Chapter 54: Looking For You

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You froze.

She had survived?

Her hair had seemed longer now. But maybe that was because it had been so long since you'd last seen her.

She wore a beige sweater and grey skirt with black tights. She had some sparkling pink boots to make the outfit unmatched. You had barely ever seen her out of that pink buttoned shirt she'd always wear. Except, when she'd change into princess costumes or pajamas.

It was all so surreal.

Was she real?

"Y/N!" Elizabeth groaned, annoyed by your lack of response. She acted as if no time had passed at all.

How could she forget that?

"Um..." You stopped, unable to process what was happening. You had just left the ward! "...How are you here, Elizabeth?"

The girl beamed at you. Had she gone mad? "I have a doctor's appointment! Henry took me!"

Your mind blanked. You nearly forgot who the man was. In fact, this was your first time thinking about him in ages.

"So, where is he?" You frowned, wondering why she was wandering the parking lot alone.

Just as you finished, you noticed a gentle hand being placed on her plain sweater. As you looked up, you immediately recognized your old boss. He welcomed you with a soft smile.

"Hello, Y/N! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

This was too much for you. Why did you have to rekindle with all of your past traumas the day you just left the hospital!?

What next? Michael?

"H-hey, Mr. Emily." You avoided eye contact. Was he going to assault you too?

"It's been forever since I've seen you! How have you been? What are you doing here?"

Henry was still smiling warmly at you. You tried your best to be normal. You really didn't want to have any psychotic episode in front of the man. Especially Elizabeth. But it was really hard when he was bombarding you with all of these questions.

"I'm doing okay..." You scratched your neck. "I just had an appointment. What about Elizabeth? Is she alright?"

"Oh! We just have a follow-up with her doctor. She had to have a few procedures done and transfusions because of the—y'know..." His voice trailed off. Elizabeth looked down and fidgeted.

You nodded. You were happy she was healthy but things still looked broken. Even with Afton out of the picture, he still found a way to ruin everyone's lives.

You were almost hesitant to ask, but you couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm sorry...can I walk with you? I have a few questions."

Henry's eyes lit up. He quickly nodded in reassurance and guided you back inside with them.

How ironic. Weren't you dying to leave?

"I certainly have some questions too, Y/N." His smile faded. He looked at you, quizzically. As if trying to get some sort of understanding or clarity.

"Well, we can both ask then..." You started. The three of you entered the hospital and a few staff members gave you some looks of concern. You waved them off.

"Is—is he alive?" You were skeptical. You knew you saw Afton die, but you wanted to make sure. You needed confirmation.

"No." Henry, who was clutching Elizabeth's hand, grasped it even tighter.

Elizabeth didn't seem to understand who we were talking about. "My turn!"

"Liz, we aren't playing a ga—"

"I know!" She grinned, pressing the button on the elevator. "Y/N, why didn't you answer my calls?"

You hesitated. There was no way to go about this without being partially honest, or coming up with a hell of a lie.

Which you couldn't come up with any.

"I'm not sure you'd understand, Elizabeth." You cleared your throat, stepping into the elevator.

She stood there for a moment, her eyes striking yours. You knew she was upset but she truly wouldn't understand. Henry sighed, stepping in the elevator and nudging Elizabeth. She didn't budge.

"Tell me!" Lizzy demanded. Her voice was filled with distress and weariness.

"Elizabeth, please, you're going to be late again." Henry rubbed his forehead. He could not reason with her.

"No! She ignored me! Y/N forgot about me!"

"Elizabeth, you're making a scene! And this elevator is gonna close—"

The elevator doors began shutting and you quickly stepped out before it closed entirely. Henry was not so lucky.

It was just you and Elizabeth in the hallway. Many of the hospital staff looked at you with scorns and disbelief. You didn't know how to calm her. You hadn't seen her in so long.

"Elizabeth, please stop!"

"No!" She continued pouting.

Your eyes darted back and forth. You weren't sure if you should just wait for Henry or tell her the truth.

"If I tell you, will you please calm down?"

Lizzy's eyes glimmered at the suggestion. She immediately wiped her tears and nodded her head firmly.

"Okay..." You paused. "I didn't answer because I was stuck in the hospital. I was very sick, Elizabeth."

Her body slouched and you could see her eyes watering again. "Why didn't you tell me? I can understand that!"

"Well, it was a different kind of sick. I was struggling with some sad feelings. And the doctor's kept me here until I was ready again."

Elizabeth looked slightly confused the entire time. But she nodded at each sentence anyway. You could see that she was trying her best to be understanding. Honestly, you felt bad about not telling her earlier.

"Are you happy now, Y/N?" Elizabeth asked, genuinely.

You didn't know how to answer that. There was a hole in your heart, but you didn't know why. You had been independent your whole life. What were you missing?

"I'll be fine. Okay?"

She looked away. "Is it because of Michael?" Your breath froze. "I haven't talked to him much. He's never home anymore!"


"He's still looking for you."

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