Chapter 45: Boy's a Goner

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So I'm very sorry for not updating. I was in the hospital AGAIN. I became severely anemic and had to get blood transfusions and iron transfusions. I had to stay multiple nights in the hospital and I'm suffering many complications from the severe anemia. Please bare with me as I'm still fighting the illness and battling the symptoms 💗💗

Also TW!
This chapter is gonna be really gory and gross. Please don't read if you get disgusted by this stuff.

You and Micheal rushed back to the house. God, where was Henry when you needed him? You hadn't heard the full story yet, but Micheal was in a full blown panic. And still being half aroused, you were very uncomfortable by the situation.

He barely managed to park his car safely. Just missing the trash cans outside your house, Micheal swerved into the driveway and scrambled out of the car. You weren't as quick to your feet. Hell, you didn't even know the situation! You believed you were in shock by the turn of events that were thrown at you today.

With the door bursting open, nothing could've prepared you for the sight that laid before you.

You couldn't even make note of the living room being a mess. Everything was incomparable to Scott's bloody body sprawled out on the once green couch.

You ran over to his body, tears in your eyes. You tried checking his wrist, his neck, anything, for a pulse. But there was nothing. The man had been cut up and torn to pieces. If you really looked you could see some of the organic tissue. His eyes were open, as if still in the moment. You couldn't bare to look at his poor face.

Horrified, you murmured, "Micheal...what the hell happened?"

He didn't answer. He seemed utterly speechless.

"Micheal!" You cried. "You need to tell me what happened on the phone! What if this happens to Chris or Elizabeth?!"

"I-I..." He sputtered, "He was just talking to me! I don't understand!"

Now, you were puzzled. Maybe Micheal was still digesting the fact. But the way he worded it...sounded terrifying.

"What do you mean?! Please elaborate, Micheal!" Tears were dripping down your face, you were glad to finally have your back to the corpse. Micheal couldn't seem to get his eyes off it though. He hadn't looked away from it once.

"Y/N, Scotty was the one talking to me on the phone! How is that possible?! He couldn't of been murdered this badly that quickly!"

You shook violently. You didn't even want to look behind you. You felt paralyzed in your movements. You didn't feel safe where you stood right now. This murder was recent, the killer was nearby. Micheal's siblings...they were probably goners. The weight just kept crushing you and you couldn't move.

"That's impossible..." You managed to utter. Though not paying attention to Micheal. Your thoughts were warped around your chances of survival, which felt very hopeless right now.

"We need to find my brother and sister. Now."

Micheal walked towards the door and you felt a huge wave of panic come over you. You didn't want to be alone here. You would die! But you didn't feel safe out there either...

Everywhere as scary.

"W-wait!" You shouted. Micheal turned around, impatiently. "Shouldn't we look around here for clues? What if the murderer left something for us?"

You don't know why you felt safer in the house, but you supposed you just assumed there was a trap or some sort of getup waiting for you outside the walls. You didn't want to get bamboozled. You wanted to stay in familiar territory. But yet, you felt so guilty for doing so. Especially knowing Chris and Elizabeth weren't with you.

Micheal looked at Scott and swallowed. "We should stay together."

You definitely agreed with that.

Hesitantly, you moved from your frozen position. Micheal was searching around the living room, investigating every inch of the ruined furniture and broken glass, rather aggressively.

You were trying to do the same, but kept your eyes on Scotty. You felt like he would move if neither of you watched him. You were in disbelief he was actually gone. Displayed right before you. Brutally. It was just wrapping around your head now.

"We can't tell the authorities." Micheal noted, shuffling with some books. You looked at him, quizzically.

"What?! Why!?"

"It's very suspicious that Scotty was murdered at your house, Y/N!" He sighed. "And they failed us! They can't even catch my father or keep him from escaping a hospital! Why would we go to them for anything?!"

You agreed with him. You were going to be a suspect for the murder. Especially if they don't find Afton. You were sure some cops would want to take the easy way out and close the case. And two kids going missing at your house didn't help you either.

"So you're sure this was William's doing?" You grunted the name out, looked back and forth at Scott's body. Neither you or Micheal tried to move it. You had no plans on what to do with it, honestly.

"Who else would it be?" Micheal snarked, shoving some newspapers onto the floor.

Not saying anymore, Micheal decided he was done checking the living room and moved to look somewhere else. You kept your eyes peeled. You didn't want to leave Scotty alone. The smell of his flesh killed a part of you but you tolerated it.

He was dead...

You couldn't believe it. You were actually stunned. It was all so fast. You were just in a bedroom with Micheal, and now this.

And you didn't even want to think about what was happening with Chris and Elizabeth right now. You were truly surprised Micheal wasn't in more of a rush to get out of the house. You supposed he was genuinely looking for clues. It's not like the two of you had any idea where to go anyway.

And what were you going to do with Scott? He belonged to a family! Had a future, and many friends...You couldn't just leave him to rot. You and Michael had to find a way to dispose of him properly.

Oh, god. The thought disgusted you.

But you couldn't think about of anything else. Especially with that rancid smell.

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