Chapter 12: Learning About You

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Although the last encounter with Michael was strange, I decided to visit his house today. It was a Saturday and I was extremely bored. Besides, I considered Michael my friend now...or at least an acquaintance.

"Please say hi to Mr. Afton for me!" My mom yelped from the kitchen. I groaned, disgusting.

I ran out the front and door and walked over to the house across from mine. It was actually quite convenient that he lived so close to me...except it meant our parents could be much closer too.


"Ah, Y/N. Are you here to see Micheal?" Mr. Afton answered the door.

"Yeah. Is he home?"

"Yes. He's in his room. He was actually planning on going to your house but this is fine. Come in." Afton invited me inside, to which I stumbled in hesitantly.

Mr. Afton showed me to Michael's room. I silently thanked him but, of course, he didn't leave me without mentioning my mother.

"Tell your mother I'll be ready for 9."

I wanted to ask so many questions, but he walked away before I could do so. What were they going to do at 9? I was really hoping it wasn't a date but my hopes weren't very high.

I knocked on Michael's door and heard some shuffling. It took him a few moments before he replied.

"Come in!"

I opened the door and went inside his room. It looked relatively similar since the last time I saw it, but this time it was messier. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Michael laying on his bed with his headphones. He sat up once he noticed me and took his headphones off his head.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" He asked, more confused than angry.

"I was bored." I shrugged.

"So you decided to invite yourself over?"


There was a short silence, where Michael seemed to be contemplating what to do next. I wasn't sure if he was going to kick me out, or hang out with me. I'd just have to wait...

"Fair enough. Let's go." Michael sprang up from his bed and grabbed his skateboard. Luckily, I had brought mine with me so I didn't have to go back home to get it.

"Skatepark?" I assumed.

"Nah. I got something else in mind." Michael walked past me and gestured me to follow him. I followed behind him slowly, not wanted to draw attention to myself.

Once we made it outside, I decided to question further where Michael wanted us to go.

"So...what did you have in mind?"

"You'll see."

I frowned at his bluntness. He placed his skateboard onto the concrete and started, I groaned but followed behind. Maybe he was just embarrassed because of what happened last time.

About 15 minutes later, Michael came to a hault. We arrived at some unfamiliar area. It was definitely private property because nobody was here. I began to think what the fuck Michael's business was in a place like this.

"Michael, I swear to god if this is some sort of drug deal-"

"Relax, Y/N. It's just some spot I found by myself." Michael snorted. I walked beside him as he led me to a lake. Around it was rocks and plants and it was actually very peaceful. But I cringed at the romantic thoughts flowing through my head.

"You come here to smoke?" I teased. Immediately regretting what I said, as I remembered the last time I did that.

"Funny." He retorted. Michael sat down on the rock and patted the space next to him. I looked at him intently before obeying his wish and sitting beside him.

"How'd you find this place?"

"I was playing man hunt with my friends one day and stumbled upon it. I've been coming here since." Michael explained. He kept his eyes on the water, but I kept my focus on him.

"Does anyone else know about this area?"

"...My mother does." He seemed on edge answering that and his tone was curt. I really didn't want to push, but I was curious about their relationship.

"How?" I pried.

"I used to be pretty close with her. One time I wandered here when she followed me and this became our spot." Michael sighed as his eyes showed vulnerability. I took this opportunity to ask more.

"Used to be..? What happened?" I know, I was asking way too many questions. But I couldn't help it. I didn't know much about his personal life and I wanted to! For some odd reason...

"You better not tell a soul." He warned.

"Woah! I won't!" I waved my hands in defense. He watched me do so and sighed.

"My mother and father argued a lot. One day, my mother had enough of it and left us without warning. She never divorced my father but they are separated." I could've sworn I saw water forming in his eyes. But I wasn't sure what to do. In fact, why was he even opening up to me? Not so long ago, we were sworn enemies! What happened?

"Oh...I'm sorry for asking." I cleared my throat in discomfort.

"It's fine. Neither of them are very good people anyway." Now this, intrigued me. I definitely had a hunch on Afton, but his mother? What could she have done? What could they have done?

"How so?" I raised a brow.

"Don't you think you've learned enough for one day?!" Michael snapped. I flinched at his sudden mood swing and jolted back.

"Sorry...I just don't like talking about it."

"I understand. I don't like talking about my family either." It was Michael's turn to become intrigued. He had probably just now realized, my father was barely anywhere to be found. I mentally slapped myself for reminding him about this.

"Come to think of it, you never told me anything about you..."

"What's your father like?"

I gulped.

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