Chapter 17: Seeking Comfort

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It was quiet in the Afton household.

I hadn't spoken much since Michael had been there to witness my messed up family. Neither had he. In fact, I hadn't seen him around much since we arrived here. I've been stuck in his room but that doesn't mean I can't hear his family talking downstairs.

Though, Michael seemed to be absent.

I was curious as to where he went. Hanging out with friends, maybe? It would be strange timing to do such a thing. So where could of he possibly went?

My mother was probably home by now. I'm not sure how she would react to me staying over Michael's. She doesn't really seem to care for my father abusing me but she has never done it herself.

Does she care at all?

That question stung. It was truly a horrible feeling to have neither of your parents care for your well-being. My mom is too busy 'getting it on' with males and my dad is a drunk bastard who works too much.

I'm just glad I don't have a sibling who has to suffer like me.

"Hey...Y/N?" Michael softly spoken as he opened the door to his room, finding me sitting on his bed with my arms over my knees in a crouched position, cradling myself.

"Hi.." I mumbled, not fully taking in his appearance.

It wasn't until he dropped loads of bags onto the floor that I had to turn my neck around to comprehend the situation.

Michael had went back to my house, and gathered my things.

He was certainly doing a lot for a new friend.

"You didn't have to do that."

"You don't deserve to live there. I talked to my father and he said with your situation that you could stay here till things calm down." In the duration of his speaking, Michael sat down beside me on his bed and put a arm around my shoulder. Attempting to comfort me.

"Really?" I squeaked.

"Yeah. I'm not letting that happen to you again." I took in his words graciously. Why was he being so kind? Not too long ago, he hated me!

"...Thank you. For everything."

Michael didn't respond verbally. His next course of actions took me by surprise. He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hesitantly hugged him back and put my chin on his neck, trying to relax after everything that happened.

"You're always safe with me."


It was later on in the evening now and Michael hadn't come back to his room in a bit. I assumed he was downstairs with his family, further exposing my situation.

Which I somewhat minded.

I didn't really want anyones sympathy. It just made me feel worse about myself and my abusive father. But I was bound to get it anyways, well...mostly. I doubt Micheal's father really cares. His only obligation seems to be getting in my mothers pants.


A knock was heard by the door and snapped me out of my disturbing thoughts.  I perked up from curiosity as Michael never knocked to the door to his own bedroom.

"Come in." I commanded. The door spurred open and Elizabeth Afton was revealed behind the doorway, hiding behind the door cutely. I smiled at her to show I wasn't in a bad mood and she smiled back and walked in.

"Hi, Y/N! Do you want to play with me?" Elizabeth chirped, completely neglecting my drama which I didn't mind one bit.

I could use a distraction.

"Sure, Elizabeth. What would you like to do?"

"Hm...what's your favorite ice cream flavor?" Elizabeth asked out of the blue, making me question her intentions.

"Chocolate, why?"

"Just wondering! Mines strawberry! Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back!" Elizabeth left as soon as she came and shut the door behind her. I could faintly hear her running around the house and I giggled at her energy.

She burst through the door once again moments later, this time with something in her hand. I looked at her hands, and unexpectedly, she came back with tubs of ice cream and bowls.

"Here! I convinced daddy to give us ice cream!" Elizabeth smiled. I gave her the biggest smile on my face that I've had this whole day and took the bowl, gratefully.

"This is really sweet, Elizabeth. Thank you." I sat with her on Michael's bed and began eating away, currently distracting me from my unwanted thoughts and memories.

Also completely unaware of Michael's whereabouts.

"Ice cream always cheers me up when I'm sad! And it's really yummy! You should try strawberry!" Elizabeth handed me a spoonful of her own ice cream and my heart melted at her kindness.

How is she the offspring of that demon, William Afton?

I ate from her spoon and swallowed the ice cream, cautiously. I paid no mind to the flavor, but rather the caring girl who gave it to me.

"It's great, Lizzy! I understand why you like strawberry so much." Elizabeth giggled and put a scoop of strawberry ice cream into my bowl. I gave her a appreciative smile and continued eating again.

"Michael went out again. He told me to tell you he'll be back in a hour." Elizabeth commented, paying complete attention to her ice cream. I stared at her in curiosity. Why would Michael leave again?

"Did he tell you where he was going?"

"No! But he's probably going to smoke again. He does that a lot at night." My eyes widened as I didn't expect such a innocent child to know something like smoking, she was so young too!

"Oh..." I couldn't form words as I remained speechless and unsure of what to say to the little child mindlessly eating beside me.

Maybe she just doesn't really understand the dangers of smoking.

"Don't worry! He'll be fine! My brother was worried about you too!" Elizabeth smiled, dropping her spoon into the empty bowl before her.

"Okay. Does he do this often?"

"Yeah...about four times a week. My daddy doesn't really like it but Mikey doesn't care. He can be such a meanie sometimes!" Elizabeth frowned as I assumed she was reminiscing on the memories of Michael. I lightly chuckled at that.

"Oh, you have no idea."

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