Chapter 31: Explanation

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TW-Mentions of gore, abuse, and SA ahead. Don't read if this will upset you.


"I left my shift early that night." Micheal mumbled, seeming to have difficulty explaining the matter of events. "Vincent and I were worried when you hung up. I thought it was best to get home as soon as possible and figure out what was going on."

"Okay..." You urged him to continue.

"When I got home, I found my father doing some violent things to you." He shuttered, "You were clearly unconscious. There was blood and bruising all over your face and around your neck. Y/N, it was disgusting. My father is a nasty man."

You swallowed a huge lump in your throat. What the hell did he do to you?

"He was...touching you. There was a knife next to him, but he wasn't using it. I walked in on him having sex with you." Micheal had tears welled up in his eyes, and your heart rate was increasing substantially. You couldn't believe what you just heard. You never thought he would stoop that low. You felt violated and dirty.

"W-what?" You choked.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should've gotten there sooner. I had no idea he would ever do something like that to you. I'm a terrible person." Micheal clasped your hand as a tear fell down his cheek. You lost the ability to move and speak, you were stunned. You're innocence, dignity, and purity were gone.

"What happened after?" You were almost afraid of the answer. You didn't want him to have free will, you didn't want to see him ever again. He should be in jail, rotting. What Afton did to you was unforgivable.

"I got so angry...he was so prideful about it, Y/N. There was a grin on his face the whole time he was doing it." He paused, looking away from you with an apathetic expression. "I grabbed the knife from the bed and stabbed him. He didn't see it coming, he didn't even hear the door open. He was too busy fucking you. I stabbed him a bunch. Then, I realized it was enough, probably too much and called the cops. He's in the hospital. Probably won't make it."

You didn't know what to say. There was nothing to say. In your opinion, William got what he deserved. But you're not sure how Micheal feels about severely injuring his father. It was a touchy subject, and you were still in a state of shock.


You cringed at your reply, though it wasn't visible to Micheal. He continued on, "I don't regret it. He was a pedophile and a shitty dad. Maybe not to Chris and Elizabeth, but they'll get over it. They shouldn't be raised by a father who touches children anyway."

You really wished he would stop bringing it up. It made you sick to your stomach to even think about. You were unconscious, not able to move or have any idea what was happening to you. You were so vulnerable. And Afton took that opportunity to do despicable things to you. You were traumatized.

"I don't know what to say."

Micheal shifted, sitting up a bit to look down at you. His face was unreadable, though, that could be because you were still woozy from the meds. "The police are coming in to question you soon. Do you remember what happened after you hung up?"

"He was insisting on coming inside the room and he told me there were cameras all around the house, watching us. It was so creepy, but I didn't want to risk going out the window. If I got hurt jumping, I would've been that much more vulnerable to him. But I suppose I was anyway..." Your voice dropped into a melancholy tone. Micheal didn't say anything, only squeezed your hand a bit tighter.

"When I went into your room, he wanted to take my phone. I rebelled against this and so, he held me by my abdomen and reached in my pockets. I got mad when he did this and shouted profanities at him, not a good idea. He grabbed me by my throat and started choking me, then threw me on your bed. I begged him to stop but he told me it was my fault and proceeded to knock me out."

You were shaking by the end of this, not wanting to relive the moment again. But it was necessary for Micheal to know. And you'd have to tell it to the police, might as well practice.

Micheal had a look of shame on his face. He wasn't making eye contact with you at all. In fact, he wasn't touching you anymore either. He looked guilty. Like his father's sins had somehow been brought upon him.

"Hey, at least I can talk normal now." You chortled, trying to lighten the mood. You didn't like when feelings were heavy around Micheal. He was your only comfort.

Micheal sighed, "Chris and Liz are here too. They wanted to visit you. I told them some of what happened. Not everything. They're too young to hear about that."

You nodded in agreement, but Micheal didn't even seem to notice. He couldn't even bare to look at you.

"I'll send them in. I need a smoke break." Micheal, rather quickly, sat up from your hospital bed and darted for the door. He seemed extremely uncomfortable, which was understandable. But you still couldn't help but feel a bit resentful. He owed it to you to at least support you in your recovery.

A moment later, two little Afton's came bursting through the door. The same nurse followed behind, chasing and yelling at them that I couldn't have visitors.

Elizabeth slammed the door shut on her and huffed, "Miss Y/N! We missed you! I haven't seen you in forever!"

You smiled, she was a much more peaceful welcoming than Micheal's. Both Chris and Elizabeth ran over to your bed and tackled you in a hug, Liz being a bit more aggressive with it. Though, they weren't so strong that it hurt you. It was just a little surprising.

"I'm not speaking to dad. He's a monster." Chris added, pulling out of the hug. You wondered what Micheal had said to them.

"Chris! Be quiet! Don't upset Y/N!" Liz scolded, then turned to you. "But he's right! He's a bad daddy. None of us went to visit him."

You were appalled. Could you badmouth their father? Would that be wrong?

No, he deserves it.

"He was always a bit mean, wasn't he?"

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