Chapter 27: Christmas at Home

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Lilith slowly starts opening her eyes as the morning sun starts shining into her room. She decides it's too early to get up so she leans back down onto what she assumes to be her pillow. This thought was debunked when she realised that the 'pillow' was breathing. At this realisation, she shot up and looked down, to finally notice Draco lying there next to her.

She sighs in relief and smiles down at him. He looked quite peaceful, with his chest slowly rising and falling. Still feeling tired, Lilith lies back down on Draco's chest, not exactly sure how she got there in the first place. She feels him slightly stir, making her assume he is starting to wake up.

He grunts, "Lia? You awake?".

She leans her head up to face him, "Yeah. How exactly did this happen?".

He turns to her, "You don't remember?". She shakes her head. "Alright, so last night you were clinging to your grandfather and got really tired. So when I brought you upstairs and put you to bed, you said you wanted me to stay with you. So I did".

She blushes, "R-really?". 

Draco laughs and nods at her. She blushes even more, placing her head in her hands and leaning down onto the bed. He continues to laugh and places his hand on her back.

She grunts, "It isn't funny, Dray!".

He hugs her around her shoulders, "Alright, I'm sorry. There's just no need to be embarrassed about us sleeping together. We've been doing it since we were little".

They hear a knock on the door.

Lilith turns towards the noise, "Yeah?".

The door opens and Tom peeks through.

"Everything alright, you two? I thought I heard Lilith yell".

Lilith smiles, "Everything's fine, grandpa". She turns to Draco, "Just telling Dray off for laughing at me".

Draco rolls his eyes and Tom laughs, "Good to hear. Well, why don't you two come downstairs for some Christmas breakfast?".

They nod and Draco asks, "Are my parents here yet?".

Tom turns to him, "Not yet, but they should be here soon. Severus told me that your father sent him a letter last night saying they should be here for breakfast". 

Draco nods and Tom leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Lilith and Draco stand up from the bed and start making their way to the door. They head downstairs to see the living room decorated with tinsel hanging on the fireplace and strings of lights hanging on the walls. In the corner, there was a Christmas tree that was beautifully decorated and there were an assortment of presents laying underneath.

Severus walks into the room, "Good morning".

They turn to him, "Morning".

He walks over and gives Lilith a hug, "Merry Christmas, baby girl".

She hugs him back, "Merry Christmas, daddy".

He lets her go and does the same to Draco, "Merry Christmas, Dragon".

He smiles, "Merry Christmas, Uncle Sev".

They let go of their hug just in time to hear the fireplace go off. They turn towards it to see Lucius and Narcissa standing there, presents in hand. Draco smiles wide and walks over to his parents. They gave him a hug each, with one hand since the other was carrying some presents. Severus rolls his eyes and helps them take the presents to the tree.

He turns to Lucius, "I thought I told you not to go overboard with the gifts, Luc".

"Not exactly my fault, my friend. Narcissa insisted and...we both know what happened last time I didn't listen to her".

Severus laughs, "Oh yes, I remember quite well".

Draco raises his eyebrows, "Why? What happened?".

Severus leans down to whisper, "I'll tell you later". 

Draco nods at him and smirks at his father, who gives him a confused look. Just before he can question it, Tom enters the room.

"Ah, Lucius, Narcissa, very good to see you both again".

Narcissa bows her head, "Good to see you too, Tom. Thank you for inviting us to stay over the holidays".

He smiles, "Oh, no trouble at all. Now, why don't we all go into the dining room and have some Christmas breakfast together as a family?".

They all nod and follow him into the next room, where the dining table is filled with all kinds of foods, from eggs and bacon, to pancakes and croissants. After everything that happened in the past couple months, this is definitely what was needed. Just being around family and not having to worry about anything else. 

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