Chapter 5: He Warned You

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It was now Monday and the day had been going relatively normal, until Michael walked up to me by my locker.

"What do you want, Michael?" I groaned.

"Who says I want anything?" I hadn't run into Michael at all yesterday. It was actually a little strange to have a day without seeing him, even if we just met. But out last encounter wasn't exactly nice, so what could he possibly want?

"The only time you come over to me is when you taunt me." That was entirely true.

"Okay, fine. I need your friend, Payton, to meet me after school." I furrowed a brow. If he's a 'drug dealer' why did he need to see him? Oh, wait. To do drugs.

"Why don't you just ask him yourself?" I rolled my eyes, shutting my locker.

"Because he doesn't like me. Just say he has a new client that wants to meet him after school in the bathroom." Michael rambled.

"I'm not feeding into your cigarette addiction. Deal with it yourself." I began walking away from him. Why would he even ask that?

To my luck, Michael did not chase after me. I sighed walking into my chemistry class.

"Hey, Y/N." Payton greeted me as I sat down next to him. I wasn't so sure of my opinion on him anymore. He seemed nice but I didn't trust him. But I'll take what I can get, I guess.

"Mornin, Payton." I waved.

"How was your weekend?" He seemed so casual. It was so hard to believe the rumors about him. Maybe I should try to be more understanding. He was probably doing it for some reason. Besides, they might not even be true!

"Pretty boring. I just skated around town, y'know. How about you?"

"Same. We should do that together next time." Payton chuckled.

"I'm down. Are you free today?" I pulled out my notebook from my backpack.

"Yep. Meet you at the park at 3?"

"Sounds good."




The time was 3:28 PM and Payton was no where to be found. I had been skating by myself at the skatepark for the past half hour waiting for him but he never came.

I would've thought to text him but I realized we never exchanged numbers. I can't believe the thought never crossed my mind.

I began to wonder if he was dealing with Michael and his friends right now. For all I know, they could all be getting high together or something. I had only seen him smoke but who knows, it's high school.

I was about to give up and go home when I noticed a certain group enter the skatepark. Michael and his friends. To my surprise, everyone in the park quickly emptied out of the skating area and began doing other things. Were they really that scared of an Afton?

Michael couldn't harm me. My mother and his father were too close, sadly. But he also knew I was a snitch, and he always seemed to try pleasing his father so I know he wouldn't do anything to upset him.

I stood my ground and began skating around again. As the group approached me I came to a hault, wondering what they were possible going to say to me.

"Didn't you get the memo? Get lost." Fritz sneered.

"I'm not afraid of you guys." I scoffed, glaring back at them.

"You should be." Michael glared back.

"Like I said, I'm not about to let a rich spoiled brat tell me what to do." I huffed, before setting off my skateboard and going up and down the ramps.

I could faintly hear his friend group clowning him and it seemed to only make Michael more angry. But I could care less. To my surprise, they backed off and began skating, ignoring my presence. I smiled at the sight and put my headphones back on.

About ten minutes later, my friend Payton finally showed up. I was about to scold him when he interrupted me and profusely apologized.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N! I had a thing with my family and I couldn't get away!" His voice was pleading. It sounded pretty believable but I couldn't help but wonder if he was gone because he was selling.

"Alright...just tell me next time." I picked up my skateboard.

"Well, I'm going to need your number to do that." He chuckled. I blushed at my stupidity and quickly pulled out my phone. He did the same.

" number is, ***-****."

"Got it. I'll text you later to test it out."

"Alright, you ready to finally have some fun?" I smirked, placing my phone back in my pockets.

"Hell yeah!" We both put our skateboards down on the ground and began performing tricks. I was having a blast until I noticed Michael's sharp glared at the two of us. We were leaving him alone...why is he so mad?

I didn't understand why he claimed this area as his own. Did he not care about other people? He was making everyone else miserable and ruining his father's reputation. Why is he like this?

Payton and I decided to take a break about twenty-five minutes later. We sat down on top of a ramp and chugged down water. As we were doing this, Michael's posse walked over to us. They all had grins on their faces, except him.

"Yes?" I asked plainly.

"Did you not listen to me Saturday and this morning?!" Michael nearly yelped.

"I did, I just don't care or believe you." That was a lie. I did care, I just didn't trust him. He was just trying to sabotage my only friendship anyway.

"What's he on about, Y/N?" Payton looked at me skeptically.

"Pfft, more bullshit that's what." I smirked sheepishly. His group's smirks dropped and turned into glares.

"You're so incredibly stupid. He's just trying to befriend you to become a user!" Michael pointed at Payton. Payton snarled at the comment and let out a growl.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Payton's face turned into a disgusted one.

"Look!" Before anyone could react, Michael reached into Payton's backpack that was on the ramp and pulled out a bag. A bag filled with white powder. Drugs.

"What the fuck?!" I stood up and backed away. Why was he carrying that?! He could get us arrested!

"Fucking fine! But it's worth it Y/N! They make you feel so good!" Payton snatched his bag from Michael and pointed at it.

"I'm not buying your drugs! We're done! Don't talk to me!" I yelled back. I put my skateboard on the ground and began to take off.

I refused to look back at them. I didn't like any of them. Payton was a drug dealer who was using me, and Michael and his friends were bullies. I had nothing.

Michael, he just saved me. But why?

I guess he knows when to draw the line. My opinion on him has slightly changed. I guess he wasn't just a spoiled brat after all.

And to that, I smiled.

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon