Chapter 2: Food Fight

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Fortunately for me, last night my father didn't even notice me slipping in the house past curfew. I was able to go to sleep without being caught. However, the feeling of always going unnoticed with these sort of things made my stomach churn.

It was now the next morning and I decided to take the bus. I was very sore from yesterday and I wanted to save my energy to try and find the four brats who took my skateboard.

I gripped onto my backpack, strings slung over my shoulder and walked onto the bus, and to my surprise the last two rows were taken by the thief's.

"Look! It's that girl from yesterday." Jeremy cooed. The four of them chuckled at me but I didn't give them the satisfaction. I sat in the front and looked away from them, contemplating my plan to get my expensive prize back.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when Michael walked over to my seat and sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I hissed. Michael took pleasure in my frustration and swiftly grimaced.

"If you want your skateboard you have to come to the park after school."

"Why?" I demanded.

He chuckled. "Come at Five. Don't be late." With that, Michael stood up and walked back towards his little posey. I looked out of the window and became mentally disturbed, trying to think of what they could possibly be planning.




It was now lunch time and I was yet to find a welcoming table. My friend from yesterday was no where to be found. And it appeared that our meet up in room twelve was not enough for him to make his introduction at lunch to me.

I walked over towards and empty table and placed my tray down. All I wanted was friends. Instead, I made four enemies and a friend who abandoned me. I played with my food for a while until I heard footsteps from behind me.

"Sorry I'm late, Y/N! I had to talk with Ms. Brooklyn!" Payton grinned. He didn't hesitate to take a seat beside me, which I gladly accepted.

"it's fine. I'm just glad you made it." I smiled broadly. It felt good to have a friend to eat with again.

"Me too. How are you liking Hurricane High so far?"

"Well, it's alright. You're my only friend but at least we got the skatepark." I playfully punched his arm.

"Y-yeah!" He nervously chuckled, but I noticed something was up.

"What's wrong..?" My grin slowly washed away as I noticed Payton's worried features.

"It's just that—that park is kinda run by people here, not very nice people." Payton sighed.

"What? Like the cartel?" I quirked a brow. Payton waved his hands defensively, his head shaking.

"No! Like kids from our school!" He panicked.

I rolled my eyes. "There's no way some teenagers control a whole park."

"They kinda do. Especially when one of their dad's owns a very famous establishment."

"You're confusing me..." Suddenly, Payton pointed to the four kids from earlier, and that's when everything clicked.

"Michael Afton. His father is William Afton, the owner of Freddy Fazbear's pizza. He basically gets away with whatever he wants. That's why he 'rules' the park." Payton explained, turning back towards me. I was in awe. Michael Afton really did have it all. Popularity, friends, financial support, a loving family...I began to feel jealous.

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