Chapter 51: Fatal Endings

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"What did you do with my siblings?"

"You are pathetic. A waste of space, Michael."

I kicked him again. He looked practically deformed.

"Tell me where they are!" My insides raged, he had been stalling for so long and it was only getting more dangerous the longer we stayed here.

Disturbingly, he started chuckling. It started off as light laughter, then turned into hollering, bellows. He was cackling and nearly hysterical.

"What the hell is so funny?!" I yelled again. He still wouldn't cease. I didn't know what else to do. His laughter had me wondering how safe Y/N and I truly were.

My father stopped curtly. "You're so pathetic. You don't even realize the situation you're in."

His name calling was truly pissing me off.

"I will hurt you if you don't tell me."

Father stiffened at this. His face turned into a glare as he tried once more to break free from the ties.

"You're stuck. And you're gonna be worse off if you don't start talking. Now."

Glaring nonstop, he took a heavy exhale before suddenly smiling. "You're not going to ever find them, Michael."


"Shut up, listen for once." My father clutched his fists before calming again. "You're not going to find them because I put them inside springlock suits. Active suits that need to be winded up. Neither Elizabeth or Chris know how to do that."

My face twisted into a look a horror. "Hell, their bodies have probably been crumpled like prunes!" He started snickering unfittingly. I was in complete shock, complete anger.

How could he do that to his own children?

How could he do that...

There was a knife on the table. I went and grabbed it.



You had nearly checked everyone room inside the pizzeria and found nothing. The most notable thing was the police cars surrounding the lobby. In fact, some of the police were inches away from the door now. Barking to be let in, or for you to come out with your hands in the car.

You didn't understand why they didn't just come in. Were they really that scared of you? What did they think you did? Perhaps they were more scared of Afton. However, you knew that there was at least forty armed people out there. There was no way William could take them down. So why were they just sitting out there?

You sighed, welcome to America.

Honestly, you had walked by them so many times and they hadn't even tried to enter. All they did was demand for you to go outside and hand yourself in. How idiotic.

Did any of them have a reasonable sense of mind?

Focusing once more, you were reminded as you faced the animatronics on stage that Elizabeth and Chris were still missing. Unless Michael had somehow found them while talking to his father, you had no reason to believe they were even in here.

Abruptly, you heard shouting from down the hall. It was coming from the room where Michael and William were. You sprinted, you were not going to let Afton hurt him the way he hurt you. You knew this was a bad idea.

Though, you were shocked to find that as you crept closer, it was actually William screaming. But it wasn't painful, he was begging.

You walked in cautiously.

"Don't do this to me, Michael! I'll do anything! Please!"

Stunned, you were surprised to see Michael with a knife in his hands. By far the most concerning factor was the huge bunny suit that had been put next to Afton. It looked different than the one he would usually wear.

"Y/N, I can't seem to decide. Do you think I should cut him up, or put him in the springlock suit?" Michael looked like a madman. He fiddled with the knife as William pleaded constantly to be spared.

What the hell was happening?!

"Michael, what are you doing?! We're supposed to be finding Liz and Chris!"

All of his movements stopped. Afton went silent as well. You could tell by the shift in the demeanor that he did something.

"Please, son, I'm sorry—"

"DON'T CALL ME YOUR SON!" Michael walked over to the springlock suit. "You are going to finally get what you deserve. You were never going to get away with it."

Afton started squirming with the zip-ties. You noticed that there seemed to be more wrapped around him than before.

Hastily, Michael grabbed the springlock suit, pushed the head off and started reaching for Afton. Who, of course, resisted.

"Y/N, grab his bottom half." Michael deadpanned. You had never seen him look so emotionless in your life.

Frightened, you reached for the legs of William. He tried to kick at you, but his legs were tied up too good and the best he could do was squirm.

"You can't do this to me! I'm your father!"

Michael snorted. "And they were your kids."

Half-insane, Michael aggressively grabbed Afton's top half and the two of you were able to lift him up. Michael was doing most of the work, but you managed. You had a hard time processing everything. All you knew was that Afton hurt Michael's siblings.

You saw nothing wrong with killing him anyway. He was a plague to this world. Once Afton was gone, all of you could live happily in peace.

"Put his legs in the suit." Michael demanded. His tone was rather aggressive but you assumed he just wanted to get this done.

"How could you do this to your own father?! Michael, think about what you're doing!!"

Michael didn't even answer as the two of you practically shoved him into the springlock suit. You and him made sure his arms and legs went through the right places, and every other body part followed it's route. It was very hard to focus the whole time as William kept cursing the two of you out. He would claim how he would return and how the two of you would burn in hell with him.

As that finished, you had to put the head on. You let Michael do the honors.

"Michael, get me out of this suit." William said, this time in more of a panic.

"Goodbye, Afton."

As the head clinked into the rest of the suit, you realized it wouldn't go off unless it had a little kick. As you wounded up to shove William one last time, there was a little drizzle of water that dropped from the ceiling crack. It landed right into the metal of his suit, right where a springlock was.

That was enough to start a chain reaction.

You and Michael backed away as William couldn't even scream. He grasped his hand towards you, but then shortly fell to the floor. He was shaking and seizing as his body couldn't handle all the piercings. You could tell he was trying to yell, but the springlocks had already went through his vocal cords.

Michael watched solemnly.

"They're dead, Y/N."

Son of a Monster (Michael Afton x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin