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Boy's pov*
I removed the fake bottom and...
It's them...
The flowers- the blacks flowers- the red cape- the white hair- a person able to go to the lower room-

It's him- the talentless, the ruthless, the arrogant, the worthless
It's him... Harrion...

My head gathered all the informations and I understood...  it's him- the only one I didn't suspected...

But... how!? And why?
I really couldn't understand what was happening

Why would he hides his talent to 'father'? It doesn't make any sense at all! I mean... he always wanted to have the attention of 'father', he even asked him to go to one of the best school in the country to develop a talent or anything like that...
Since his childhood, he never showed a sign about having a talent. So how!? How did he suddenly got so good??
If he was planning to hide his talent from others all his life, he wouldn't have acted so arrogantly with us,his 'siblings', because we would just have helped his plan to work better.And why would he even go to school?
If he really wanted to keep his talent a secret, he would have disappeared from 'father' life and wouldn't have asked to go to school. Moreover, he always hated learning and being controlled, if he wasn't so obsessed with the idea of having the love of 'father' he wouldn't have done it...
So it means that he don't have this talent for long. But how could you suddenly gain a talent??
It's impossible and even if you could suddenly gain a talent, it would takes much longer to reach this level of mastery he showed this night and this afternoon...
How?- how? HOW?-How?- how?HOW?-HOW-HOW??
I'm so lost right now...
And I don't have to forget the fact that he certainly lost his memory... he ...

What's happening? He was a useless child
He fell in the stairs, got into a sleep for one week
Lost his memory,
And now it completely changed his behavior and now I learn that he gained an incredible talent!!??

What on earth is going on!!?? I feel so lost...
What happened?

Does a lost of memory can change somebody so drastically? And wasn't he supposed to be in the vehicle when the boy with the red cape played?

*slurrrppp... (it's supposed to be the sound from the water being sucked in the whole of a bath...)
Shit! I have to get out of here before he notices I'm in his room!!

I replaced the fake bottom and without doing any noises, I got out of the room and closed the door fast enough so that Harrion wouldn't detected me.

I went directly to my room and jumped on my bed.
Is it real?...
What did exactly happened to Harrion for him to changed like this...??

1st pov*
Aahhh- it feels so great to relax in a hot bath...
I was stretching my arm and then I dressed myself with the clothes I put on the border before taking my bath.
I didn't attached all the buttons from the top on my blouse...

I left the bathroom and jumped on my bed.

The weekend is already at its end... ahhhh-!! I don't want to go to school tomorrow...
I'm bored... I don't know what to do...
Ah- I know!

I got up and went to my shelf full of books. I took a book with a black and golden cover. I had the book in my hand and I went to my desk. I sat down and took a pencil.
I opened the book and the first pages were full of doodles. I passed the pages and I finally found a completely blank page.

It was a book I took to draw in it. It was often just some doodles but sometimes I was really drawing seriously. Well even my doodles were amazing but when I was seriously drawing, it could finishes as if it was a photo...

I started drawing. I was going to make a baby laying on a ground of flowers.
I started from the bottom and gradually it was starting to form some flowers, and then little feet, a belly, little chubby arms, a little head  and then the flowers again...
In 40 min, the drawing was made.
And I continued by adding some details,
I ,then, started drawing the shadings...

The more the pencil was leaving traces on the sheet, the more the drawing was taking life.
After 45 min, the drawing was complet. The whole scene seemed to come straight out of a museum. Each traits were positioned perfectly to form a piece truer than nature.
I always loved drawing and I love when my drawing seems pictures. It's as if I was able to creat life with a simple piece of paper and a pencil...

I fixed my drawing while smiling. I was really proud of what I did.
I'm not like one of these talented persons who don't like their own art. If I'm proud of myself I won't try to convince me otherwise unlike in my past life when I had this toxic passage of my life...

I closed my book and I replaced it where it was before I took it from its place.
Not long after, Abele entered my room to told me that the diner was ready.
I went to wash my hands and came down the stairs.


I was now eating the diner at the same table as my 'family'. It was not as awkward as usually. Maybe I only got used to it?
But they was something strange. One of my 'sibling' ,Tale more exactly, was watching me sometimes...
He never even take a glance at me usually. Do I have something one my face?

I wiped my forehead discretely. They was nothing on it... maybe my mouth? I wiped my mouth with a tissue and there was nothing either.
Am I siting weirdly? But... I tried siting like the man who was here Saturday to teach me how to behave correctly, taught me...
I replaced myself on my chair and straighten my back.

Seeing my weird behavior, Abele came to me to ask me if I needed something and if something was bothering me.
I immediately blushed from embarrassment and told her that there was nothing wrong. She got surprised by my blushing face and returned where she was positioned.

I had just my head lowered toward my plate, trying to hide my embarrassment, and picking on my vegetables.

All those who had notice the behavior of Cami (Abele and Tale), could only giggle at his cute conduct...

... change of pov...

Since Tale had found the secret of Harrion, he couldn't stop himself from having thousand of questions running in his mind. When he finally saw him again at the table, he surprised himself multiple times watching in direction of Harrion.
He never had notice how Harrion changed because he had never gave his attention to him... but now that he was watching Harrion, he couldn't help but notice how Harrion's behavior had changed. He was acting really more gracefully and he had that strange mysterious aura around him...
He was feeling like a complet idiot. How come he never noticed it??
Harrion seemed to be a little bit uncomfortable because he had his eyes switching to different places to watch as if he was trying to avoid eye contact and he was covering his face with his hand or a tissue. He was trying to replace himself on his seat too, what was happening to him?
His maid noticed his behavior too because she came whispering in his ear and asking something. After the passage of the maid, Harrion started to blushed and he immediately hid his face by lowering his face toward his plate and picking on his food...
Even if he was doing that, he couldn't hide his red ears... Tale wouldn't want to admit it but he found it really cute.

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