Chapter 24: Pizzeria

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I've been trying to get back into sports since I've finally gotten cleared from my injury and disease I had. I'm going to try and upload as much as I can. Thanks for the support!

"Are you Mr. Emily?"

You entered the office immediately being greeted with a middle-aged blonde man, seemingly stressed from his paperwork. He shifted his glasses with his fingers, and looked upwards at you with a apologetic smile.

"Yes! Are you here for the interview, Ah...Y/N?" He motioned for you to take a seat, and you felt welcomed and safe unlike with Afton, so you had no problem situating yourself into the room.

"Yeah, Mr. Afton told me to go to you."

"Yes, he's talked about you a lot recently. I know you two are living together right now and that you're Michael's friend. He's mentioned that you're a polite, kind girl, so I think you'll do just fine at Freddy's."

You were surprised to hear William speak about you in such a positive manner. It was unlikely for him to say such things. You didn't even think he liked you at all, maybe just so you could work for him. You thought that was most likely why he said these things.

"Oh, yes. Michael and I are friends and I'm living with them as of right now. I'm hoping Freddy's will help support them and I for the future." You tried speaking with sophistication to impress Henry. You were hoping it would charm you into a job.

"Good! Well, I just have a few questions for you and I'll let you know if this will be a good fit or not."


After the interview, Henry had told you to stay put. He wanted you to sign a few waivers for Freddy's and for you to get your uniform for the job. The uniform looked a bit tacky but you supposed as long as you got paid, it was alright.

"So the waiver just explains that Freddy's is not responsible for lost items or any injuries that happen while on the property." He explained rather frantically, shoving the papers into your hands with the pen. He seemed to want to get this part over with. You hesitated to sign the paper.


"Nothing to worry about. It's mainly if you were to go inside a suit or do something you weren't supposed to." He chuckled, giving a reassuring smile. You stared back at him for a bit in contemplation before eventually giving in and signing the paper, most likely regretting it later.

"Great. You can work tonight with Michael, he's been slacking with the night shift lately and it's probably for the best anyway." Henry gathered the papers and started packing up, you ruffled the uniform and stood there even more on edge than before. You didn't like the idea of staying up all night, with Michael.

"Um, okay. What do I have to do?"

"There'll be a automated message to explain everything. Mikey can help you too if you need it. It's really not that hard and I'm sure you'll do great! Don't worry, Y/N." He patted you on the shoulder before opening the door and walking out, nodding at you. You stood there, baffled.

In the span of an hour, you had gotten hired, signed a waiver giving them the right to hurt you, and now you were working a night shift with Michael. It was absolute chaos.

On the bright side, Afton would be happy to hear the news and hopefully get off your back. But that'll just mean more night shifts and stress for you. And Michael told you these shifts were 'dangerous'. Your walking pace increased at the worrying of this supposed danger.

Michael most likely was not awake yet so you went to the main area to try and see if you could find anyone you recognize. Most of the pizzeria was filled with children and annoyed parents, but you noticed some teenagers and inordinate customers there.

You considered texted Afton to let him know about the job, but you figured Henry already told him anyway. Plus, you didn't feel like speaking to that eery man. You already did that enough.

Looking at the stage, you noticed the animatronics were in the middle of a performance. Freddy was singing a song with Chica, and Bonnie was playing his guitar. Foxy was left out as usual, but he had his crowd of kids so you didn't really pity the robot.

Everything looked normal. But something seemed off at the same time. You didn't know what it was, but something about this place was just weird. You've been to arcades similar to this before, and they were never giving you this gut feeling. You figured it probably had to do with your relation to the owners, but you couldn't help but shake that distinct feeling when looking at the motioning animatronics.

Especially when they stared right at you.

"Miss Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Shocked, you pant was tugged my Elizabeth with her green eyes looking up at you in curiosity and excitement. You dreaded seeing her. Not her, but knowing that Afton was here too.

"Lizzy? Don't you have homework you're supposed to be doing! What about that math I taught you!" You scolded her in a teasing way. She giggled and pointed behind you. Her pointed finger led to a man in a bunny costume. It moved on its own and you knew there was someone inside of it. It was like a tanish-brown rabbit with green eyes. It looked freaky.

"What's that?"

"My daddy is performing!"

Of course, you signed. It was Afton in the suit. Who else would it be? Obviously not anyone in their right mind.

You didn't dare make eye contact with him and tried to make your presence unknown. You just hoped Elizabeth would do the same thing and Afton wouldn't go over to the two of you.

"Oh, look. He's talking to those boys right now! Can we go see him!?"

You groaned.

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