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It's been 5 days now that I go to school and people started to get used to my sudden change of personality. I eat with the weird boy each lunchtime and talk for all the time with him. I still don't know his name because he won't tell me but it don't bother me that much.
I'm able to not always loose myself in the school so I don't really need the help of Killian anymore but we hang out together anyway.

Kin, the blond boy, go regularly at the gym and we train together.
I'm coming to an end for my paint because I work on it each day after classes. And sometimes I practices piano and violin in the secret room. My room is full of flowers but luckily, after 24h the flowers started to retreat because they are not fed by the energy I create when I practice my talents, so they disappear. It's really curious how magic work in this world compared to the magic in the 'magic and sword' world.

It's finally the weekend!!
Bad new: at the end of the month I will have to entend a masked ball for the anniversary of the youngest prince.
I will have to learn the labels to not embarrass our family in this really important meeting and I will have to buy an appropriate uniform and a mask of course. So this weekend I will have to follow long classes about how to act in society and the labels. I won't be able to relax!!


It's Saturday,
Abele enter my room and open the curtain which wake me up in surprise.
I yawn "uhh- good morning Abele! Did you sleep well?" I have a morning voice and I made her a smile with my eyes still closed
"Uh! I didn't expect for you to ask me first! Well anyway, yes I slept well and for you master Cami, did you slept well?" She passed by a surprised expression to a gentle smile
I replied with a yes

I was coming off the bed when
"Don't forget master Cami that today is the day you will start learning the labels!" I stiffened
"You know what, Abele I think I'm in a really bad state I'm not even able to come off my bed" I lied with a dramatic tone
"Haha- master stop jocking and start preparing yourself" she came to me and snatch my blanket from me

I went to wash my face with a wet tissue and started to choose my clothes for the day.

Maybe I will chose that? Oh no this one is better. Or this one? Oh! Maybe this one! But it don't fit with this one...

Finally I took a white shirt with long sleeves and a little black corset at the level of the abdo(which I don't have). And a classy black pant.
I took a blue royal tissue and tied it at my neck to make a knot. Abele helped me to attached the corset and brush my hair.

I went down the stairs and went to the dining room. This time the 'family' was not here so I ate without being stressed. I even complimented the cooks.

After I finished eating Abele took me to a room to wait for the person who will teach me about the labels.
Some min after, a man arrived and presented himself to me.

For a whole hour he taught me about how to great people differently from the person's statue and reputation. After , for a whole 2 hours, he thought me about how to pronounced my sentences correctly and make me sound distinguished
I finally got my lunch time but the man forced me to learn how to eat well...
I had to take little bites from the delicious meal of Abele while siting 'gracefully' on a chair!! I couldn't have my elbows on the table and my fork and knife had to be placed in a certain position. I had to practice how to place a fork and a knife!!!!!!!


I will have to endure it next Saturday but for the day it's finished!!

I was celebrating when Abele remembered me of something really important
"I understand you are happy master Cami but now, you have to do your homework's from school..."

F*CK IT!!!!!!

When I finished my homeworks it was just 18h but I was so tired that I fell asleep on my desk

I slowly wake up from my long sleep and I notice that I'm still on my desk.
I probably fell asleep here. What hour is it? It's still dark outside. I watch the hour on my watch ... it's 3hour and 26min!!

I went to my bed and tried sleeping
I wasn't able to fell asleep, I tried all the things I could do to fall asleep but I wasn't able to. I was just not tired at all...
I was so bored, I couldn't sleep but I didn't know what to do either. Suddenly an idea flashed in my head.
All the people in the mansion is sleeping, I could go play violin and piano and nobody would hear me!!

I got up and went to the lower room, each time the stairs were cracking I was afraid someone would wake up.
I'm finally at the room. I enter the room and go to the place where the piano is. I sit down, placed my hand and started pressing the notes.

I did a little exercise to practice.
I took one of the partitions and glanced at it,
'This one seem relax to play. I don't want to play something really hard at night' I placed the partition and glanced one more time

I started running my fingers on the piano, I was playing as I was discovering the next note to play on the partition.
'I like this music' the sound of the notes was resonating in the room. Everybody who would have been there would have thought that the man wasn't really playing because he had such fluidity on the piano that it seemed that his hands were not even touching the piano, it was surrealist. The beauty of the sound and the beauty of the scenery was a perfect mixed.

Moonlight rays were lightening the room with the piano and the boy in the middle. Beautiful black flower were blooming and a confortable atmosphere was enhancing the room. Everybody who would have been there would have been hypothesized by it. And without even noticing it people in all the mansion were starting to dream in their sleep, maybe because of the music...

*other pov*
I have difficulty sleeping for a while now. Maybe because of the stress I put on myself to be the best and don't disappoint 'father'.
I just can't sleep, it's frustrating

Suddenly I started hearing a weak noise from the lower room. I try listening to the noise and I notice that it's actually a music at the piano that I hear. It's mesmerizing, is it one of my 'siblings' who play? At this hour? Strange...
It's weird but I'm strangely seduce by the sound I hear. I don't think it's a thief but I should check who it is.

The more I approach from the source, the more I seem seduced by the sound. It's amazing. Whoever is playing it is definitely a genius at it. The sound is resonating in my head like the singing of a mermaid. It's hypnotizing.
The more I approach the more I seemed to know this music.
It's one of the music we learned the last week! It was not hard but definitely not easy to do it so fluidly

What I saw when I opened the door to the lower room was hypnotizing. A single white haired man playing the music with so fluidity, the moonlight rays were lightening the whole scenery. Gorgeous black flowers were lightened by this same light.
The whole scenery seemed fake. The boy was surrounded by a mysterious aura. I couldn't turn my eyes away. It was simply astounding.
It was clearly not one of my 'siblings' because they sure were good at piano but none of them had reach this level yet.
Is it a ghost? It's not 'father' because 'father' has blue hair and this man has white hair. The cooks don't sleep here and the staffs don't have the right to come in this room.

I felt like if I tried to sleep I wouldn't have difficulty to.

"Ah- I have been too much occupied by the song... Now I have to clean it. I shouldn't let flowers like this in the room because it would be too much suspicious and they won't have time to disappear when tomorrow they will come here..." I got surprised by the sudden voice of the mysterious boy

'Who is he talking about? They..? Is he talking about us?? Wait! I have to leave! He will find me if I stay here.'

I returned to my room the quickest possible and it seem that the mysterious boy didn't noticed me...
I sighed in relief

I went to my bed the head full of questions that couldn't be answered but surprisingly I fell asleep as if nothing had happened.

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