Chapter 1: Unwelcomed

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Being the new student was never fun. I remember new kids in California and they were always forgotten about after a few days. You're the talk of the school, and then suddenly no one cares.

I resented my dad for making us move to Utah. He had a stupid office job! Why did he need to move? I didn't even care for his explanation, not that he ever tried to explain anyway. That man only cares about himself.

I had formed my own friend group in California and I didn't want to leave them and my childhood behind! He never asked what my mother and I wanted...I was forced out of my home.

So now, here I am, walking towards my new high school. It's my freshman year and I already know the upperclassmen are going to pick on me. The lower class always gets shitted on and I had no friends to struggle with.

I like walking past the skatepark the most. Back in Cali, they had this amazing skating place and my friends and I would go there everyday after school.

It hurt my chest to think about them.

Once I walked in the building, I was overwhelmed by how many students were attending the school. The hallways were so crowded you could barely move. Not to mention how much bigger everyone was!

Hastily, I was able to push my way through to biology. As I sat down, alone, I prayed that the teacher wouldn't make me introduce myself.

The teacher walked in. He was one of the perky kinds. I could already tell this wasn't going to go good for me.

"Good morning, class. Before we begin, I'd like to introduce our new student. Y/N, please stand up."

I stood awkwardly. I felt extremely uncomfortable as I felt everyone's eyes on me. "Um, I'm Y/N. I came from Empire, California..." I looked up at the teacher and he gestured me to continue. I was already nervous enough! Shaking, I sat back down in my seat. The teacher seemed slightly disappointed but didn't push me to go any further.

"It's a pleasure to have you, Y/N. Everyone please make her feel welcome." He smiled at me. "My name is Mr. Taveres. Welcome to Hurricane!"

About 45 minutes later, the bell had rung and it was time for gym class. Which I wouldn't have minded, if I didn't bump into a band of vulgar men along the way.

It was a group of four boys. Each of them in baggy and messy clothes. I could already tell by their greasy hair that they hadn't showered in days. The smell made it obvious too. As I retorted in disgust, one of them pushed me back.

"Watch where you're going, new kid." The brown haired one spat at me. I took this moment to take in his features, seeming that he was the most composed of them all. He had messy, dark-brown hair, silver eyes, a ruffled grey t-shift, and baggy jeans. I totally forgot to answer him because by the time I tuned back in, he was already gone.

Sighing, I dusted off my clothes and walked into the gymnasium.




The rest of the day was a blur for me. I didn't make any friends and the only time I talked to someone was when I needed directions. I ate lunch by myself and I had never felt more alone before. I badly missed California, none of the other kids acted this hostile, but my father didn't care and there was no turning back now.

Trying to get my mind off everything, I grabbed my skateboard from one of the moving boxes and took off to try and find the park I scoped out from earlier. To my luck, it only took about twenty minutes to do so.

The park was huge. It was bigger than the one they had at Empire! I was actually quite impressed with the quality of kids there too. None of them were smoking pot? Maybe they were just hiding it.

It was beautiful here. The place was a bit overcrowded but I could understand why. The kids here were pretty nice too. I even got a few compliments as I started doing kick-flips on the ramps. In fact, I managed to strike a conversation with one of the teens here. He was actually from my school!

"Hey, you're pretty good." His eyes allured me. He spoke so friendly and gently.

"Thanks! You don't seem too bad yourself."

"Are you new? I've never seen you around before." The kid looked me up and down, still keeping a smirk on his face. I resisted the urge to do the same.

"Yeah, just moved here. What's your name?"

"Payton Avery. What's yours?" Payton grinned.

"Y/N L/N. Do you go to Hurricane High?" My eyes fluttered with a sign of hope.

Could I really be making my first friend?

"I do. I wish I ran into you today! You seem pretty cool." He chuckled, taking a glance at myself and my skateboard.

"Me too. I'm sure I'll see you in school though."

"Would you want to meet at room twelve tomorrow? I could get to know you more..." Payton rubbed the back of his neck with his hands.

"Sounds good. See you then?" I turned, taking one last look at the pretty, blue-eyed boy.

"See you then!" He waved, before going back towards the ramps. I had been skating for nearly two hours so I decided to make my way back home, maybe get food on the way.

As I walked into the parking lot, I noticed a familiar crowd of boys from earlier. The same group that taunted me in the hallways. They were all huddling on a curb, smoking cigarettes.

I scoffed and looked away. I wasn't surprised they were the ones smoking.

"Hey, you!" Apparently, they had noticed me. The blonde one called me over and gestured me to walk over to them. Feeling slightly threatened, I obeyed.

"You're the talk of the school. Not in a good way." The other brunette chuckled. I so badly wanted to get out of this situation, I thought of calling out for Payton but the skatepark was too out of reach, I was on my own.

"What do you want?" I tightened my grip on my skateboard, glaring.

"I don't think we properly introduced ourselves. Since you're a skater, I'd say we do so." The blonde one grinned at me once more.

"I'm Fritz. That one's Jeremy, over there is Vinny, and Mikey's the brat next to me." Fritz smirked, inhaling his cigarette.

"I told you to call me Michael." Michael frowned at Fritz. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, Mike." The group chuckled, Michael simply disparaged the teasing.

"So who are you?" The same kid asked, his tone still rather annoyed.

"Uh, Y/N L/N." I took my hand out for them to shake. No one did. Embarrassed, I pulled my hand back down and looked down at the concrete.

"We don't want to be your friends. We just wanted to know what a girl like you is doing here." Michael grunted, dropping his cigarette onto the street.

"Can't you see my skateboard, idiot?" I pointed back down toward my feet. However, Michael didn't seem to take my comment very well.

"Watch who you're talking to, Y/N." Then brunette warned.

"All I see is a bunch of punks smoking cigarettes. I have no reason to be scared." I rolled my eyes. Deep down, I was frightened. But they didn't deserve to know that and I certainly wasn't going to show it.

Just as I thought I won, Michael took my skateboard right out of my hands and the others held me back from taking it.

"Hey! Give that back you bastard!" I hissed, trying to pry their hands off of me.

"I think I'll keep it, looks like it's in pretty good condition." He chuckled. I started kicking the three away from me but it wasn't enough. Michael dropped his own board and skated off with my skateboard in his hands. The three stopped holding me back and skated along with him.

Now, here I am. Alone, without a skateboard, standing on crumpled cigarettes.

What a wonderful first day!

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