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Yes! It was fucking creepy!! I just smiled and thanked my teacher!!?? Why everyone is so disturbed by it!?
Ah- yes...

It's the same situation that Killian explained me about when I apologized to them but this time I smiled and even thanked a teacher...

Even the teacher was like...traumatized? Mesmerized? I don't even understand what she is thinking right now!!
"Uh—... are you...ok?..." I didn't know what to do.

I could see a drop of sweat on her face "ahh-uhh- yes I feel like I could started flying right now but yes...yes I'm okay...I think?"
Why are you even asking yourself the question??

All the class was shocked by what they saw... is it a cursed scene or a blessed one...?
One thing for sure was in their head: Harrion couldn't have changed that much if he didn't have lost my memory...

Fortunately for me, the class ended and I was able to leave this awkward situation.

I went to see Killian and he asked me why the class had such a weird atmosphere in it and I just replied

He let me know the places where I could eat and then left me on my own...
I just went outside and found a nice spot where nobody was and I started eating the lunch Abele made me this morning

I took one bite...
SHE'S FRICKING A GODNESS!! It's so good! Her talent is certainly cooking! I like it so much! She is the goddess of spice! It's not even hot in mouth it's just a perfect combo of multiple flavors in my mouth! Oh god I want to marry her!! I don't care about anyone opinion, Abele is definitely the best maid!!

When I finished my meal I felt like I could fall in depression. Did she put drug in it or...!?

I was now really sleepy because of all the things that happened today so I watched the time on my watch and I had 1 hour to sleep...


I feel like a tap on my shoulder so I wake up. It's Killian. I watch my watch and I had 15 min before my next class
"Thanks Killian for waking me up" I said to him while rubbing my eyes
"Well I was actually searching for you and when I saw you sleeping I had to wake you up to go to the next class which is theory"
"Theory? What is it suppose to be like?" What would you learn in theory?
"It's actually a new subject each new class where you debate on it for all the class. It's one of my favorite class" he smiled to me

It sounds fun!

We head for our next class and people were staring and watching me when I was passing
Look like rumors and news are really fast here...

We finally arrived at the class.
This time people already new about what happened to me so it wasn't as noisy as other times

"The thing we will discuss about today is 'what is the definition of beauty and perfection'?"
I didn't think there would be a discussion on subject like that

The first person who respond had blue eye and a dark skin
"I would say that for sure beauty and perfection change by an individual, beauty is the term to liking what you see and everybody have their own liking so it changes. For the perfect one it would mean, the person, object doesn't even have any flaws and have many quality that you actually like. Or, I could even say that it surpass the definition you have of perfect. "

"Great,great! Now I would like to hear from an other person

And it continued like that...
It was actually interesting and I don't even know how we were able to pass all the class talking about it


Now it's for the 5th class and if I remember well, this one will be about math and science

Well for this one it wasn't difficult... math it was ridiculous how it was easy for me and for science I already knew what they were saying because I already knew from my past world. And this world have the same 'rule' as the one I lived in. The gravity have the same concept, the how rock were formed too, and how the naturel phenomenon was created was the same. The only difference is that they seem more in the past but have actually a lot more resources than when we were in that time...and of course all the magic phenomenal with the importance of talent and all...
They had problem with slavery, wars and other despicable acts but at least they didn't have the whole problem with territory.
Of course they are territory determined but the world is not belonging to someone in particular. It's more like we are belonging to the world.
So the whole 'colonization' problem never happened and will probably never happen.

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