.
That's what Cami like the most when he was performing. The fact that his arts could touch and creat such a scenery was his favorite thing.

It's as if his arts was a key to open a new world. To open a new story and his hand was the hand who turned this key.

Cami soon realized that some of the flowers had even blossomed outside the halls

'Ah- maybe I went overboard...'

He just went to switch outfits. And when he returned to the hall. He was attacked by all side

They all wanted to know where he found such a...person
Who were they? Were they even human? How much did he had to pay them.

Harrion had great difficulty to even hear what others were asking to him. He was trapped in a storm of people.
He was a bit dizzy.

"Woa, woa ah.... Please stop. If you all continue like that I won't be able to answer" this simple sentence was able to calm people around him

But then the king's voice was heard
"This was an incrcroyable performance. This was the best present the prince could have. I would wish to talk to them, the performance offered was enough to creat such a thing."
Harrion's heart rate accelerated
Yes...that's what he wanted

"Even if I would like to tell you all... it is a bit complicated because I have my own way to contact him but I still know nothing about him. I will talk about it with him." Maybe Cami was not a good liar but it was not a complet lie.

"Ah... I see, even for you, it's complicated to know him. When you will have of his new, please let me know the information of his answer. And thank you again for this unforgettable night."
"This is my pleasure" Cami respond back

The night went on and on. And luckily for Harrion who was harassed from everybody, the ball finally came to an end...

*it's author !
Ok recently I had many notifications...
AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!! All the comments I read and all the notifications about votes and my story being add to your list, it all give me so much strength like I don't think you understand how much it means to me.

I had feeling really bad recently but all of you really helped me in this. The surprise I have each time I have so many notifications, my smile can't end and my excitation is not even comparable, like I literally jump on place!!
Well anyway it's just to say I love you so so much and this really mean to me BYE!

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