Chapter 22: Arguement

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Michael had just texted you that he was outside the house, so you tried to keep your volume low as to not wake anyone up.

Especially Afton.

You slipped down the stairs and made sure as to not make a sound, or to be as quiet as possible with your footsteps. You knew Afton was a night owl or he either woke up really early and you didn't want to be caught in another awkward conversation with him.

Thankfully, you were able to make it outside without anyone noticing you. You immediately saw Michael inside of his car, looking up at you as soon as you shut the door. You sped walk over to him due to your overwhelming anxiety of running into his father.

"I can't believe you do this during school weeks." You mumbled, shutting the car door swiftly as Michael smirked and pulled out of the driveway.

"It's not like you're in school anyway. And I can just take a nap during chemistry if I need it." Michael argued, and you wondered whether he was being sarcastic or not.

"Whatever. Where are we going?"

"There's a breakfast place that's ten minutes away. It's good. I usually go there after my shift." He suggested.

"How was it, by the way?"

You looked over at him and studied his face for any signs of distress. He seemed to be very intently focused on the road in front of him, not making eye contact with you, and he didn't respond for a few seconds.

"Boring." Michael concluded, ending any sort of tension or suspension there was.

"Well, we should invite the guys or something when I work there. They'll make it more interesting." You chuckled a bit at your own remark, thinking back on your newly found group of friends and what havok they'd cause at Freddy's. It would be very interesting. You looked at Michael's face, which showed no emotion at all.

"Not a good idea." He said.

The rest of the ride was silent.


Arriving at the breakfast place changed your demeanor, and you couldn't help but be grateful. Michael had soured your mood in the car and the change of scenery was starting to uplift you again.

"How many?" The waiter asked. He was a male that seemed a bit older than you and Michael, mid-twenties.

"Two, please."

He led you to a booth that was suited for a party our size, and ordered your beverages. You glanced at Michael to try and read his expression, but he still seemed quite unanimated.

"Are you feeling alright?"

He seemed to be brought out of his daze at this question and made eye contact with you, slightly startled with your question. You were beginning to become very concerned.

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Sorry." He drank in his coffee in a anxious manner, seemingly trying to recover from his embarrassed state.


Michael didn't say anything else, and you were about to go make a run for the bathroom. It was a very awkward breakfast, and you honestly would've preferred a lovely chat with Afton over this.

"I think I'm gonna use—"

"Y/N, don't get the job at Freddy's."

You stared at Michael in surprise and curiosity. He wasn't speaking all morning,  and suddenly his first sentence is this. Not to mention the upset look he held on his face as he stared at you with pleading eyes.

"Why not?" You urged him to continue.

"It's dangerous and unhealthy. It ruins your sleep schedule and it's terrible for your health."

"You seem to handling it." You scoffed, wondering if he was calling you weak or not. You didn't have much of a choice anyway. You had already made a deal with his dad.

"I'm surviving! Look at me! Don't take this job, Y/N, it'll destroy you." He was now arched over the table and clearly speaking loud enough to get others attention. You were very much regretting eating out with him.

"I can't back out now, Michael. I already made a deal with your father. He said he won't kick me out if I take this job." You tried to reason with his illogical behavior. It's just a pizzeria place with a few animatronics...You really couldn't ponder the dangers of that establishment. Everyone loved it.

"I'll talk to him! Or we can hide you in my room! Either way I don't want you taking that job, it'll kill you!"

He was clearly delusional at this point. You figured it was from the sleep deprivation, and that he needed a good nap, because there was no way he was telling you what to do.

"It's not your choice to make! Your over-exaggerating! I'll be fine. Everyone has to work at some point, Michael!" You matched his tone, which was way louder than it should've been.

"Yeah, well, work somewhere normal that won't kill you! There are so many other jobs you could take! Why are you choosing the worst one?!" He was standing now, his hands shoved the coffee cup onto the floor. You hoped it was empty.

"I told you I have no choice! It's either this or become homeless! You're not even giving me a good reason to stay away from Freddy's! You just don't want me working with you!" You challenged him with your own theory, thinking you outsmarted him. He seemed more shocked than you expected.

"That's not true at all! I just don't want you in danger! Why can't you just listen to me?! I'm trying to save you!"

"Um, excuse me—"

"I don't need to be saved! I just need a job to keep a roof over my head! And you're clearly delusional if you think I'm not taking that offer!" You practically roared in his face, both of you were standing and yelling into another's ears. Not with another care in the world.

"Guys, I'm going to need you two to—"

"Why would you take my fathers side over me?! He's deranged and a creep! I don't understand why you would even make a deal with him!"

"I did what I had to do, Michael! Why can't you—


We both looked at an angry waiter with people sitting impatiently and disturbed in their seats, staring at us.

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